what does success follows a predictable course mean

by Sebastian O'Kon 3 min read

success follows a predictable course meaning provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. With a team of extremely dedicated and quality lecturers, success follows a predictable course meaning will not only be a place to share knowledge but also to help students get inspired to explore and discover many creative ideas from themselves.

Full Answer

What is the author's viewpoint with the story of success in Outliers?

Explain the author's viewpoint regarding "The Story of Success". The story of success is something we've all heard before: some humble, underdog character works hard and never gives up. They rise from nothing into stardom, and become famous and the best at whatever they were doing.

What does Malcolm Gladwell mean by the term outlier?

Focusing on outliers, defined by Gladwell as people who do not fit into our normal understanding of achievement, Outliers deals with exceptional people, especially those who are smart, rich, and successful, and those who operate at the extreme outer edge of what is statistically plausible.

How can I be successful by Malcolm Gladwell?

“Hard work is what makes risk-taking possible. You can't do one without the other,” he says. “The only way you overcome the obstacles associated with risk-taking is if you put your nose to the grindstone.” If you are able to put in this kind of hard work and take bold risks, your chances of success are high, he says.

What is the main point of the book Outliers?

Outliers Summary. 1-Sentence-Summary: Outliers explains why “the self-made man” is a myth and what truly lies behind the success of the best people in their field, which is often a series of lucky events, rare opportunities and other external factors, which are out of our control.