what does it mean if it says course request incomplete on florida virtual school?

by Miss Billie Jakubowski 3 min read

Even if your request for an incomplete is granted and you are given an extension on your deadlines, you will be required to finish your work prior to whatever new deadline you've been given in order to pass the course and get credit.

CRI (Course Request Incomplete) – Student did not complete verification process for the course request, removed the course from his/her dashboard, or school counselor removed the course request.

Full Answer

What is fl virtual school?

FLVS (Florida Virtual School) is an accredited, public, e-learning school serving students in grades K-12 online - in Florida and all over the world.

Should I take an incomplete course?

An incomplete can help you deal with an unexpected situation, but the ultimate goal is to allow you to finish your coursework in a way that best supports your academic goals. Lucier, Kelci Lynn.

Why would I need to request an incomplete?

Even if you're the most conscientious student, situations can come up that may temporarily interfere with your college life. Something like a family emergency or a personal illness or injury can quickly put you behind on your coursework. It's in situations like these that you may need to request an incomplete.

What would cause a professor to grant an incomplete certificate?

For example, if you came down with a severe illness or were in an accident that required hospitalization or a long recovery period, the registrar and your professor would likely grant you an incomplete.

How long does it take to be assigned to a class on FLVS?

How quickly can students start after registering? Students will be placed in their requested courses as soon as possible, in most cases, within 72 hours after completing registration and required approvals.

What happens if I don't finish my FLVS course?

For students who do not complete a course in 27 weeks, we reserve the right to impose an extension fee for an additional month of access or to re-enroll the student and invoice for the full amount of the half-credit course. (For detailed pricing information, please review our courses page.)

What happens if u get caught cheating on FLVS?

The bill provides that it is unlawful for any person to knowingly and willfully take an online course or examination on behalf of another person for compensation. Violators commit a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable by a term of imprisonment for up to 60 days or a fine of $500.

What grade is passing FLVS?

a 2.0 grade point averageStudents must earn a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale for all cohort years and pass statewide, standardized assessments unless a waiver of assessment results is granted by the IEP team for students with disabilities. * Eligible courses are specified in the Florida Course Code Directory.

How do you beat FLVS fast?

Tips for Finishing Your Classes FasterChoose Easy Classes.Examine Your Pace Chart.The pace chart is one of the first pieces of information that you're required to look over when you're placed into your chosen course. ... Set Dates to Do Work.Listen to Music.Hint: Using an online music streaming service is a great idea.More items...•

What happens if you don't finish credit recovery?

Can you fail credit recovery? Credit recovery programs need to be cleared just like any other course. If you fail to clear a credit recovery course, then you can take the class in the next academic year. You can also try to take another credit recovery program in summer school.

Does FLVS see your tabs?

RIGHT TO ACCESS. You have the right to access, inspect and review your personal data. For FLVS Full Time parents/guardians and eligible students, your personal data is accessible from your FLVS account home and student records tab.

What is a permanent F?

A: A “permanent F” occurs when an F in the course is assigned as a sanction for an academic integrity violation. In most cases, the student would not otherwise have failed the course based on the quality of their prior work, absent the violation.

Are FLVS exams proctored?

All students agree to take a proctored exam when they register to take our courses. In order to complete the course the student must pass the proctored segment exam with a 60% or greater on the first attempt.

Does FLVS affect your GPA?

However, as a Home Education student, the parent is the school administrator and will be the one to calculate the GPA. As FLVS Flex is the curriculum provider, we do not calculate GPA. You can calculate a general GPA by using this basic formula....The 411 on the 4.0.CourseSemester Grade (.5 credit)GPAHistory95 – A4.04 more rows•Oct 2, 2019

What does pending exam mean on FLVS?

PE (Pending Exam): this is the status for a student taking an Advanced Placement® (AP)® course, who has finished a semester, but has not been issued a grade. The student can continue to access the course until the AP Exam has been taken.

Does FLVS flex boost your GPA?

With Advanced Placement® (AP®) classes at Florida Virtual School, you can boost your GPA, stand out on your college applications, and earn college credits—no tuition required. Same AP rigor. More flexibility. No limits.

How many online classes does FLVS offer?

Today, as a fully accredited, statewide public school district, FLVS offers more than 190 online courses to Kindergarten-12 students, and certified teachers use a variety of personalized instructional programs to create individualized educational plans for every student.

What is FLVS in Florida?

The Florida Legislature passed groundbreaking legislation in 1997 establishing Florida Virtual School (FLVS) as a grant-based pilot project, pioneering Florida's first Internet-based, public high school . Today, as a fully accredited, statewide public school district, FLVS offers more than 190 online courses to Kindergarten-12 students, and certified teachers use a variety of personalized instructional programs to create individualized educational plans for every student. Since 1997, FLVS students have successfully completed more than 4.6 million semester enrollments. FLVS also provides its courseware and expertise to online and blended learning programs across the nation. As a not-for-profit, FLVS reinvests funds into the development of new educational technologies and the creation of the highest-quality courses, benefiting students in Florida and beyond.

How to contact FLVS?

General Information about FLVS. Florida Virtual School (FLVS) Contact Information. Main: 800-374-1430.

Level Up Your Learning

Make this your year with Florida Virtual School. Level up with courses that fuel your mind…and your soul. Thrive with supportive teachers. And stay connected with clubs and activities. Ready for school without limits?

Welcome to Florida Virtual School

FLVS is one of the world’s leading online learning providers that delivers engaging and innovative experiences so students can enjoy a safe, reliable, and flexible education in a supportive environment. Learn more about our school options by grade level.

Spotlights: Meet Our Students

By the time Logan was in fifth grade, he had already moved seven times and been to five different schools. Here’s how FLVS gave Logan and his family the skills and support they needed to thrive.

Setting the Standard for Online Curriculum

FLVS has a well-documented history of success creating online courses.

5 Questions with Dr. Louis Algaze, FLVS President & CEO

We sat down with Dr. Louis Algaze, FLVS President & CEO, to hear what inspires him, his journey to becoming an educational leader, and more.

Get to Know the Team Behind our Curriculum

Our curriculum specialists collaborate on engaging content, seeing concepts through to …

4 Ways to Impact Environmental Conservation

Ready to help build a brighter and more sustainable future? Here are four tips to get you started from a renowned conservationist and an Environmental Science teacher at FLVS.

Who do you need to discuss incompletes with?

Since incompletes are granted only in unusual circumstances, you'll likely need to discuss your situation with your professor (or professors), your academic adviser, and possibly an administrator such as the dean of students .

Is it bad to take an incomplete in college?

Although you might think that the term "incomplete" has negative connotations, taking an incomplete in college doesn't necessarily indicate any kind of mistake or poor judgment on the part of a student. In fact, incompletes can be incredibly helpful for those who find themselves in unexpected, difficult, or unavoidable situations.

Can incompletes be changed on transcript?

In contrast to a withdrawal (or a failing grade), incompletes can be changed on your transcript once the required coursework is completed. You will usually be given a certain amount of time to finish the course requirements, at which point you will receive a grade just as if you'd never stopped and restarted the class.

Is virtual school good?

The concept of a virtual school is excellent. Management truly does care about their product and really for their clients and educators. I'm sure there are some in administration who are poor at their jobs, but that's anywhere at any level.

Is the blind eye based on the number of completers?

Their funding is TOTALLY based on the number of completers. Now the state has taken away some funding so they are now even more at the whim of the state, which means that the blind eye is even further turned away. They mean well, but on line cheating will continue to be rampant. Kids will get credits and will be looked at as completers.

Does FLVS have a veil of academic integrity?

FLVS does have a veil of academic integrity, but they have not changed their questions, say for Algebra 1 and 2 , significantly in 2 years. Kids just go on the web, cut and paste, and submit. It is very common for kids to simply have others pose a parents or themselves and answer Discussion Based questions. FLVS knows this, but is in denial as ...

Why doesn't elementary school look different than a classroom?

It doesn't look a lot different than what you would see in a classroom because the interactions are still the same . Most of the elementary school teachers have come from a brick and mortar setting and they're applying the same strategies. There's a lot of activities to keep kids engaged in the content.

Is elementary a hands-on program?

Elementary is very hands-on, a lot of games, a lot of activities and really breaking up the time to make it fun and engaging, especially when it comes to Kindergarten students. But we're still covering the same standards. A lot of it comes down to communication and the relationship with the teacher.

Can middle school students do this on their own?

Schultz: Middle and High School students can typically do much of this on their own with parents there to help support and make sure they are making forward progress. With Elementary school, it's a little more hands-on for the parents.
