what does course term mean

by Dr. Charley Walsh II 5 min read

Medical Definition of course 1 : the series of events or stages comprising a natural process the course of a disease 2 : a series of doses or medications administered over a designated period a course of three doses daily for five days

Terms are the periods into which the school year is divided, and often correspond with a grading period. You should select the term that is appropriate for the course grade you are entering, based on how your school divides the school year and how your grades will appear on your transcript.Feb 10, 2021

Full Answer

What does course stand for?

The meaning of COURSE is the act or action of moving in a path from point to point. How to use course in a sentence. the act or action of moving in a path from point to point; the path over which something moves or extends: such as; racecourse…

What does the course consist of?

course / ( kɔːs) / noun a continuous progression from one point to the next in time or space; onward movementthe course of his life a route or direction followed they kept on a southerly course the path or channel along which something moves the course of a …

What is a true course?

Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Course noun. the act of moving from one point to another; progress; passage. Course noun. the ground or path traversed; track; way. Course noun. motion, considered as to its general or resultant direction or to its goal; line progress or advance. Course noun

What is the definition of course in school?

Course (navigation) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Instruments used to plot a course on a nautical or aeronautical chart. In navigation, the course of a watercraft or aircraft is the …

How long is 1 term in college?

The most common terms are semesters and quarters. Semesters are about 15 weeks long. The fall semester usually runs August to December, and the spring semester January to May.

What does term mean in college?

Answer. A term/semester denotes the length of time a student is enrolled in a specific course.

Is Term same as semester?

Both term and semester indicate the duration or the time period of sessions in an educational institution. Term is a general word while semester is more specific.

What does course mean in school?

A course is a series of classes. These classes are all in one area of study. Therefore, when choosing a major, you will take courses geared towards that major. Courses are assigned credits.

Does term mean semester?

A term is the length of time a standard course lasts. The length of a term depends on the number of terms that a school offers courses. A term may be a semester (at a school that has two terms: fall and spring), a trimester, or quarter.

Is a term a year?

An academic term (or simply term) is a portion of an academic year, the time during which an educational institution holds classes. The schedules adopted vary widely. In most countries, the academic year begins in late summer or early autumn and ends during the following spring or summer.

How many terms are in a year?

three termMost schools operate a three term school year, each term divided into half terms. Autumn term runs from early September to mid December (half term falls in late October). Spring Term runs from early January to Easter. (half term falls in mid February).

Is a term a quarter?

A quarter is the other most common type of academic term. Each quarter is 10 weeks in length and there are usually three quarters in an academic year: Fall (beginning in September), Winter (beginning in January), and Spring (beginning in March).

Whats the difference between term and semester dates?

Term dates and semester dates are set by University Senate. Terms refer to the time period when taught students are on campus, whereas Semesters refers to the teaching periods for taught modules.

What is an example of a course?

The definition of course is a class you take in school to study a particular subject. An example of a course is a business law class.

What is another word for course?

OTHER WORDS FOR course 1 way, road, track, passage. 13a bearing. 6 method, mode. 7 process, career.

What are the course in senior high school?

Each student in Senior High School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The Academic track includes three strands: Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM); Humanities, Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).

What does "course" mean in medical terms?

a period of time; duration in the course of the next hour. the usual order of and time required for a sequence of events; regular procedure the illness ran its course. a mode of conduct or action if you follow that course, you will certainly fail. a connected series of events, actions, etc.

What is a course of instruction?

a mode of conduct; behavior. a systematized or prescribed series: a course of lectures; a course of medical treatments. a program of instruction, as in a college or university: a course in economics. a prescribed number of instruction periods or classes in a particular field of study.

What is a prescribed regimen?

a prescribed number of lessons, lectures, etc, in an educational curriculum. the material covered in such a curriculum. a prescribed regimen to be followed for a specific period of time a course of treatment. a part of a meal served at one time the fish course.

What does "due course" mean?

in due course, in the proper or natural order of events; eventually: They will get their comeuppance in due course.

What is economics course?

a program of instruction, as in a college or university: a course in economics.

What does "one runner fell halfway around the course" mean?

