what does it mean when my fvs course says contact instructor

by Prof. Dorian Morar DDS 9 min read

CI (Contact Instructor) – Student's course access has been temporarily disabled until student contacts teacher by phone.

How do I contact the FVS staff?

If you have questions about any of these courses, please contact the FVS Staff by e-mail: [email protected]. What is FVS?

What type of training does the FVS staff offer?

The FVS Staff of the Forest Management Service Center offers many types of training including self -paced training, instructor-led Training, and web-based training. We provide self-paced training, including tutorials, exercise guides, and videos. The tutorials are a great way to learn the model or brush up on certain topics.

How do I get verified as a student on FLVS?

How do you get verified on Flvs? Parents must verify a student's course request once a selection is made. To verify a request, log into your account and go to the student dashboard page. Click on the green checkmark next to the red “X” icon on the right-hand side of the page to complete the parent/guardian enrollment verification.

How long does it take to get assigned a classroom on FLVS?

How long does it take to get assigned a classroom on Flvs? Once the student's preferred start date has arrived, students can expect to be placed in their course within just a few days, although the process can, in rare instances take longer. We recommend checking your student dashboard once per day to monitor your placement status.

How long does it take to get assigned a classroom on FLVS?

Students will be placed in their requested courses as soon as possible, in most cases, within 72 hours after completing registration and required approvals. Occasionally placement may take longer due to high enrollment, during these times we strive to place students within 14 days of your selected preferred start date.

How does FLVS Know Your Cheating?

The FLVS Learning Management System is now integrated with Turnitin.com and most work is automatically uploaded to the system. This database compares students' work against other students' work, as well as work found on the internet.

How do I verify a course on FLVS?

Parents must verify a student's course request once a selection is made. To verify a request, log into your account and go to the student dashboard page. Click on the green checkmark next to the red “X” icon on the right-hand side of the page to complete the parent/guardian enrollment verification.

What is the grace period for FLVS?

In order to receive a partial refund, a parent or guardian must send written request of withdrawal to Global School at [email protected] within the grace period. The grace period is defined as 14 days active or less than 15% complete, whichever occurs first.

What does contact instructor mean on FLVS?

CI (Contact Instructor) – Student's course access has been temporarily disabled until student contacts teacher by phone.

Are FLVS exams proctored?

All students agree to take a proctored exam when they register to take our courses. Every student is unique, so learning should be dynamic, flexible and engaging.

Does FLVS affect GPA?

However, as a Home Education student, the parent is the school administrator and will be the one to calculate the GPA. As FLVS Flex is the curriculum provider, we do not calculate GPA....The 411 on the 4.0.CourseSemester Grade (.5 credit)GPAHistory95 – A4.04 more rows•Oct 2, 2019

How do you beat FLVS fast?

Tips for Finishing Your Classes FasterChoose Easy Classes.Examine Your Pace Chart.The pace chart is one of the first pieces of information that you're required to look over when you're placed into your chosen course. ... Set Dates to Do Work.Listen to Music.Hint: Using an online music streaming service is a great idea.More items...•

What is a passing grade for FLVS?

Students must earn a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale for all cohort years and pass statewide, standardized assessments unless a waiver of assessment results is granted by the IEP team for students with disabilities. * Eligible courses are specified in the Florida Course Code Directory.

Is it better to fail or withdraw fail?

Croskey notes that dropping a class is better than withdrawing, but withdrawing is better than failing. “A failing grade will lower the student's GPA, which may prevent a student from participating in a particular major that has a GPA requirement,” Croskey says.

How fast can you finish an online course?

The length of online classes varies. Some can be completed in as little as five weeks, while others take longer. On average, online courses last eight to nine weeks, especially those offered through universities.

Can you do FLVS during the summer?

FLVS Full Time As a comprehensive and fully accredited online high school, it follows the typical school year (from August to June) and becomes the primary school of record for students who enroll.

how do I stop cheating

last year i told myself i wasn't going to cheat in flvs anymore, i tried to tell myself what I'm learning is important but eventually i just start googling the questions again. does anyone have some good tips to restrict yourself from cheating?

help a girl out...

planning to do FLVS full time because in person school is terribly draining my mental health. somebody please please go into detail about their experience with flvs, the ups and the downs, teachers, more or less stressful than public school?? Help bruh😭😭


I'm in the FLVS discord server. And I sometimes see some people who are ahead of pace or completed the entire course with a passing grade. Any tips for this?

