what does a highschool computer course cover?

by August Kunze 8 min read

This course will help students learn essential computer applications and Internet technology skills for personal, academic, and professional success.

Mapped to CSTA standards, the course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as problem solving, programming, physical computing, user-centered design, and data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, while inspiring students as they build their own websites, apps, games, and physical ...

Full Answer

What are the subjects covered in a computer course?

The main subjects that you cover during this course includes MS programming, MS Excel, accountancy, desktop publishing, as well as others. This, this course is really helpful if you are a beginner and want to make a career in computers. 3. VFX and Animation

Why take a computer science class in high school?

A high-quality computer science course in high school can help students develop these traits — and succeed in life.

What is the purpose of the computer course?

This course will help students learn essential computer applications and Internet technology skills for personal, academic, and professional success.

Are there good computer courses for homeschoolers for high school?

Thanks to a proliferation of software, many options exist for computer courses for homeschoolers for high school. The growing market for free software or open source applications has led to free software developed by communities of programmers without pay. They do it just for fun, and they have great tutorials.

What is covered in high school computer science?

Computer Science Projects focus on coding and technology projects, such as computer simulation, programming languages, microcontrollers (e.g., Raspberry Pi, Arduino), scientific applications, and web development. Additionally, students may create interactive art, virtual reality or video games, and computer graphics.

Is computer science in high school hard?

Computer science is hard. It is not easy to learn computer science. Computer technology, software, and statistical algorithms are some of the most difficult topics in the field. Despite this, anyone can succeed in a challenging field such as computer science if they have the time and motivation.

What should you do in high school for computer science?

Focus on math classes. Many computer science programs will require you to take math classes past calculus to graduate. Advanced math is useful in advanced computer science fields such as data science and artificial intelligence. To prepare yourself in high school, aim to take the most advanced math classes you can.

Is computer science a science class in high school?

The number of states that allow computer science to count in place of regular math has grown steadily. Author provided. In addition, 29 states passed legislation allowing computer science to count in place of a science course.

Is computer science a lot of math?

Why Does Computer Science Require So Much Math? Computer scientists have to be fluent in the language of computers, and that language is math. Success in this field requires critical thought, abstract reasoning, and logic—all of which are mathematical ways of thinking.

Is computer science heavy in math?

Discrete mathematics, linear algebra, number theory, and graph theory are the math courses most relevant to the computer science profession. Different corners of the profession, from machine learning to software engineering, use these types of mathematics.

Is computer science hard?

Computer science is a relatively unforgiving field; especially when it comes to programming. As you're creating a program, you'll need to pay extremely close attention to detail, because any little mistakes you make can cause the program to fail.

What is computer Studies high school?

Computer studies is the study of ways of representing objects and processes. It involves defining problems; analysing problems; designing solutions; and developing, testing, and maintaining programs.

What will I learn in computer science?

Students will gain experience with the theory and practice of computer science as they explore algorithms, programming languages and operating systems, for example. In classes, majors may apply their learning to topics like computational finance, robotics and network security.

What is 9th grade computer science?

Computer Science Principles (intro and AP course) Designed for 9 - 12 grade students, CS Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world.

What do you learn in 9th grade computer science?

What Do You Learn In 9th Grade Computer Science? This course is aligned to CSTA standards and covers topics such as problem solving, programming, physical computing, user-centered design, and data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, while inspiring students to build their own websites, apps, and games.

What level of math is required for computer science?

Students must be able to understand Calculus III in most programs, but not all. In most computer science degree programs, abstract algebra, discrete mathematics, graph theory, and other math courses are offered alongside the computer science courses.

What are the classes required for high school?

Some of the most common required high school curriculum classes in the U.S. include the following: 1 Math: Four years – often includes algebra, geometry and trigonometry 2 English: Four years – covers classic and period literature, drama, research, and writing 3 Science: Three classes – often involves biology, chemistry and physics 4 History: Three classes – U.S. history, world history and civics are common requirements 5 Foreign Language: Two years (sometimes optional) – Spanish, French and German are long-standing offerings, but Japanese, Chinese and Russian are increasingly popular 6 Physical Education: Two years – can often be replaced by approved after-school activities 7 Computers: Two classes – typing, office programs and web standards are just a start 8 Health: One class – nutrition, disease, sexuality and first aid are often covered

What are the core classes in high school?

Of course, these core classes just scratch the surface of high school offerings. Art, theater, public speaking and academic electives such as marine biology, geology, astronomy, statistics, poetry and psychology, as well as hands-on classes like driver’s training and wood shop all contribute to the wealth of classes you can teach as part of a comprehensive high school curriculum.