One runner fell halfway around the course. a particular manner of proceeding: a course of action. a customary manner of procedure; regular or natural order of events: as a matter of course; the course of a disease. a mode of conduct; behavior.

What does "advanced" mean?

advance or progression in a particular direction; forward or onward movement. the continuous passage or progress through time or a succession of stages: in the course of a year; in the course of the battle. the track, ground, water, etc., on which a race is run, sailed, etc.: One runner fell halfway around the course.

What is a course?

Course (noun) method of procedure; manner or way of conducting; conduct; behavior. Course (noun) a series of motions or acts arranged in order; a succession of acts or practices connectedly followed; as, a course of medicine; a course of lectures on chemistry.

What does "coursed" mean?

to run as in a race, or in hunting; to pursue the sport of coursing; as, the sportsmen coursed over the flats of Lancashire

What does "running" mean?

kōrs, n. the act of running: the road or tract on which one runs: the direction pursued: a voyage: a race: regular progress from point to point: habitual method of procedure: a prescribed series, as of lectures, &c.: each of the successive divisions of a meal, as dinner: conduct: a range of bricks or stones on the same level in building: ( naut.) one of the sails bent to a ship's lower yards, as the main-sail, called the main-course, the fore-sail or fore-course, and the cross-jack or mizzen-course: ( pl.) the menses.— v.t. to run, chase, or hunt after.— v.i. to move with speed, as in a race or hunt.— ns. Cours′er, a runner: a swift horse: one who courses or hunts; Cours′ing, hunting with greyhounds; Cours′ing-joint, a joint between two courses of masonry.— In course, in regular order: ( coll.) of course; Of course, by natural consequence, or by settled rule. [Fr. cours —L. cursus, from currĕre, cursum, to run.]

How long are courses in college?

Courses in American universities are usually on a time restraint. Some courses are three weeks long, one semester long, last an academic year, and on some occasions three semesters long. A course is usually specific to the students' major and is instructed by a professor.

What is the meaning of "course" in South Africa?

In between the two, in South Africa, it is common for the word "course" officially to refer to the collection of all courses over a year or semester , though the American usage is common parlance. In the Philippines, the word course can be used to either refer to an individual subject or the entire programme.

What is a course in construction?

Course (noun) a continuous level range of brick or stones of the same height throughout the face or faces of a building. Course (noun) the lowest sail on any mast of a square-rigged vessel; as, the fore course, main course, etc. Course (noun) the menses.

What is a course in sailing?

A course was plotted to traverse the ocean. Etymology: From cours, from cursus, from curro. course (Noun) The lowest square sail in a fully rigged mast, often named according to the mast.

What is lecture course?

A lecture course consists of classes that meet weekly for a specified number of hours; instruction is delivered in a lecture setting. Brings together a group of students to discuss topics of interest under the direction of a instructor or discussion leader. Often used interchangeably with workshop, institute, or study group.

What is an act in college?

ACT. Activity. Activity during which the student learns a sport, trade, hobby, or other skill through hands-on practice.

What is a condensed workshop?

Condensed workshops designed to immerse students in practical situations using simulations and case analysis.

What is independent study?

Independent Study. A self-directed approach to the acquisition of knowledge and/or competence in which a student plans and carries out learning activities on his /her own , carried out under the guidance of an instructor . Student works independently.

What is a course in a university?

Courses are made up of individual sessions, typically on a fixed weekly schedule. There are different formats of course in universities: the tutorial course, where one or a small number of students work on a topic and meet with the instructor weekly for discussion and guidance.

What is a course in education?

In higher education in various countries, such as Canada, Israel, Nigeria and the United States, a course is a unit of teaching that typically lasts one academic term, is led by one or more instructors ( teachers or professors ), and has a fixed roster of students. A course usually covers an individual subject.

What are the majors in universities?

Typically, North American universities require students to achieve both breadth of knowledge across disciplines and depth of knowledge in a particular chosen subject area , known as a major. Thus, students of the Arts or Humanities are required to take some science courses, and vice versa. Normally, students are free to choose their particular electives from among a wide range of courses offered by their university, as long as the students possess the prerequisite knowledge to understand the subject matter being taught. An English major, for example, might also study one or two years of chemistry, biology or physics as well as mathematics and a foreign language.

