what does occupational course work mean

by Ms. Talia Cartwright MD 4 min read

Occupational studies degrees are the applied equivalent of a degree in liberal arts. They incorporate courses from many disciplines and allow students to configure a degree program that provides an academic backdrop to start a career of their choice.

Occupational Course of Study (OCS) Overview. The Occupational Course of Study is focused on building skills necessary for students to enter the world of work upon graduation. A standards-based curriculum with a vocational focus is used which includes academics and work experiences.

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What is an occupational education class?

The state board of education defines it, in part, thusly, ” Occupational Education classes (usually, but not always, Career and Technical Education (C TE) classes) give students a chance to sample instructional programs within areas of their interest and particular career pathways of their choice.

What is the definition of occupational in medical terms?

Definition of occupational 1 : of or relating to a job or occupation occupational choices occupational training/skills occupational safety Physiatrists commonly treat back and neck pain and other musculoskeletal problems, including sports injuries and occupational problems like repetitive stress injury.

What are Occupational Studies degrees?

That’s where occupational studies degrees come into play. Occupational studies degrees are the applied equivalent of a degree in liberal arts. They incorporate courses from many disciplines and allow students to configure a degree program that provides an academic backdrop to start a career of their choice.

What is the medical definition of occupational hazard?

1 : of or relating to a job or occupation occupational choices occupational training/skills occupational safety Physiatrists commonly treat back and neck pain and other musculoskeletal problems, including sports injuries and occupational problems like repetitive stress injury.— C. Claiborne Ray — see also occupational hazard.

What is occupational course of study NC?

The Occupational Course of Study (OCS) is one of two courses of study a student with disabilities may complete to graduate with a high school diploma in North Carolina. The revision to the previous OCS is an outgrowth of North Carolina's federally funded Systems Change Transition Project.

What is education and occupation?

Occupational education means any education designed to facilitate the vocational, technical, CAREER AND TECHNICAL or occupational development of individual persons, including, but not limited to, vocational or technical CAREER AND TECHNICAL training or retraining which THAT is given in schools or classes, including ...

How many credits do you need to graduate high school NC?

22 totalWhile the plan can vary slightly with local requirements, all students in North Carolina must achieve 22 total credits to graduate. For the Future Ready Core, this includes 4 English credits, 4 math credits, 3 science credits, 4 social studies credits, 1 physical education credit, and 6 elective credits.

What kind of occupation is teaching?

Teaching as a profession is not only limited to teaching in universities/ institutions. You can also get a job as a Subject Matter Expert. (SMEs are experts in a particular discipline and hold a master's or even higher degree qualification in their area of specialization.)

What kind of occupation is a teacher?

Education and Teaching CareersOccupationEducation (Entry level)Median PayTeacher AssistantsSome college$23,640Teachers—adult literacy and remedial educationBachelor's degree$48,590Teachers—postsecondaryMaster's/Ph.D.$68,970Teachers—preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondaryBachelor's degree$53,0903 more rows

Do homeschoolers get a diploma or GED?

Students who are homeschooled through an umbrella school or correspondence program will generally receive a diploma from that institution. Similarly, students who are educated at home through a virtual charter school or online public school are granted diplomas through those programs.

How can I get a high school diploma without going to school?

You can take one of two national tests – the High School Equivalency Exam or the GED – instead of completing coursework. If you pass one of these tests, you will get the equivalent of a diploma.

How can I graduate high school early?

To graduate early from high school, students need to gain the support of their high school counselor, and the process often also requires the support of a school administrator and the student's parent or guardian. The student will likely need to create a plan for life after graduation from high school.

What is occupational studies degree?

Occupational studies degrees are typically available at the associate’s and bachelor’s levels. They’re meant to fill gaps in job-centered training that may not be directly catered to by other degrees, blending rigorous liberal arts and sciences coursework with coursework centered around a particular occupation.

What is occupational therapy masters?

Occupational therapy is an interdisciplinary study of how to rehabilitate individuals with an aim on job and life skills.

How long does it take to get an associates in occupational studies?

For students interested in an associate’s in occupational studies, they should expect to spend 1.5-2 years in pursuit of their degree program. Students will likely begin their education by taking general education courses. These courses typically cover a wide range of following topics: Liberal Arts. Social Sciences.

Do you need an advanced degree to get a job?

For students looking for immediately applicable job skills, the range of liberal arts, social sciences, and degree subjects that require an advanced degrees to find a job can seem beside the point. And for some students, they know precisely the job they want and the skills they need to get there. That’s where occupational studies degrees come ...

What does "occupation" mean in a job?

While the word "occupation" usually means a job or profession, it can also refer to everyday activities that let us live independently and bring meaning to our lives. Taking part in meaningful activities can have a positive influence on your health and overall wellbeing.

How long does it take to become an occupational therapist?

Some may also have a doctorate. A Master's degree takes two to three years to finish, and a doctoral degree about 3.5 years.

Why do you need an occupational therapist?

There are many reasons to see occupational therapists. If a health condition, accident, injury, or disease has made it hard for you to take part in daily activities, occupational therapy may help you recover and maintain skills for everyday life.
