what does no course articulated

by Gerson Leffler 5 min read

What does “No Course Articulated” mean? If assist.org displays “No Course Articulated” for one of your university's major requirements, this means that BCC does not offer any course that the university sees as equal to that specific requirement.

What is an articulated course?

An articulated course is a course at one college (in this case Delta College) that will fulfill a subject matter requirement at another college (University Y). The course content of the articulated course has been reviewed by the two institutions who have determined that the courses are comparable.

Are all articulated courses transferable?

Articulated Courses. Except for a handful of special cases, all articulated courses must first be transferable. It is important to remember, however, that not all transferable courses are articulated in major or general education, but rather the courses would transfer as elective units.

Do all university campuses provide articulation with every college?

Not all university campuses provide articulation with every college or for all of their majors or departments. Many university campuses concentrate on their primary feeder colleges and their most popular transfer majors. This does not mean that students cannot transfer.

What is an articulation agreement?

Articulation, for our purposes, refers specifically to course articulation–that is, the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) on a “sending” campus that are comparable to, or acceptable in lieu of specific course requirements at a “receiving” campus.

What does it mean for a course to be articulated?

An articulated course is a course taken at one college or university that can be used to satisfy subject matter requirements (major or general education) at another institution.

What does articulation mean in college?

Articulation is the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) from a "sending" campus that are comparable to, or acceptable in lieu of specific course requirements at a "receiving" campus.

What is an articulated transcript?

Articulation is a process that allows a student to receive a letter grade, along with the unit value of the course, on their college transcript for high school courses. The credit actually appears on a student's college transcript with the same letter grade they received in their high school class.

What is articulated college credit?

Articulated Credit is a way to start a college technical major in high school. In an Articulated Credit program, you begin your course of study in high school and continue at community or technical college. The result is a certificate or associate's degree in a career field.

What is articulation studies?

Articulation, or more specifically course articulation, is the process of comparing the content of courses that are transferred between postsecondary institutions such as TAFE institutes, colleges or universities.

What is articulation approval?

The University defines 'articulation agreements' as: A process whereby all students who satisfy academic criteria on one programme are. automatically entitled (on academic grounds) to be admitted with advanced standing to a. subsequent stage of a programme of a degree-awarding body.

What is a another word for articulation?

In this page you can discover 40 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for articulation, like: union, enunciation, vocalization, unification, elaboration, utterance, laryngeal, coupling, junction, connection and joint.

Why would using an articulation agreement benefit you?

Articulation agreements between schools help students navigate the pitfalls to ensure an easier, more successful transition. If you were to ask any admissions counsellor or community college administrator what an articulation agreement is, they wouldn't hesitate to tell you.

What is articulation to BSC?

– A National Senior Certificate or equivalent with an endorsement for admission to a Degree, with a pass in Maths and one Science subject – Student who have passed RGIT HCIT/HCSE or an equivalent level 5 in the field of Information Technology.

How do transfer agreements work?

Transfer agreements usually narrow the range of course options by providing a checklist - or sequence of what courses should be taken to satisfy degree requirements while attending a community college or online school. From another sense, transfer agreements simplify the complexity of determining what courses to take.

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What is articulation in education?

Articulation, for our purposes, refers specifically to course articulation–that is, the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) ...

What is an articulation agreement?

An agreement that courses or sequences of courses at one institution will be accepted in fulfillment of curricular requirements at another institution. Articulation agreements are referred to and processed and approved by the AO.

What is articulated course?

An articulated course is a course at one college (in this case Delta College) that will fulfill a subject matter requirement at another college (University Y). The course content of the articulated course has been reviewed by the two institutions who have determined that the courses are comparable. This means that the articulated course can be taken at Delta College and will be used "in lieu of" the comparable course at the transfer college. The articulated course will satisfy a specific major preparation or general education requirement at the transfer college. For example, a student takes Math 1 at a community college. Math 1 at the community college has been articulated (determined to be comparable) with Math 14 at the transfer college. Math 1 at the Community College can safely be taken and will be used to satisfy the subject matter requirement that would have been fulfilled had the student taken math 14 at the transfer college. Importantly, the student and the instructor at the receiving institution can be sure that the student is fully prepared for a course at the next level because the student has successfully completed the articulated course.

What is a non-articulated transferable course?

A non-articulated transferable course will only be used for transfer credit at the transfer college. This type of transferable course does not satisfy any subject requirement and can only be used for unit or elective credit.

What is an articulated course?

An articulated course is a course taken at one college or university that can be used to satisfy subject matter requirements (major or general education) at another institution. Except for a handful of special cases, all articulated courses must first be transferable.

What is transferable course?

A transferable course is a course taken at one college or university that can be used for unit credit at another institution. This does not indicate how the course can be used to fulfill a subject matter requirement at a university campus.

What is assist in college?

Students may use ASSIST to verify the articulated agreements between two institutions. To use ASSIST to see if a course is articulated: Choose either the college or the university campus on the first screen.

What is the purpose of articulation?

The purpose of articulation is to facilitate the successful transfer of students from a community college (Moorpark College) to a four-year institution.

What is an articulation agreement?

An articulation agreement, sometimes referred to as transfer course agreement, is an agreement with a four-year institution that specifies which Moorpark College courses may be transferred to meet general education, elective, or/and major requirements.

What is the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses)

Articulation is the process of developing a formal, written agreement that identifies courses (or sequences of courses) from a "sending" campus that are comparable to, or acceptable in lieu of specific course requirements at a "receiving" campus.