What is the course number 101?

The course number 101 is often used for an introductory course at a beginner's level in a department's subject area.

How many digits are in a course number?

In the United States, most universities implement a course numbering system where each course is identified by the name of the major (or an abbreviation thereof) followed by a 3- or 4-digit number − for example, CS 123. This common numbering system was designed to make transfer between colleges easier. In theory, any numbered course in one academic institution should bring a student to the same standard as a similarly numbered course at other institutions.

What is an elective course?

An elective course is one chosen by a student from a number of optional subjects or courses in a curriculum, as opposed to a required course which the student must take. While required courses (sometimes called "core courses" or "general education courses") are deemed essential for an academic degree, elective courses tend to be more specialized. Elective courses usually have fewer students than the required courses.

What is a laboratory course?

Laboratory courses often combine lectures, discussion sections, and laboratory sessions. Students are expected to do various kinds of work for a course: Attending course sessions. Reading and studying course readings assigned in the course syllabus. Discussing material they have read.

What is the course of a watercraft?

In navigation, the course of a watercraft or aircraft is the cardinal direction in which the craft is to be steered. The course is to be distinguished from the heading, which is the compass direction in which the craft's bow or nose is pointed.

Which is different from true north?

3 - Magnetic north, which differs from true north by the magnetic variation.

What does course date mean?

Course dates determine placement in a student's Courses list (past, current, or future enrollment).

What is access in a course?

Access relates to published courses. If a course is unpublished or does not include a link [1], students cannot have access to any course content until the start date of the term. If a course is published [2], students are able to view content before the start of the term.

When can you set access to a course a week later?

For example, if the term dates were August 31 to December 20 , the instructor could set access to the course a week later and end the course a week earlier. By shortening the course participation start and end dates, students will only have read-only access to the course before and after those dates.

Can you publish a course on the same day as the start date?

Some institutions may choose to publish their courses on the same day as the term start date, so prior access to course content is not an issue. However, some prefer to allow instructors to publish their own courses ahead of the term start date and restrict student access to the course completely before the course begins. Students can also be restricted from being able to view a course after it has ended.

Does Canvas have term dates?

Note: Canvas currently does not generate a warning about term dates as it does for course dates.

Can instructors see terms on canvas?

Note: Only admins can view the Terms page in Canvas. Instructors and students cannot view the Terms page, so admins should make sure instructors and students are aware of term dates for their institution publicly, such as through a course catalog, website posting, or other distribution method.

What does "Whenever" mean in a course?

Administrators have control over when specific users can participate in the courses. Unless otherwise specified, Students inherit the term start and term end date, while Teachers, TAs and Designers dates inherit a whenever start date to the term end date. Whenever means that these user roles can always access a course before the term begins.

What does "course" mean in golf?

Course: The Rules of Golf define the "course" as "the entire area in which play is permitted." For a tour of common features on golf courses, see Meet the Golf Course .

What is an approach course?

An approach course has holes that often max out at 100 yards in length, and might be as short as 30 or 40 yards, and may lack any designated teeing areas. Good for short-game practice and for beginning golfers.

What is a cup in putting?

Cup: The hole on the putting green or, in a more specific usage, the (usually plastic) liner-slash-receptacle sunk down into the hole on the putting green.

What grasses are used in golf courses?

Some examples of cool-season grasses cited by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America include colonial bentgrass, creeping bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fine fescue and tall fescue.

What is the name of the grass that runs through a golf course?

Bermudagrasses have thicker blades than bentgrass, resulting in a grainier appearance to putting surfaces. Burn: A creek, stream or small river that runs through a golf course; the term is most common in Great Britain.

What is a water hole in golf?

Water Hole: Any hole on a golf course that includes a water hazard on or alongside the hole (in a position where the water can come into play).

What is cool season grass?

Cool-Season Grasses: Exactly what the name implies: Varieties of grass that grow best in cooler conditions, as opposed to hotter climates. Golf courses in cooler regions are likely to be turfed with a cool-season grass. And golf courses in warmer locales might use a cool-season grass during winter as an overseed.

