what does b mean in course description

by Isabelle Bartoletti 4 min read

What do you put in a course description?

A course description is a short, pithy statement which informs a student about the subject matter, approach, breadth, and applicability of the course focuses on content ... we are looking for a list of topics about 80 words maximum. A course description is used for: enrollment, Axess, and the Bulletin: students need to know what a course is about in a short, content-filled way

What does the larger number mean in the course description?

B. Biology (BIOL) Biomedical Engineering (BMEN) Biostatistics (BIOS) Business Administration (BADM) C. Chemical Engineering (ECHE) Chemistry (CHEM) Chinese (CHIN) Civil Engineering (ECIV) Classics (CLAS) Coll of Liberal Arts (COLA) Communication Disorders (COMD) Comp Sci & Comp Engr (CSCE) Comparative Literature (CPLT) Counseling Education (EDCE)

How are courses numbered and/or described?

Course Code Descriptions. Each Thomas Edison State University course/transfer course equivalency is given a unique identifier number which begins with a three letter departmental code (to represent the department in which the course, based on academic content) belongs. The departmental code is followed by three digits to signify the course ...

What is the index of a course?

Internship 295, 395, 495. 1-18 credits. Supervised off-campus, non-group instruction including field experiences, practica, or internships. Written and oral critique of activity required. A specific title may be used in each instance and will be entered on the student's transcript. Independent Studies 296, 496. 1-18 credits.

What does course description mean?

A course description is. a short, pithy statement which informs a student about the subject matter, approach, breadth, and applicability of the course.

What are course codes?

The course codes are basically a State Department of Education's, a District's and/or school's “shorthand” for course titles. However course codes are determined, they need to reflect a logical system of coding.

How do you read a course description?

How to Read Course Descriptions
  1. Course subject.
  2. Course number.
  3. Course title.
  4. Number of semester hours (credits)
  5. Contact hours type(s) if non-lecture.
  6. Full description of the course.
  7. (if applicable) Prerequisites, co-requisites, recommended preparation or other requirements.

What is the acronym for course?

Course and Teaching Evaluation and Improvement.

How do you write a course description?

Course Description Guidelines
  1. should be no longer than 125 words.
  2. should begin most sentences with a verb.
  3. should be student-centered and explain how the reader would benefit from the course.
  4. should be written in the present tense and active voice.

What do course levels mean?

Lower-Level vs.

Lower-level courses are those at the 100-level and 200-level. Upper-level courses are those at the 300-level and 400-level. In addition, a 200-level course may be proposed to count as an upper-level course, particularly if it has a university-level prerequisite.

What is the difference between syllabus and course outline?

A course outline is a document that benefits students and instructors. It is an essential piece when designing any course. The course outline has a few purposes. A syllabus is a planning tool.

What is syllabus in education PDF?

Syllabi are the specification of content course instructions that list all the materials that will be taught to students for the semester. It is a useful tool to communicate with students about what they will learn for the semester [13] .

What is university syllabus of all courses?

A syllabus is your guide to a course and what will be expected of you in the course. Generally it will include course policies, rules and regulations, required texts, and a schedule of assignments.

What is another word for course?


1 way, road, track, passage. 13a bearing. 6 method, mode. 7 process, career.

What OC means?

OC stands for both “original content” and “original character.” These two definitions are fairly distinct, and you can often infer which is being used based on where on the internet you are. Regardless of the definition, you would typically write OC in uppercase.Nov 14, 2021

How many acronyms are there?

We analysed 24,873,372 titles and 18,249,091 abstracts published between 1950 and 2019, which yielded 1,112,345 unique acronyms. We defined an acronym as a word in which half or more of the characters are upper case letters.Jul 23, 2020

What is a short, pithy statement?

a short, pithy statement which informs a student about the subject matter, approach, breadth, and applicability of the course

Is the description a syllabus?

The description is NOT a syllabus. We typically do not run an exhaustive list of materials used in the course, though we are willing to run short representative lists of authors or sources.

Is a description a technical manual?

On the other hand, the description is NOT a technical manual. While we do not expect that the average student should understand everything in a long list of field-specific terminology, the non-specialist should be able to identify the general area under consideration.

Is a description an argument?

The description is NOT an argument whether for the course or for a point of view presented in the course. That is the work of a syllabus. A student perusing the Bulletin should be able to tell from the description whether the course is relevant to his or her course of study. The description is NOT a marketing piece.

What is formal course?

Formal courses given infrequently to explore, in depth, a comparatively narrow subject that may be topical or of special interest. Several different topics may be taught in one year or semester. A specific title may be used in each instance and will be entered on the student's transcript.

What is an advanced undergraduate course?

Advanced Undergraduate Courses (400 to 499): Courses open to graduate students and to juniors and seniors and, with the special written permission of the head of the department or the chair of the program sponsoring the course, to qualified students in earlier semesters. These courses are described in the Undergraduate Courses section.

What is a foreign academic experience?

Foreign Academic Experience SUBJ 603. Foreign study and/or research approved by the graduate program for students enrolled in a foreign university constituting progress toward the degree.

What is the course number system?

If any course cannot be located readily, refer to the index. Courses are numbered as follows: Undergraduate Courses (1 to 399): General courses accepted in fulfillment of requirements for the bachelor's degrees.

How many credits are there in independent studies?

