what does turns and kv mean on electric rc short course cars

by Dr. Norval Ziemann II 5 min read

This post will discuss what the RC car motor turns and KV mean. What do the turns mean on RC Motors The number of turns refers to the number times a wire is wrapped around an electric motor’s coils. The higher the turn count, the more likely it will be slower because more wire makes for a stronger magnetic field and draws less current.

Turns are how many times the wire is wrapped around the armature. The fewer turns usually the higher KV is. The KV is the number of revolutions or equates to RPM.Jul 20, 2015

Full Answer

What does kV mean in RC cars?

Note that Kv refers to an “unloaded” motor, spinning freely. Once installed in a vehicle and pushing four or more pounds of RC car, the motor’s RPM will be much less. But a higher Kv motor will always spin faster than a lower Kv motor at the same voltage.

What is the difference between kV and turns?

17.5T means ~2,200 RPM 21.5T means ~1,800 RPM So Kv and Turns are essentially the same: both are parameters for the motor. First you have to find out what you want.

What is a motor’s Kv rating in turns?

This little chart helps you gauge what your motor’s kV rating is in Turns and vice versa. The lower the Turns (or higher the kV), the more powerful you motor will be. There are, of course, other factors into the speed of your car (battery count, gearing, etc), but this should give you a basic idea when comparing the two types of motor designations.

What is the meaning of “turns” in electric motor?

Turns refers to the number of times the copper wire has actually been revolved around the armature. The higher the number of turns greater is the torque generated and hence greater is the power delivered. However that also means less RPM rating for your rc car electric motor. Generally less turns are preferred for making the rc car run faster.

What does turns mean in RC Motors?

The number of turns indicates how much wire is wrapped inside the motor. A higher turn number means more wire and thus more resistance, resulting in a slower motor. So turns with a lower number means a faster motor.

What does Kv mean on RC cars?

Featured News. Depending on the motor manufacturer in question, a motor's power level will be indicated by either its number of “turns” (which refers to the amount of wire used to construct the motor) or a “Kv rating,” which refers to how many RPM the motor makes for each volt of electricity the motor receives.

What does 12t mean on RC Motors?

A 12 turn motor will be tons faster and will drain a battery faster . Just as he said. a twelve turn motor will have more RPM, less torque, and draw more current. The number or turns refers toi the number of times the wire is warpped around your armature in the motor.

What is the Kv on a brushless RC motor?

Theoreticly KV represents the speed at which the motor rotates for every volt applied to the motor. For example, if we used 4s (14.8V) to power 2300Kv motor, the maximum number of motor rotations would be approximately 2300x14.

Does higher kV mean faster?

The kV rating is the RPM of the motor with no load, not the kilo-volt. A motor that has a higher kV will have more top end speed, but not as much Torque. A motor with a lower kV will have more power and will accelerate faster.

Is higher kV better for RC car?

The higher the kV the faster top speed but with slower acceleration. The lower the kV the faster the acceleration but slower top speed. I would get the 3800kV motor in the middle to get a balance between both.

What is Kv electric motor?

What is the Kv rating of an electric motor? Answer: “Kv” refers to the constant velocity of a motor (not to be confused with “kV,” the abbreviation for kilovolt). It is measured by the number of revolutions per minute (rpm) that a motor turns when 1V (one volt) is applied with no load attached to that motor.

How do I choose a Kv RC motor?

If a kv rating is used, then you need to choose a motor with a lower kv value than the limit. Other ESC related factors to take into consideration include the size of the ESC, making sure it fits properly into your car.

How do I choose a Kv motor?

Choosing the correct KV is very important, it's critical for the motor operation and high motor performance which is critical for the project. There are few things that determine the top speed: Battery voltage, gear ratio (if any), wheel size ( if any) and the motor KV.

How many turns is a 3300kV motor?

3300kV is closer to 13.5 in most situations, apples for apples. Another big diff in motor kv ratings - some test motor kv unloaded and some test with the motors loaded and not all of them will tell you which method you're looking at.

How many turns is a Velineon 3500?

The Velineon 3500 motor is a 10-turn, 3500 kV motor optimized for the best speed and efficiency in lightweight 1/10 scale models.

How do you convert Kv into turns?

Fundamentally there is NO conversion. It is two entirely independent ways of rating a motor. Turns are strictly the construction. KV is an indicator of the no-load performance.

What is the KV of a motor?