Really Behind

I’m in full time this year. I haven’t been the best for like a month now and I’m really behind. Too much shit has happened to me. I should be at 45%, but rn I’m ~9% In each course. I’m getting more work in now but I’m still really behind. What will happen to me? What should I do?

AICE Global Perspectives

I'm terrified for my module 2 forum. I made a presentation on technology within Transnational Organizations and idk if it's good enough or not. I have a good amount of information and links to my sources, but I'm still afraid I'm gonna fumble my presentation this Thursday.

How do you get more involved as an FLVS Student?

Hi. I am an FLVS Fulltime sophomore and as I look more and more at college applications, I am worried I am not doing nearly enough to impressive colleges. I feel I am doing the best I can with my academics, just not extracurricular wise, which is what makes you stand out after all.

Self-Paced Training

We provide self-paced training, including tutorials, exercise guides, and videos. The tutorials are a great way to learn the model or brush up on certain topics.

Instructor-Led Training

We offer training sessions annually, scheduling the sessions during the months of October through April, offered throughout the United States. Courses are tuition free. Registration priority will be given to Forest Service and National Advanced Silviculture Program (NASP) students.

Training Videos

Our video library includes short videos about individual FVS topics for basic and advanced users.

FVS Webinars

We periodically host live webinars about special topics. Stay tuned to this web page for information regarding these webinars and how to register. Recordings of past webinars are also available.

Training Questions?

If you have questions about any of these courses, please contact the FVS Staff by e-mail: [email protected].

How to verify a student on FLVS?

How do you get verified on Flvs? Parents must verify a student's course request once a selection is made. To verify a request, log into your account and go to the student dashboard page. Click on the green checkmark next to the red “X” icon on the right-hand side of the page to complete the parent/guardian enrollment verification. ...

What does pending exam mean in a school?

Similarly, what does pending exam mean on Flvs? PE (Pending Exam): this is the status for a student taking an AP course, who has finished a semester, but has not been issued a grade.

Can I get a diploma from FLVS?

Similarly, it is asked, can you get a diploma through Flvs? FLVS Flex homeschool students are not eligible to receive a diploma or GED directly from FLVS. However, students enrolled in FLVS Full Time do graduate with a diploma. Transcripts, report cards, and diplomas are issued by the public or private school according to your school's policies ...

I FINALLY DID IT!!! SCHOOL IS OFFICIALLY OVER FOR ME!! Thank you everyone for your support and kindness, and encouraging me to push on ahead. This was a rough year I'm sure for all of us

Can teachers see if students don’t spend time in the lessons and go straight to the quizzes?

Question about Full Time and Flex

So, I recently received a letter in the mail telling me that I would be withdrawn for not being on pace to complete my virtual courses by the end of schoolyear deadline, and that I would not be allowed to return as a Full Time LCVS student.

Drivers Ed - Prerequisite

Hey! So I know there is a 14 and a half prerequisite for Drivers Ed. Right now, I am quote "14 years, 5 months, and 26 days" old. Though it is not technically meet the requirement will they allow it if I apply now and set the start date till when I am actually 14 and a half—june 17th.

Withdrawn Request

I logged on today to see that I was being requested for withdrawal because I didn't keep up during my grace period. I was struggling a lot due to mental health issues and also preparing for SAT and ACT and other exams.


Hello! I'd love some advice for the Module 1 DBA, like what questions she'll ask etc. I have one more assignment left so I have time to study! Geometry

Still trying to adjust my schedule

I'm a full time student and I switched from two regular classes to honors. This shows in my class schedule, but still hasn't been fixed on educator. I also applied to add an AP Class three days ago, and have not received a reply.

01.05 Radical and Polynomial Operations DBA

hey y’all! does anyone know what this dba consists of for algebra 2? this is my first dba with this class so i’m a little nervous. let me know if y’all have done this and if you have, what was on it so i can prepare. thanks y’all!

Switching teachers

Hey, so I want to leave a class because this teacher doesn’t give me a good vibe and my dad also feels the negativity and I already have some progress in her class but I really want to switch teachers because no other FLVS teacher made me this anxious, so if I leave her class and switch to another one, will I lose all my progress? It’s not a lot of progress but I’m ok with restarting the class if u have to..

should I withdraw from segment 2 of physics?

So, here’s the deal, I finished segment 1 of physics over the summer and I started segment 2 beginning of the school year. I thought that I could handle an extra class on my schedule but now that it’s been 2 weeks of school, i’ve come to realize that not only do I not have enough time, but my mental health is being jeopardized as well.