what factors influence basal energy requirements course hero

by Mark Smith 10 min read

Among factors which influences energy needs are age, sex, body size, climate, secretion of endocrine glands, status of health, altered physiological activity. Factors Affecting Total Energy Requirement in Body 1. Age

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What factors influence basal energy requirements?

Here are ten factors that affect BMR and metabolism:Here are ten factors that affect BMR and metabolism:Muscle mass. The amount of muscle tissue on your body. ... Age. As you get older, your metabolic rate generally slows. ... Body size. ... Gender. ... Genetics. ... Physical activity. ... Hormonal factors.More items...•

Which of the following factors influence basal metabolic rate?

There are many factors that affect the BMR. These include body temperature, age, sex, race, emotional state, climate and circulating levels of hormones like catecholamine's (epinephrine and norepinephrine) and those secreted by the thyroid gland.

What affects basal metabolic rate quizlet?

Gender and weight can affect basal metabolic rates. Basal metabolic rate is dependent upon age and genetics.

What are the three factors that account for daily energy needs?

Your metabolic rate or the amount of energy you expend daily is determined by three factors. These are your resting metabolic rate, the thermic effect of activity, and the thermic effect of the food you eat.

What are some factors that can influence an individual's BMR list at least 5?

What Can Affect Your Basal Metabolic Rate?Muscle Mass. As you increase muscle mass, your body uses up more energy to maintain its basic everyday functions, giving your BMR a well-deserved boost. ... Your Age. ... How Many Calories You Consume. ... Your State Of Mind. ... Your Genetics. ... Your Gender. ... Body Composition. ... Your Activity Level.

What factors do energy and nutrient requirements depend on?

Energy requirement depends on age, gender, body weight and activity level: e.g. a saleslady with 56 kg body weight, mostly standing during work, needs about 2000 kcal a day. Body weight is associated with energy balance. If energy intake is higher than energy expenditure, body weight will increase.

What are the factors affecting energy expenditure?

The main determinants of energy expenditure are body size and body composition, food intake and physical activity. Food intake and physical activity affect energy expenditure directly and indirectly, the latter through the effect of food intake and physical activity on body size and body composition.

What is basal energy expenditure?

Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE, also called basal metabolic rate, or BMR): This is the energy needed to carry out fundamental metabolic functions, such as breathing, ion transport, normal turnover of enzymes and other body components, etc.