what does hybrid course

by Marcia Rath Sr. 9 min read

A hybrid course is a combination of face-to-face and online instruction that can come in a variety of forms. Some models offer in-person courses with online components while others have a mix of students who attend in-person or over Zoom.

Hybrid class is a course that combines traditional, face-to-face “seat time” with some online learning activities. The purpose of a hybrid class is to take advantage of the best features of both online and more traditional forms of learning.

Full Answer

How to schedule a hybrid course?

This involves:

  • Articulating your intended learning outcomes
  • Determining assessments to measure the outcomes
  • Developing rubrics for the assignments you will be using in your course
  • Building a week-by-week learning plan with supporting activities

How to design and teach a hybrid class?

Teaching in a “Hybrid Classroom”

  • Instructors teach the same lesson only once. ...
  • Instructors will need to create and join Zoom sessions for each class period.
  • Some in-class activities will need to be modified to accommodate remote students.

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What are hybrid or blended courses?

  • Speak to your department chair or unit director about your intentions. ...
  • Consult with instructional designers, academic technologists, and other experts in CTL or your department and school.
  • Plan and develop your hybrid course design.
  • Implement and teach the hybrid course and gather feedback from students, your teaching team, and your own observations.

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Which hybrid is better?

Why Hybrid Cars are Better

  1. Miles per gallon: Hybrid cars get about 30 more miles per gallon than any conventional car. ...
  2. Oil changes less often: The conventional car you bought will likely need to have an oil change about every 3,000 miles. ...
  3. Helps protect the environment: Hybrid use less gasoline so they give off less emissions that are causing the greenhouse gases. ...

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What is the difference between a fully online course and a hybrid course?

As we mentioned above, online classes take place 100% away from a physical location. Students can take online courses from the comfort of their own home with no commuting required. Hybrid programs, on the other hand, take place in a blended format. This is why they're sometimes called blended learning classes.

What is hybrid course delivery?

A hybrid approach to course delivery combines face-to-face classroom instruction with online activities. This approach reduces the amount of seat time in a traditional face-to-face course and moves more of the course delivery online.

Is hybrid learning online?

Hybrid learning, also referred to as blended learning, is an approach to education that combines online educational materials with traditional in-person classroom methods. It's not fully virtual nor is it fully digital.

What is hybrid learning in schools?

As the term implies, hybrid learning is a combination of in-class and online learning. The learning in each modality should complement the other and be part of a single structure. Although the terms hybrid learning and blended learning are used interchangeably, they are different.

How Do Hybrid Classes Work?

Here’s an example:A traditional 3-credit course would typically meet Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour and a half each time. The same exact course...

Benefits of Hybrid Classes

As a balance between traditional and online learning, hybrid classes offer a number of unique benefits that you wouldn’t get with other course stru...

Things to Consider Before Signing Up For A Hybrid Class

Although there are a lot of benefits, hybrid classes are not perfect for everyone. They require strong time management skills and can be tough to f...

Hybrid courses mix in-person and remote participation

At Stanford, hybrid specifically describes a course where some sessions take place in-person and some sessions take place fully online. While the in-person meetings may often include blended teaching elements, hybrid courses mix in-person and remote participation.

What about HyFlex?

Hybrid-Flexible or HyFlex refers to a subset of hybrid courses that emphasize flexibility and student choice. In HyFlex courses, individual students choose how they will participate from session to session.

Hybrid courses have unique accreditation requirements

Stanford's accreditation body, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), considers any course with a single session online as "distance learning," which has separate accreditation requirements. Additionally:

Hybrid courses can be resource-intensive

Because hybrid courses require the expertise, techniques, and tools of traditional or blended courses and fully online courses, they can be particularly resource-intensive. Adapting an existing course into a hybrid format typically takes many iterations over a period of time.

Consider whether a hybrid course is right for you

Considerations around technology tools, classroom resources, teaching team workloads, and accreditation may factor into your decision to offer a hybrid course. If you are considering hybrid teaching, the following questions are good places to start.

Developing a hybrid course

If you have decided that hybrid instruction is a good fit for your students and situation, we recommend the following steps:

What is hybrid class?

Hybrid classes aim to take the best aspects of online learning and combine them with the best aspects of traditional classes for an all-inclusive learning experience. Each university defines hybrid class slightly differently, however classes of this type generally meet between 25% and 50% of the time online and the remaining 50%-75% ...

How do hybrid classes help students learn?

Hybrid classes lend themselves to various styles, as it allows students to learn audibly (through lectures and recorded material), visually (through slides and presentations usually included in the class), or in a hands-on way by collaborating with classmates during the designated in-class time. Those that do well in lectures and discussions get to enjoy the type of environment where they excel, while students who like to have more time to process the information without distractions and interruptions also have the opportunity to do so.

What is hybrid online learning?

One of the main draws of any online learning opportunity is the amazing amount of flexibility that they offer students when it comes to scheduling. Hybrid classes do require time spent face to face, but the amount of time in the classroom is significantly less than traditional classes, allowing students to balance work, a social life, extra curricular activities, or even attending office hours for other classes.

How many hours of homework do you need for 3 credit classes?

You will still be expected to complete the same amount of work that you would if you were in a traditional class. The general rule is 9-10 hours a week of homework for each 3 credit class, so make sure you’re factoring that time into your schedule as well.

Is time management important in hybrid classes?

Time management is just as important to hybrid classes as it is with courses that are taught 100% online. You will need to set aside at least an equivalent amount of time to your face-to-face sessions to complete the online components in order to keep up and be prepared. If you have trouble setting a schedule that allows you to get everything done or you’re a master procrastinator, think hard about if hybrid classes are right for you.

Is hybrid class good?

If you’re considering taking online-only classes, hybrid courses offer a great intermediate step. Adjusting to online learning can be difficult if you don’t have any experience. Taking a hybrid class is a good way to test the waters and see if online classes are the right fit for you before you jump in with both feet.

Is hybrid class flexible?

There are some aspects of hybrid class schedules that AREN’T flexible. Online classes are flexible. The content is always available and as we mentioned above, this is a huge benefit of hybrid classes. But the in-class sessions are just about as flexible as a traditional class (which means they’re NOT).

The Hybrid Class Setup: Remote and In-Person Learning

Having taught a pilot hybrid class during the summer 2020 semester, I experienced firsthand what it’s like to lead a discussion-based class and guide students in this unique learning environment. So, what does the classroom actually look like?

Tips for Success in Hybrid Classes

Whether you register as a remote learner or as an in-person student, following the guidance available (for example, USF’s Academic Success Tips or ATLE’s Student Success Checklist) will help you to do well in hybrid classes.