What is an undergraduate degree?

An undergraduate degree is the first level of degree study at university which could be a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) depending on your degree type. This will be listed on your university’s website.

What is a subject in education?

A subject is a particular area of study. In most countries, you must decide what area you would like to study in before you attend university. This could be a very specific subject like Forensics or more broad like Literature.

What is the academic division in which research and teaching take place?

The faculty is the academic division in which research and teaching take place. For example, your university may have a department for English and another for Science – these are different faculties which can take care of many different courses in a similar area.

What is it called when you select your subject?

In the United States, you do not choose your course before you begin studying but select it as you go. This is called selecting your “major”.

What is considered a mature student?

The exact definition of a mature student varies from university to university but commonly you are considered a mature student if you begin your undergraduate course aged 21 or over. Not as “mature” as you may think in some cases!

What is a postgraduate student?

Similar to undergraduate, if you study a postgraduate course you will be referred to as a postgraduate or postgrad student.

What is post grad?

Postgrad courses allow students to further knowledge gained in their undergrad course by more advanced studies. Usually, your postgrad studies will be related but different to your undergrad course, whether this is a different area of a similar subject you wish to explore or tailored to a specific job like teaching.

What does it mean to audit a course?

Audit - A student who does not want to receive credit in a course may, with approval of the instructor, audit the course as a "visitor.". A student who audits a course usually cannot ask or petition the institution at a later date to obtain college credit for the audited course.

What is a bachelor's degree?

Bachelor's Degree - This is the undergraduate degree offered by four-year colleges and universities. The Bachelor of Arts degree requires that a significant portion of the student's studies be dedicated to the arts - literature, language, music, etc.

What are the requirements for a degree?

Requirements may include a minimum number of hours, required GPA, prerequisite and elective courses within the specified major, and/or minor areas of study.

How many credit hours do you need to take to get a credit?

Credit Hours - Courses taken in college are measured in terms of credit hours. To earn one credit hour, a student must attend a class for one classroom hour (usually 50 minutes) per week for the whole semester (usually 16 weeks). Classes are offered in 1 - 5 credit hour increments, and sometimes larger amounts.

What is admission in school?

Admission is the status granted to an applicant who meets the prescribed entrance requirements of the institution.

What does "alumni" mean in college?

Alumni - people who have graduated from the institution. ACT and SAT - These letters are acronyms for the American College Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Both tests are designed to measure a student’s level of knowledge in basic areas such as math, science, English, reading and social sciences.

How many hours do you need to get an associates degree?

The Associate Degree requires completion of a minimum of 60 credit hours, exclusive of physical education activity courses or military science courses, with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (a "C" average).



In higher education a course is a unit of teaching that typically lasts one academic term, is led by one or more instructors (teachers or professors), and has a fixed roster of students. A course usually covers an individual subject. Courses generally have a fixed program of sessions every week during the term, called lessons or classes. Students may receive a grade and academic creditafter completion of the course. Courses can either be compulsory material or "elective". An elect…

Types of courses

Courses are made up of individual sessions, typically on a fixed weekly schedule.
There are different formats of course in universities:
• the lecture course, where the instructor gives lectures with minimal interaction;
• the seminar, where students prepare and present their original written work for discussion and critique;

Elective and required courses

An elective course is one chosen by a student from a number of optional subjects or courses in a curriculum, as opposed to a required course which the student must take. While required courses (sometimes called "core courses" or "general education courses") are deemed essential for an academic degree, elective courses tend to be more specialized. Elective courses usually have fewer students than the required courses.

US course numbering system

In the United States, most colleges and universities use a course numbering system where each course is identified by the name of the major (or an abbreviation thereof) followed by a 3- or 4-digit number − for example, "French 213" or "CS 123". This common numbering system was began to be used in the 1920s. was designed to make transfer between collegeseasier. In theory, any numbered course in one academic institution should bring a student to the same standard as a …

See also

• Course allocation
• Course credit

External links

• "Elective Courses" . New International Encyclopedia. 1905.
• "Elective Courses" . Encyclopedia Americana. 1920.