what every physician needs to know about breastfeeding one-day course.

by Onie Kris 6 min read

What are the basics of breastfeeding?

 · List benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and children. Describe physiologic control of milk production. Describe hospital policies which support optimal breastfeeding. Promote skin-to-skin and assess infant positioning and latch. Evaluate and manage common infant and maternal complications. Provide a differential diagnosis of sore nipples and ...

Why choose a family physician for breastfeeding care?

1 Day Course. Our one-day provider course is geared for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, midwives, dentists, and providers-in-training. The course offers training in basic breastfeeding knowledge and skills that can be readily used in the clinical setting, to help manage the most common breastfeeding questions and problems that arise while caring for …

Where can I find information about breastfeeding and lactation for medical trainees?

 · If your baby is latching on correctly, and breastfeeding every two to three hours, your body should make enough breast milk. To be sure, you can keep an eye out for the signs that your baby is getting enough milk. Your baby should be: 10. Gaining weight steadily. Going through 6 to 8 wet diapers a day.

Was breastfeeding always the norm?

 · Two Tips for Diet and Breast Milk. There is an enzyme called lipase found in human milk that breaks down fats so your baby can digest them. Sometimes lipase is produced in excess and it causes your milk to have a strong odor or flavor. An excess of lipase isn’t dangerous for babies, but some will refuse to drink it.

What first time moms need to know about breastfeeding?

Tips for Breastfeeding a NewbornBreast milk comes in three stages.Getting "the latch" takes practice.Breastfeeding a newborn can be a full-time job.Finding the right position for you is ultra important.Get the support you need.A well-fed mama means a well-fed baby.Breastfeeding should not be painful.More items...•

What are the 5 true contraindications to breastfeeding?

Birth Defects.Breast Surgery.Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)Ebola Virus Disease.Food-borne and Waterborne Illness.Hepatitis B or C Infections.Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)HIV.More items...•

What is everything you need for breastfeeding?

To help you get started, we recommend adding breastfeeding basics like a breast pump, nipple cream and a nursing pillow to your registry. With so many different breastfeeding products on the market, though, how do you know which ones will be best for you and baby?

What are three recommendations for breastfeeding?

Eat a variety of foods at regular mealtimes and keep nutritious snacks on hand if you are hungry between meals. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, whole-grain breads and cereals, dairy products, and protein-rich meats, fish, poultry, and legumes. 2. Drink plenty of liquids each day.

What are the Ten Steps of Successful breastfeeding?

Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health care staff. ... Train all health care staff in skills necessary to implement this policy. ... Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding. ... Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within an hour of birth.More items...

Which mothers should not breastfeed?

Mothers infected with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I or type II should not breast feed their babies. Mothers who are taking illegal drugs like cocaine, PCP, heroin, marijuana etc. are not allowed to breastfeed their babies. This is because these agents can affect the baby and cause serious side effects.

What is the maximum age for breastfeeding?

2 yearsWHO also recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to 2 years of age or longer. Mothers should be encouraged to breastfeed their children for at least 1 year.

Which fruits help increase breast milk?

If you love eating fruits, then check out our list of delicious fruits that have amazing benefits for breastfeeding mummies.Green papaya. Yup, not just any papaya. ... Avocado. This superfood is great for many things, and breastfeeding is one of them. ... Strawberries. ... Bananas. ... Sapodilla (chiku) ... Blueberries. ... Rockmelon. ... Mango.More items...•

How long should a breastfeeding session be?

Most babies will vary the time between feedings and the length of time each feeding takes. The average amount of time a breastfeeding session takes can vary from about 10 minutes to about 45 minutes.

What is a good breastfeeding goal?

Your breastfeeding goal may be: I will do my best to provide my baby with as much breastmilk as I can for the first two weeks of her life. If I cannot provide her with 100% breastmilk, I will work hard to protect my milk supply while I call upon my support network to help make breastfeeding work.”

How many times a day should a baby breastfeed?

They should seem content and drowsy after feeding when they have had enough milk. Your baby will breastfeed about 8 to 12 times in 24 hours.

How often should a toddler breastfeed?

12 to 24 Months. The number of times a day a toddler breastfeeds varies. Some want to breastfeed only before bed or in the morning, while others continue to drink breast milk as a bigger portion of their daily diet. Continue to follow your child’s cues to decide when he or she is hungry and wants to breastfeed.

How often should a newborn eat?

Your newborn baby’s belly is tiny. He or she does not need a lot of milk with each feeding to be full. Your baby may want to eat as often as every 1 to 3 hours. Frequent feeding helps increase your milk supply and gives your baby practice at sucking and swallowing.

Why is frequent feeding important for babies?

Frequent feeding helps increase your milk supply and gives your baby practice at sucking and swallowing. You may be able to hear your baby sucking and swallowing the breast milk. Most babies who are getting breast milk should not be fed infant formula in the first few days.

How to wake a baby to feed?

This means you may need to wake your baby to feed. You can try patting, stroking, undressing, or changing the diaper to help wake your baby to feed. If you have concerns about how much your baby is sleeping or eating, talk to his or her doctor or nurse.

How long does it take for a baby to drink breast milk?

Your baby will gradually be able to drink more breast milk at each feeding. Over the first few weeks and months, the time between feedings will start to get longer— on average about every 2 to 4 hours for most exclusively breastfed. alert icon.

How often should a baby be fed?

babies. Some babies may feed as often as every hour at times, often called cluster feeding, or may have a longer sleep interval of 4 to 5 hours. How often your baby feeds might change depending on the time of day. Some feeding sessions may be long, and others short. That is okay.

When can you breastfeed a baby?

Breastfeeding changes as your baby grows. From the frequent every 2-hour nursing sessions during the newborn stage to breastfeeding along with solid foods at about six months to the occasional nursing sessions of a toddler or weaning child here are some of the stages of breastfeeding .

Can you recover from breastfeeding?

Recovering from childbirth while breastfeeding can be exhausting. If you have other children, it can be even harder. But to take care of your baby, you must take care of yourself, too. It's essential that you take the time to heal and rest.

Do you need to buy additional supplies for breastfeeding?

You don't have to buy any additional supplies, but some pregnant parents swear by them. There are certainly a variety of helpful breastfeeding products available. If your baby has trouble latching on, you can try breast shells or nipple shields.

How is breast milk produced?

Breast milk is produced based on supply and demand. Basically, the more frequently and effectively your baby breastfeeds, the more milk you'll make . 5 Your breast milk will go through three main stages in the first weeks of life: Days 0-5: During the first few days of breastfeeding, you'll mainly make colostrum.

How many stages of breast milk do you make?

Basically, the more frequently and effectively your baby breastfeeds, the more milk you'll make . 5 Your breast milk will go through three main stages in the first weeks of life: Days 0-5: During the first few days of breastfeeding, you'll mainly make colostrum.

What is it called when you release breast milk?

Then, a few minutes into the feeding, you may feel a release. This release of breast milk is called the let-down reflex or milk ejection. 8 The let-down reflex is also responsible for your leaking breasts when your baby cries or it's close to feeding time. It's a normal physiologic response.

Can you breastfeed after a C section?

For breastfeeding on the go, many people rely on a great nursing bra . If you have to deliver by cesarean section, you can still breastfeed. 10 Breastfeeding after a c-section may be a bit more challenging as your body heals, but it's definitely achievable and healthy for you and your baby.

Is breastfeeding a normal process?

The important thing to remember is that our bodies are meant to make milk, and even though every mother and baby have different experiences, breastfeeding is a completely normal process. Breastfeeding Timeline. Prepare for Breastfeeding Success. The First Week Of Breastfeeding. Establishing Success During the "4th Trimester".

Why is it important to eat while breastfeeding?

What You're Eating While Breastfeeding Matters. Nutrition for you is important during breastfeeding because your body is working hard to produce milk for the baby. You’re using a lot more calories than normal to make that milk and you want to make sure that you’re eating well and staying hydrated.

Do you need a breast pump after delivery?

Unless your baby is in need of expressed milk right after delivery, you won’t need your breast pump until you begin storing milk in preparation to return to work or using it while you are away from the baby. Don’t use it before delivery as it can cause you to go into labor prematurely.

Why is it important to have colostrum before milk?

This is enough for your baby before your milk comes in, because your baby’s stomach is the size of a cherry at birth.

Is it normal to have pain while breastfeeding?

Perfecting your baby’s latch doesn’t usually happen right away and it is important to remember that it may take some patience to establish. If you’re having pain while nursing, remember that pain is common but it isn’t normal.

Can you breastfeed a baby on demand?

Measuring the amount of milk your baby is getting is difficult during this time, but as long as your baby is healthy and growing, you don’t need to know exactly how many ounces are being consumed.

Why do new parents need to sleep?

Sleep is a big topic for new parents, because having a newborn can throw everything off. It is very likely that you aren’t sleeping as well as you were a before your baby arrived! Being overtired can amplify stress and cause emotions to run high, so try to stay grounded as you navigate life in a sleep-deprived state. Whether you are co-sleeping or putting your baby in a crib at night, you’re probably waking up frequently to breastfeed. During the first month, babies will have varying feeding habits. Some babies will sleep long stretches without waking to nurse and some want to nurse for hours at a time. As long as your baby is healthy, you shouldn’t worry about whether your baby is sticking to a “normal” routine.

Tina Benitez: Supporting WIC Families for 30 Years!

Tina Benitez has been helping mothers and babies breastfeed for the past 30 years.

Supporting lactation in the era of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a public health emergency. Many questions and concerns have been raised in regard to the impact of COVID-19 on infant feeding practices during the postpartum period.

Are we prepared? Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies

Over the past week, concerns related to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) have increased. The California Breastfeeding Coalition has been and will continue to closely monitor the rapidly changing situation.

Can breastfeeding education be integrated into a family physician's visit?

Family physicians have the unique opportunity to emphasize breastfeeding education beginning with precon ception visits and continuing through prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum care, and during ongoing care of the family.

What is the role of a family physician in breastfeeding?

Family Physicians and Breastfeeding Advocacy. Family physicians have many opportunities to advocate for and support breastfeeding because they care for all members of the family , and often the extended family, and practice in a variety of community settings.

Does AAFP support breastfeeding?

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has long supported breastfeeding. All family physicians, whether or not they provide maternity care, have a unique role in the promotion of breastfeeding. They understand the advantages of family-centered care and are well positioned to provide breastfeeding support in that context.

Did wet nurses have access to breastfeeding?

History. Throughout most of history, breastfeeding was the norm, with only a small number of infants not breastfed for a variety of reasons. In the distant past, wealthy women had access to wet nurses, but, with the industrial revolution, this practice declined, as wet nurses found higher-paying jobs.

Is breastfeeding a contraindication for HIV?

Medical contraindications to breastfeeding are rare. The CDC still discourages breastfeeding by HIV-positive women in the United States. 31 HIV-positive women in areas with high rates of infant diarrhea and respiratory illness are encouraged to breastfeed exclusively for six months.

Should a family physician advocate for breastfeeding?

Family physicians should establish a breastfeeding-friendly office, even if they do not provide maternity care. Family physicians should advocate for breastfeeding and provide education about breastfeeding throughout the course of life and for the entire family.

Is breastfeeding a lifestyle choice?

With all of the health advantages of breastfeeding for mothers and children, as well as its economic and ecological impacts, breastfeeding is a public health issue, not merely a lifestyle choice. Family physicians should work in their communities to advocate removal of barriers to breastfeeding.