Independent Studies 296, 496. 1-18 credits. Creative projects, including research and design, that are supervised on an individual basis and that fall outside the scope of formal courses. A specific title may be used in each instance and will be entered on the student's transcript.

Can a department schedule an entire section in an undergraduate course for fewer credits than the maximum authorized?

A department may schedule an entire section in an undergraduate course for fewer credits than the maximum authorized. In 400-level courses, a department may schedule an individual student for fewer credits than the maximum authorized.

Can you take a course more than once?

Some courses are designated as repeatable; they may be taken more than once for credit.These courses may be repeated indefinitely unless the department stipulates a maximum number of credits allowed. These courses appear with the maximum number of credits allowed following the number of credits for the course--for example (1.5 credits/maximum of 3).

What is a NG mark in online classes?

Online Class Grading requires instructors to enter either a valid grade or the "NG" mark for all students officially enrolled in the class by the close of Online Class Grading. For classes not graded by the close of Online Class Grading for the term, the Registrar's Office will record the "NG" mark for all students. Until the instructor submits a valid grade to replace the "NG", the "NG" mark will be associated with the class on the online grade report available to the student through the One Stop Student Services web site and will be printed on the student's official transcript. Students given a “NG” mark should contact the instructor for resolution.

What is an incomplete grade?

The incomplete grade is awarded as a final course grade (without grade point assignment) at the end of a term when a significant portion of course work has been satisfactorily completed, but not all of the course work has been completed.

What grade do you get for auditing a course?

Students who audit a course must pay regular fees for the audited course. At the end of the term, the instructor should enter a grade of “T ” for those students who have met course attendance expectations.

What is NP grade?

The "NP" grade is used only for 1001-level and below English courses that require a level of proficiency to move through the sequence and that are approved by the appropriate College committees.

How to tell if you have graduate credit?

Graduate credit is indicated by a "G" next to the credit hour value.

Do all instructors have to submit a grade for every student?

In May 2003, the Faculty Senate resolved that: "all course instructors have a professional responsibility to submit a grade for every student using only the approved UC grades."

What should be included in a course outline?

Detailed course outlines should include an overall course description, detailed list of topics covered, list of textbooks used, grading practices, number of weeks in attendance (exclu ding examination period), and number of lecture, tutorial, and laboratory hours.

Do you have to provide course outlines for credit exclusions?

If you have studied at a recognized college or university, you must provide detailed course outlines prepared by your former institution so that your courses can be evaluated for course credit exclusions.

How long should a course description be?

Your job in writing a course description is much easier, since Where and When are in the logistics section, and the Who is irrelevant or a useless gesture (don’t write, “Everyone should take this course.”) Here are a few guidelines for the description: The description should run from 30 words to 120 words in length.

Why is a course description important?

The course description is vital to getting people to enroll in your course. A good course description can mean many enrollments while a poor course description can doom your course before it starts. Ideally, you should work with your class sponsor in writing the course description.

What should a title be for a class?

The title. The title should be simple or catchy. Long or complex titles tend to confuse, and dull titles will not capture the reader’s eye. Generally, for skill classes such as home repair or the arts you will want a simple title. For idea classes such as interpersonal relations and social issues catchy titles will attract the reader, turning an average or dull topic into an interesting one. Here are some good course titles.

What happens if you don't read your course description?

Many if not most course descriptions are repetitive, dull or grammatically sloppy. If people do not read your course description, they will not take your course. Look at a typical course catalog.

What should a biography be about?

The biography should have two seemingly contradictory goals —1) to establish you as qualified; 2) to project your image as a peer, not too far above the potential learners. Learners want to know you are qualified, but they also want someone who can relate to them.

What is logistics in a class?

Logistics. Logistics include the teacher’s name, class location, day, length, cost, material fees, course number and other adjunct information. The course sponsor normally provides this information, although you should be aware of all information pertinent to your class. The course description.

How many words should a teacher's biography be?

Don’t use useless or meaningless sentences, such as “Time allowing we will discuss other areas.”. The teacher biography. The teacher biography should be 15 to 50 words in a separate paragraph underneath the course description. Some organizations run all of their teacher biographies at the end of the catalog.

What is a course description?

A course description provides a basic overview of what a class offers. A course description includes a course prefix, course number, course title, lecture and lab contact hours, semester credit hours, description of the class and prerequisites, according to Texas A&M University. It usually denotes what department is offering ...

Why is it important to write a course description?

However, a course description is generally written to help students decide if the course is one they want or need to take.

Why do we need a syllabus?

You'll continually refer to it to remember important test or quiz dates, project deadlines and course requirements. You might need to double-check the instructor's policies or look up the teacher's office hours so you can schedule an appointment or tutoring session. A syllabus might also help you budget how much you need for textbooks ...

What is a syllabus in college?

A syllabus is much more detailed and lists textbooks and reference materials necessary for the class, important test dates, projects and points or grades necessary to pass the class.

Who writes the syllabus for a course?

They also help students choose electives that suit their interests or goals. A syllabus is written by the teacher, instructor or professor and details specific dates, assignments and coursework that is necessary to obtain a passing grade.

What is the difference between a syllabus and a teacher's description?

On the other hand, a syllabus is your study guide throughout the entire course. You'll continually refer to it to remember important test or quiz dates, project deadlines and course requirements. You might need to double-check the instructor's policies or look up the teacher's office hours so you can schedule an appointment or tutoring session. A syllabus might also help you budget how much you need for textbooks and reference materials.