What classes do you teach with a math endorsement?

As a teacher with a math endorsement, you might teach a class on consumer mathematics for those who struggle with the subject and follow it up with an advanced class in calculus, statistics or trigonometry.

What do you teach with a history endorsement?

If you have a history or social studies endorsement, you might be asked to teach world history, U.S. history, civics, or even sociology or economics.

What grades do high schools serve?

High schools in the U.S. serve our oldest secondary students in grades 9 through 12. Since high schools are rated based on test results (which can affect funding) and college admissions become critical as graduation approaches, high schools place a great deal of emphasis on academic performance.

Why are middle schools important?

With the relative youth of their students and the integrated approach they take toward education, middle schools have the flexibility to create effective teaching units that cross subject-matter barriers and help students learn across educational disciplines.

How long is physical education?

Physical Education: Two years – can often be replaced by approved after-school activities

Why do students study computer science?

Six different studies show: students who study computer science perform better in other subjects, excel at problem-solving, and are more likely to attend college!

What is CSA in computer science?

The Code.org CSA course is designed for any high school student who wishes to continue their computer science education after completing an introductory course such as Computer Science Principles (CSP) or Computer Science Discoveries (CSD).

What is CS Discoveries?

CS Discoveries is an introductory course for 6-10th grade students that can be flexibly taught as a single semester, two semesters over multiple years, or as a full year course. Mapped to CSTA standards, the course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as problem solving, programming, physical computing, user-centered design, and data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, while inspiring students as they build their own websites, apps, games, and physical computing devices.

What is CS Principles?

This year-long course can be taught as an introductory course and as an AP course - no prerequisites required for students or teachers new to computer science! CS Principles complements CS Discoveries with a deeper focus on concepts such as how the internet works and the societal impacts of computer science.

Is AP computer science good?

AP computer science students also earn better AP Calculus scores than comparable students who don’t take AP computer science.

What skills do kids need to learn to use computers?

You’ll find the seven computer skills your child should master by the time he or she starts virtual high school. Typing. Using a keyboard is one of the first computer skills a young child develops. By middle school, children should be able to type proficiently with two hands.

What browsers do kids use?

Make sure your child is familiar with the major browsers—Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome —and knows how to add websites to “Bookmarks” or “Favorites.”.

Is it normal for kids to learn computer skills?

Computers are everywhere today, so it's normal for children to develop computer skills quickly and early on. By virtual elementary school, kids are figuring out how to use a mouse and navigate the keyboard. As your child grows and his or her knowledge of technology expands, there are certain things that he or she needs to learn for school.

What is the difference between HSCompSci and Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science?

The Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science offers AP courses , while HSCompSci has distance learning courses for AP Computer Science, 3D programming and iPhone development . Their teachers use current technology to teach courses giving the students experience in using common communication programs like Skype and video conferencing. Furthermore, Cengage Learning has many textbooks for those looking for a career in computer science.

What is a motherboard book?

With Motherboard books, a web resource for books and information, kids grades five and up learn computer skills like keyboarding and programming. Scottosplace offers workbooks that teach basic computer skills, office applications and web design. His workbooks guide the student through computer projects. Homeschool Programming Inc. sells basic semester and full year long programming courses for kids and teens.

What is the introduction to data?

Introduction to Data offers a video series course that teaches kids how the internet works, and prepares kids to build their own website. Young Digital Arts Cyberschool sells courses for third grade to high school students on a variety of game technologies that teens are interested in. They provide instruction for digital arts including anime and manga, and digital music.

What classes are needed for software development?

Class including AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, Multivariable Calculus, and other advanced math will be vital to software development.

Why do software programs exist?

Every software program exists to solve somebody’s problem. And you will achieve the most success in your software engineering career if you have what it takes to solve the problem, not just what it takes to write software or design computers. You might find a job writing software to run a manufacturing facility or to implement video games or to do air traffic control or to operate an automobile engine or interpret radar data or (I could go on for hours like this).

Do you need a textbook to learn to code?

First, let’s start by saying that you don’t need a textbook to learn to code. There are online tutorials, courses, and videos available to help your child get a start. Now, le

Can you be a computer programmer back then?

to be a computer programmer back then it was math, and today, it can be anything, because then sciences used fortran and business used cobol and today, python and other forms of languages for a computer programmer can be adapted to most any area.

Is computer science a field of study?

You’ll note that computer science is not on the list. That’s because it didn’t exist as a field of study when I was in high school (or college, for that matter). I learned it by working in jobs that required computers, then polished my knowledge by getting graduate degrees in computer science, when such degrees were first being offered.

How many computer courses are there?

There are more than 10 or 15 different basic computer courses, however, in terms of syllabus and job opportunity, some of them are not good. Therefore, we will avoid such courses and list all the best courses here. Web designing, Tally, Cybersecurity courses, VFX animation, Computer science diploma, C++ language, and certificate course in computer technology are some of the top basic computer courses.

What is the most important course for a computer graduate?

Microsoft Office and Typing Courses. Another basic yet important course for you to do is the Microsoft office and Typing course . It is very basic in the sense that not only a computer graduate, but also people who have been pursuing other streams are expected to know the topic.

How long is a web design course?

Short courses of three to four months are also easily available. However, if you want to pursue a career in web designing, doing the one year course is really helpful. After completing this course, you can easily get a job or even start working independently. 2. Certification Course in Computer Technology.

How long does it take to master computer skills?

It all depends on the person, while I might master it in 6-months, you might master it within 4-months, some might master it in 1-year.

What do you study in class 10?

Till class 10, you are expected to study various subjects such as geography, history, various languages, and others . You are taught the basics of each of these subjects and you do not quite have a choice to decide if you want to study a particular subject or not. However, your trouble begins once you have passed class 10. After class 10, you have to select a particular stream such as commerce, science, computers, as well as arts. You can choose any of these.

Is computer training inferior to other courses?

While some people assume basic computer courses to be inferior, but, it is not inferior to any other computer courses. Here are some of the common computer skills that could be developed if a basic computer course is perused. The computer skills are graphic designing, database management, operating system handling, computer programming, productivity software handling, communication tools, digital marketing, etc. Remember, when it comes to working in the IT field, these basic computer skills are very useful and important.

Is digital marketing a good course?

Nowadays, digital marketing is one of the most interesting courses across the globe. Because all businesses prefer online marketing for their marketing needs, the demand for this filed is increasing day by day. Digital marketers can get higher-paying jobs in different companies easily. Moreover, they can start their digital marketing business and earn more money. If you want to master online marketing and earn a good salary, then you can consider joining this course.

What are the requirements for high school?

Most high schools require students to complete a certain number of credits in order to graduate . Core requirements (such as those listed above) usually do not fill all these credits, so extra space in your schedule can be used to take electives. Electives can be regular, honors, or AP level.

What are the best math classes to take in college?

Take math at the highest level offered by your school, such as at an honors or AP level. There are three AP Math classes: Calculus AB, Calculus BC, and Statistics. There are four IB Math classes that cover roughly the same material but vary in difficulty and speed. Take pre-calculus and calculus, if possible.

What electives are required for AP?

AP electives include Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Psychology, US Government and Politics, and Comparative Government and Politics.

How many classes are there in IB?

There are seven IB science classes: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Design Technology, Environmental Systems and Societies, Sports, Education and Health Science. You can also take more career-focused classes if your school offers them, such as job shadowing at a hospital.

How many years of college do you have to take honors?

Take honors or accelerated classes your first three years.

What is the most important part of college application?

One of the single most important parts of your college application is what classes you choose take in high school (in conjunction with how well you do in those classes). Our team of PrepScholar admissions experts have compiled their knowledge into this single guide to planning out your high school course schedule. We'll advise you on how to balance your schedule between regular and honors/AP/IB courses, how to choose your extracurriculars, and what classes you can't afford not to take.

How many years of physical education do you need to be a high school student?

Physical Education. Many high schools require students to complete one-four years of physical education. This may be waived if you participate in a school sport.


Defining “Computer Science”

The Importance of Computer Science Programs For High School Students

  • Dr. Andrew Molnar is a pioneer in computer-assisted education, and he believes that our modern base of knowledge is so vast that “it would take 22 centuries to read the annual biomedical research literature or seven centuries to read a year’s chemical literature.” Consequently, we depend on computers to store, organize, cross-reference, and provide...
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  • Marlborough serves girls in grades 7 through 12. As a private, college-preparatory secondary school, we are conveniently located in the heart of Los Angeles, California. Our goalis to ignite intellectual inquiry and to build the problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills that our students will need to innovate, invent, and lead in college and beyond.
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  • If you want your daughter to become a curious, agile thinker, consider Marlborough. Our outstanding computer science program for high school students can enrich your daughter’s educational experience as she prepares for college and beyond. Want to know more about the Marlborough experience? Contact us today
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