what does publishing a course mean canvas

by Maiya Kemmer 8 min read

Publishing your course in Canvas You need to publish your course before your students can access it. You can do this by clicking the Publish button on your Canvas course Home Page. When it shows like the screenshot below, it means your course is published.

Publishing a course is a course permission. If you cannot publish your course, your institution has restricted this feature. Publishing your course will send invitations to any users who were manually added to your course.

Full Answer

How do I publish a canvas course?

Jul 20, 2020 · Publishing a course is a course permission. If you cannot publish your course, your institution has restricted this feature. Publishing your course will send invitations to any users who were manually added to your course. Users added via SIS import will not receive an invitation.

How do instructors determine when students can access canvas courses?

Apr 29, 2019 · Any material that is unpublished in your canvas course will not be visible to your students. So, to identify whether something is published, look to the right of the content item’s name where you’ll see either a Green Check Mark icon, meaning the item is published, or a Circle and Slash icon, which means that the item is unpublished.

How do I publish a course or section?

There are three publishing states for Canvas: Unpublished (default) - The course is inactive and students will not be able to view it. Published – Your course is available for students to view. Concluded - We do not recommend that you conclude your course. Concluding a course archives the course material and creates a "read-only" state for both instructors and students.

What happens when a canvas course ends?

When it shows like the screenshot below, it means your course is published. Please note that this may not show your course right away. By default, courses are available between the Canvas Access Dates for the listed term. You can modify the dates to give students early access to Canvas ( how-to link ), or extend their access once the course is over ( how-to link ).

What happens when you publish a canvas course?

Your course must be published before students can access it. Once a course has been published and a student submission has been graded, the course can no longer be unpublished. See this guide on how to publish a course.

What does published mean in canvas?

What does Publish mean? Publish is the way Canvas allows you to make your course available to students. Students will not see your course until it is Published.

How do I know if a course is published in canvas?

From the Dashboard Unpublished courses will display under heading called unpublished courses. Click the Publish button to publish the course. Once the course is published, it will display under the heading Published.

Can students see unpublished courses canvas?

When first created, Canvas courses are not published, meaning that they are unavailable for students to view. Instructors can utilize the time when a course is initially not published to set up their course for the semester.Nov 18, 2021

What does it mean when a course is not published on Canvas?

Look for the course(s) that do(es) not appear on your dashboard, and under the "Published" column, see if it says "Yes" or "No." If it says "No," that means your professor has not published the course yet.

How do I publish on Canvas?

0:422:26How To Publish Your Course Materials in Canvas - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou can just click the icon to publish it do note that once you've published a quiz and there's anyMoreYou can just click the icon to publish it do note that once you've published a quiz and there's any answer submission data associated with that quiz. You then are no longer able to unpublish the quiz.

Can a TA publish a course in canvas?

TA (Teaching Assistant) Limitations: TAs cannot add other Teachers or TAs into the course, nor publish the course.

How do I publish an unpublished course in Canvas?

How do I Publish (or Unpublish) my Canvas Course Site?To Publish a Canvas Course site, go to the course site Home page.Under Course Status, click Publish. When you Publish the couse site, you will need to select a Home Page for the course.Select a Home Page, then click Choose and Publish.

How do I view an unpublished Canvas course?

Unpublished assignments are not visible to students.Open Grades. In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.Show Unpublished Assignments. Click the View menu [1] and click the Unpublished Assignments link [2].View Unpublished Assignment. View the unpublished assignment column. ... Hide Unpublished Assignment.

Publishing your Canvas Content and Setting Course Availability

You’ve migrated your course completely, checked all your assignment settings, created your custom grading scheme, and are ready to begin your first semester as a Canvas instructor! When you reach this point, don’t forget the most important final step: publishing your course to make sure that students can access it.

The Difference between Published and Unpublished

Once all of your content is created and organized in the Modules Tab, you need to be sure that it is all correctly published in order to start your courses off successfully! Any material that is unpublished in your canvas course will not be visible to your students.

Which Content Should be Published?

Within Canvas, publishing needs to happen on several levels: individual content, complete modules, and the whole course. Make sure all of the following items are set to be published for your students so that everything that you want them to see will be visible on the first day of classes:

Setting your Course Availability

In addition to publishing your course, you can also adjust the set start and end dates of your course if you would like your students to be able to access it before or after the official session dates. Default course start and end dates reflect what is set in the course catalog within myFSCJ.


If you have any questions about publishing your course or setting your course availability, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We’ll be happy to help you publish your course if needed!
