The four different learning preferences discussed in this chapter are THINKING, DOING, FEELING, and ENGAGING. Most college instructors place critical thinking high on the list of skills they want their students to master.
There are three components in a logical argument: (1) reasons, (2) evidence, and (3) conclusions.
Which statement below best describes the ways Victims and Creators use their energy in any situation? Victims use all their energy in judging themselves or others, while Creators use their energy to solve the problem.
Success is staying on course to your desired outcomes and experiences, creating wisdom, happiness, and unconditional self-worth along the way.
Someone with critical thinking skills can:Understand the links between ideas.Determine the importance and relevance of arguments and ideas.Recognise, build and appraise arguments.Identify inconsistencies and errors in reasoning.Approach problems in a consistent and systematic way.More items...
Understanding how others feel about us is the foundation of emotional intelligence and is fundamental to effective decision making. Emotional self-management helps you empathetically notice and offer comfort when someone else is consumed by anxiety or sadness.
A Victim mindset keeps people from seeing and acting on choices that could help them achieve the life they want. A Creator mindset causes people to see multiple options, choose wisely among them, and take effective actions to achieve the life they want.
The fundamental difference between the victim mindset and the creator/innovator mindset is where they place their attention. For victims the focus is on what they don't want. Problems constantly preoccupy their lives and they fear the loss of control or loss of purpose. Creators place their focus on what they do want.
People keep doing what they've been doing even when it doesn't work, they are acting as victims.
What are the 3 principles of deep and lasting learning? Prior Learning - The contribution of past learning to new learning. Quality of processing - Using deep processing learning strategies. Quantity of processing - Distributed and frequent practicing of the deep processing strategies.