what does urban ecology center water safety course entail

by Briana Predovic 6 min read

Water Safety Course All members interested in borrowing a canoe or kayak must attend a brief Water Safety Course at the Urban Ecology Center and pass a written Water Safety Test. The course can either be taken at our Riverside Park or Washington Park branch, and a course taken at either site certifies you to borrow a boat at both locations.

Full Answer

Why choose Urban Ecology Center summer camp?

Your child will love exploring nature with us! Help your child foster a deep connection to nature through hands-on adventures and healthy outdoor fun at an Urban Ecology Center Summer Camp! Campers look under logs, hike in the woods, climb trees, and build forts.

How will the Urban Ecology Center monitor the Milwaukee River?

Milwaukee River: Urban Ecology Center staff will be monitoring water conditions on the Milwaukee River throughout the summer. We consult the U.S. Geological Survey's real time data on water levels and close the Milwaukee River to lending when the water level exceeds 3 feet or 900 cubic feet per second.

What equipment do I need to use Urban Ecology Center watercraft?

Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) must be worn at all times in and around the water while using Urban Ecology Center watercraft. We highly recommend that helmets be worn by kayakers in rough or shallow water. Members must portage around all dams and waterfalls and should avoid rapids, especially south of the North Avenue dam.

Can I Borrow a watercraft at the Urban Ecology Center?

Please review the information below to learn more about borrowing watercraft at the Urban Ecology Center. The watercraft lending period at the Urban Ecology Center lasts from May through mid-October when water levels and temperatures are safe for paddling.

What does Urban Ecology Center do?

The Urban Ecology Center is a nonprofit organization in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Their mission is to educate the Milwaukee community about the environment, conservation, sustainability, and other issues related to urban ecology, as well as to preserve and protect the natural areas in the city.

Whats easier canoe or kayak?

Because of the common inclination to canoe without training, many beginners find canoeing more difficult than kayaking. In reality, however, both kayaks and canoes require training and experience. A kayaker will need the skills to keep the craft afloat when winds and waves become rough.

Can you kayak on the Milwaukee River?

Canoes and kayaks are, without a doubt, the most popular items in our equipment lending program. Every weekend throughout the summer months, our boat racks are completely empty, as our members enjoy paddling up and down the Milwaukee River and all throughout our community.

Where should the heavier person sit in a canoe?

Sitting in the Stern (Back) of the Canoe The back of the canoe is where the steering takes place. For this reason, the more experienced paddler, or more coordinated person, should be in the stern of the canoe. When there are only two canoeists, it is also better to have the heavier person in the back of the canoe.

Can older people kayak?

Kayaking is a perfect non-snow season sport for seniors. Outdoors, exercise, skill, and cool equipment combine to make an attractive sport. Kayak touring is one of the best recreational activities for seniors.

How deep is the water in the Milwaukee River?

River Summary This is also the deepest point on the Milwaukee River, with a gauge stage of 10.19 ft. This river is monitored from 3 different streamgauging stations along the Milwaukee River, the highest being perched at an elevation of 672 ft, the Milwaukee River Near Cedarburg .

Where can I launch my kayak in Milwaukee River?

One of the best places to launch your kayak or canoe is the new Kiwanis Landing Boat Launch near the River Revitalization Foundation offices located on the Milwaukee River near the Humboldt Street bridge. This is very close to the old North Avenue dam. Closest intersection is Humboldt Avenue and Riverboat Road.

Can you boat on the Milwaukee River?

Even if you don't have your own boat, you can still enjoy floating down the Milwaukee River the way us poors do it: by rental. The Milwaukee River Cruise Line offers private pontoon rentals from May through October, with options for two-hour, four-hour, and eight-hour rentals every day of the week.