what does knocked off course mean metaphorically

by Adolfo Gislason Sr. 6 min read

"Knock off course" applies to objects that are moving in some desired direction, but not being constantly controlled. For example: The enemy fired a missile aimed at the city, but the city's defensive missiles knocked it off course. It fell in sparsely populated countryside.

If you are headed in a particular direction in a small boat and something forcibly pushes you off your course ("path"), such as a strong wind and big waves—you've been knocked off course. The phrase can be used literally or metaphorically.Jan 3, 2015

Full Answer

What does it mean to be knocked off a course?

In this context "knocked off" means to cause deviation from the intended course. For example, the rocket was knocked off its intended trajectory causing it to miss the moon. So, in the example, by suffering this wound, the "we" are not following their intended life plans.

What does it mean when someone says off course?

off course. adjective. The definition of off course is someone or something that is lost or confused. An example of off course is a mountain lion wandering around a shopping area. An example of off course is someone driving around in circles.

What does knock off mean?

knock·​off | \ ˈnäk-ˌȯf \. (Entry 1 of 2) : a copy that sells for less than the original broadly : a copy or imitation of someone or something popular.

What does we were knocked off our intended trajectory mean?

Thank you in advance. In this context "knocked off" means to cause deviation from the intended course. For example, the rocket was knocked off its intended trajectory causing it to miss the moon. So, in the example, by suffering this wound, the "we" are not following their intended life plans.

What is the definition of off course?

Definition of 'on course/off course' If it is off course, it is no longer traveling along the correct route.

Is it of course or off course?

Of course is an informal way of saying 'yes' or to give someone permission to do something. Student: Can I have some extra homework? Me: Of course you can. Off course is used when a vehicle doesn't follow a planned, or intended, route.

What is another word for off course?

Similar words for offcourse: disoriented (adjective) lost (adjective) off-center (adjective) off-course (adjective)

Is saying of course rude?

'Of course' is a dangerous phrase because it can be polite or it can be rude.

What does it mean to be knocked off a path?

To be knocked off a path or trajectory means to be bumped by something large enough to cause a Newtonian reaction. The phrase can be used literally or figuratively.

What does "knock off" mean?

To knock something off somewhere/some path: motion is disturbed, either literally ( a cat knocks the cup off the shelf or asteroid knocked off path) or figuratively ( the delivery has been knocked off its schedule)

What does it mean when a rocket is knocked off its intended trajectory?

In this context "knocked off" means to cause deviation from the intended course . For example, the rocket was knocked off its intended trajectory causing it to miss the moon. So, in the example, by suffering this wound, the "we" are not following their intended life plans.

How can a student be knocked off her career path?

A student can be knocked off her career path by getting ill and having to miss a semester. figurative

What does "off" mean in a map?

The "off" refers to the "trajectory" similar to being "off course" as in not following the intended route.

What does "off course" mean?

The definition of off course is someone or something that is lost or confused. An example of off course is a mountain lion wandering around a shopping area. An example of off course is someone driving around in circles. adjective.

Can bras be off course?

Bras demand such a concise construction that even being a minute centimeter off course can cause your product to be uncomfortable and useless .

How to make sure hidden meanings don't knock you off course?

To make sure that hidden meanings don’t knock you off course, you need to quality check and where appropriate, update your thinking. Here are three steps to get you started.

How to trigger proof yourself?

To trigger-proof yourself you need to quality check the meanings you’ve previously associated to words or experiences. To do that, stay alert to any sudden emotional shifts. Any trigger now becomes an opportunity to inquire into hidden meanings and potentially make a blind-spot visible.

What does the Bible say about knocking?

What the Bible says about Knocking as Metaphor. ( From Forerunner Commentary ) Luke 11:6. Ask means requesting something of another, often a superior. Seek means to endeavor to find a thing, to try to gain it, to strive after it with earnestness and zeal. Knock is a request for admission when the way is closed.

What does it mean to knock on doors?

Knocking on doors to gain entrance. This means being persistent, persevering and occasionally ingenious. This process signifies that if we want answers, we must seek them with earnestness, diligence, and perseverance, or put another way, that we seek them with a proper attitude of humility, sincerity, and persistence.

Why do we not have to force God to give?

We do not have to force Him into giving because He never gives reluctantly; giving is a major part of His nature. Although God is generous, we should pray perseveringly as David did, not being afraid to ask repeatedly according to His will ( Psalm 86:1-7, 15-17).

What does Luke 11 teach us?

Luke 11 teaches that one need not beg God for His Holy Spirit. He will give it to us generously, all that we need, to get us through every single day. He will anoint us with it!

Does knocking once indicate perseverance?

Knocking once does not indicate perseverance, but "continued" knocking does. God often answers us after long and persevering requests. He hears prayers and grants blessings long after they appear to be unanswered or withheld. He does not promise to give blessings immediately.