Well, it is related to the power out from a motor. Kv describes the RPM (revolutions per minute) a motor does per Volt that is put into it. Generally speaking the more Kv a motor has, the more RPM and more power. For example, a 9000Kv motor would be faster than a 2200Kv motor.

What does the number of turns mean on a motor?

The number of turns indicates how much wire is wrapped inside the motor. A higher turn number means more wire and thus more resistance, resulting in a slower motor. So turns with a lower number means a faster motor. The turn rating is inversely proportional to the power generated by the motor.

What motor do crawlers use?

Crawlers would usually use a high T-rating motors, while touring cars and drift cars would go with low T- rating motors. Below gives you a general idea of the amount of Turns being generated to RPM: So Kv and Turns are essentially the same: both are parameters for the motor. First you have to find out what you want.

Is a 4.5T motor faster than a 21.5T motor?

Put simply, a 4.5T motor is faster than a 21.5T motor. Now you need to make sure you choose the right Turn rating for your car. Lower T values, like 4.5T, will results in a much faster car, as the torque is lower but the Kv will be higher. Higher T values, like 27T, will be a higher torque, lower Kv motor.

What is the KV of a motor?

Well, it is related to the power out from a motor. Kv describes the RPM (revolutions per minute) a motor does per Volt that is put into it. Generally speaking the more Kv a motor has, the more RPM and more power. For example, a 9000Kv motor would be faster than a 2200Kv motor.

What does higher turn number mean?

A higher turn number means more wire and thus more resistance, resulting in a slower motor. So turns with a lower number means a faster motor. The turn rating is inversely proportional to the power generated by the motor. Put simply, a 4.5T motor is faster than a 21.5T motor.

What motor do crawlers use?

Crawlers would usually use a high T-rating motors, while touring cars and drift cars would go with low T- rating motors. Below gives you a general idea of the amount of Turns being generated to RPM: So Kv and Turns are essentially the same: both are parameters for the motor. First you have to find out what you want.

Is a 9000 kV motor faster than a 2200 kV motor?

For example, a 9000Kv motor would be faster than a 2200Kv motor. If Kv is like horsepower, then Turns is the physical attribute of a motor. The number of turns indicates how much wire is wrapped inside the motor. A higher turn number means more wire and thus more resistance, resulting in a slower motor. So turns with a lower number means ...

What does KV mean in motors?

Well, it is related to the power out from a motor. Kv describes the RPM (revolutions per minute) a motor does per Volt that is put into it. Generally speaking the more Kv a motor has, the more RPM and more power. For example, a 9000Kv motor would be faster than a 2200Kv motor. If Kv is like horsepower, then Turns is the physical attribute ...

What does the number of turns mean on a motor?

The number of turns indicates how much wire is wrapped inside the motor. A higher turn number means more wire and thus more resistance, resulting in a slower motor. So turns with a lower number means a faster motor. The turn rating is inversely proportional to the power generated by the motor.

What is 8.5T in motor?

8.5T means 5000 RPM. 10.5T means 4,200 RPM. 13.5T means 3,300 RPM. 17.5T means 2,200 RPM. 21.5T means 1,800 RPM. So Kv and Turns are essentially the same: both are parameters for the motor. First you have to find out what you want.

What motor do crawlers use?

Crawlers would usually use a high T-rating motors, while touring cars and drift cars would go with low T- rating motors. Below gives you a general idea of the amount of Turns being generated to RPM: So Kv and Turns are essentially the same: both are parameters for the motor. First you have to find out what you want.

Is a 4.5T motor faster than a 21.5T motor?

Put simply, a 4.5T motor is faster than a 21.5T motor. Now you need to make sure you choose the right Turn rating for your car. Lower T values, like 4.5T, will results in a much faster car, as the torque is lower but the Kv will be higher. Higher T values, like 27T, will be a higher torque, lower Kv motor.

How to tell if a motor is a KV?

Depending on the motor manufacturer in question, a motor’s power level will be indicated by either its number of “turns” (which refers to the amount of wire used to construct the motor) or a “Kv rating,” which refers to how many RPM the motor makes for each volt of electricity the motor receives. Let’s consider each individually.

What does higher RPM mean?

And as always, speed comes with a price—higher RPM means shorter battery life. Note that Kv refers to an “unloaded” motor, spinning freely. Once installed in a vehicle and pushing four or more pounds of RC car, the motor’s RPM will be much less.

Does a higher KV motor spin faster?

But a higher Kv motor will always spin faster than a lower Kv motor at the same voltage. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer.