what does it mean if a course broadens your perspective

by Gianni Huels 3 min read

What does it mean to broaden your perspective?

It means to look beyond what you seeing are right now.Widen your perspective isn't the right thing to say. The reason being that broad is used for expressions abstract in nature and wide is generally used while expressing physical distance. So broaden your perspective is right.

How can broadening your perspective on the world be life enhancing?

So broadening your perspecive opens you up f I assume by broadening your perspective you mean you do that by learning new things, meeting new people and generally gaining new experiences. I would say this can be life enhancing because the world is very complex.

What does it mean to broaden the mind?

Broadening the mind can mean remaining open to different viewpoints or studying something new. It can also mean voluntarily choosing to evolve the mind itself through a practice like meditation.

What does widen your horizon/perspective mean?

"Broaden your horizon/perspective" makes sense and is the most widely heard. It means to look beyond what you seeing are right now.Widen your perspective isn't the right thing to say.

What does it mean to broaden your perspective?

If you can see an issue or problem from as many points of view as possible (through the eyes of different people), you have broadened your perspective. You are able to look at something from different angles so that you get a fuller picture of what's going on.

How are you going to broadened your perspective?

Open up your experiences. "So expand your worldview, experience, and opinions as much as possible." Her recommendations: Listen when people speak, rather than waiting to talk. Give your opinions, engage in arguments, and revise your perspectives. Seek out people with different backgrounds than yours.

Why is it important to expand your perspective?

Gaining the ability to consider the perspectives of others in stressful situations can help resolve conflict and ease intense emotions. So be curious and keep an open mind so you can listen and truly understand.

How do I open my perspective?

6 WAYS TO BROADEN YOUR PERSPECTIVE AND BE OPEN TO NEW IDEAS6 Ways to Broaden Your Perspective and Be Open to New Ideas. ... #1 – You can't learn anything new if you think you already know it all. ... #2 – Ask more questions, then listen! ... #3 – Spend time with new people. ... #4 – Read, Read More, Read More Broadly.More items...•

Why is reading widely important?

More importantly, reading widely equips us with knowledge that exercises our minds to challenge predominant narratives and stereotypes. When we seek and acquire greater knowledge, we achieve transformation in our mindsets. A transformed mindset is critical in overcoming pre-existing misconceptions about life.

What does "reading" mean?

It means reading about engineering or farming or archeology or thermodynamics or mathematics, or aeronautics or drilling or thermal energy or geology, when you clearly have nothing to do with the subjects. That is what constitutes reading for knowledge and broadening one’s mind.

Shifting Your Thinking

An individual I coached recently discovered a need to expand her perspective, as she was getting ready to assume a position with greater authority and responsibility. Previously, her role had required her to be very detail-oriented. She was, after all, a forensic auditor, and she had to be attuned to the smallest facts and figures.

Perspective Through Experience

Through the course of this coaching engagement, this same individual acquired through a secondment process a manager who employed a very different style of management – one that was wholly incompatible with her own. As he reported directly to her, she tried to coach him to adopt a higher-level managerial approach.

What is a C grade in a science class?

Ideally, grades are a measure of how broadly and deeply you have mastered the objectives in a course. Objectives are the things you are supposed to learn, and every reasonable course is built upon them. An example: “The student will be able to define ‘integers.’” If you earn a “B” in your physical science course, then you have mastered the objectives in the course to an above average level. A “C” grade is average. All of a student’s efforts in a class would be related to these objectives and to demonstrating a mastery of the subject by answering questions, writing essays, and performing complex tasks like labs.

What is a C grade?

A “C” grade is average. All of a student’s efforts in a class would be related to these objectives and to demonstrating a mastery of the subject by answering questions, writing essays, and performing complex tasks like labs. The “real world” of grading is a bit different.

What is a good strategy for evaluating a student's work?

In fact, even you, I am sure have sometimes misjudged something! A good strategy is to take an extra moment to think about your appearance and that of your work if it is teacher-graded.

Why are online grades more precise than traditional grades?

In an online system, it is more precise than in a traditional school because “human error” is reduced.

Is learning a game or a grade?

So, if we think of learning as a game, your grades are points scored. In your mind, keep it that simple! Grades are not the purpose of learning—learning happens all of the time when no grades are given. However, grades are the measure used in the game of education!