what do you think is your biggest fear, concern, or obstacle in regard to this course?

by Prof. Dorian Schroeder 3 min read

What are the biggest fears students have?

Dec 09, 2020 · Sometimes, in an interview, you might get the question, “What is your greatest fear?”. It’s a little different of a question than them asking about your strengths or weaknesses. When the interviewer asks this, they’re trying to gauge what you might be cautious of and whether or not that aligns or doesn’t align with the position you ...

What is the biggest fear Holding you Back from success?

Mar 25, 2021 · Sandra Henderson, hiring manager and coach at Life Hacks, advises to ‘give an honest, concise explanation of why you have that fear. Don’t go overboard as it will only make the hiring manager think that you are trying too hard to justify a …

Is your biggest fear really fear of the unknown?

Jul 20, 2019 · Because of that, you forget what your goal is. You need to constantly remind yourself what you want so you can find the necessary motivation everyday. I’m sure you heard that the true courage is to be scared and go over that, and not the lack of fear. That’s true because fear is an instinct we all have so not feeling it would be a problem.

What is your greatest fear in an interview?

The anxiety that comes from worry doesn’t bring success into your life any faster. Fear be still, bravery come near.”. 10. The fear of getting hurt. The last fear Smith highlights is being ...

How do you answer what is your biggest fear?

How to answer "What is your greatest fear?"Be honest. Try to remain honest when creating your response. ... Explain what caused the fear. You may begin your response by explaining your fear, what caused it and when it began. ... Demonstrate awareness. ... Explain how you cope with your fear. ... Focus on one fear. ... Practice your delivery.2 Dec 2021

What is your greatest fear as a student?

Fear of failure One of the biggest fears students have. Unfortunately, some people don't overcome it even after their college graduation: such fear paralyzes them, stopping from making important life decisions.

What is the greatest fear of entrepreneurs?

Fear of failure is one of the very most common phobias, especially among new and aspiring entrepreneurs. In fact, 33% of Americans admit that the fear of failure holds them back from starting a business. But despite how terribly final it may feel, failure isn't the opposite of success.16 Jul 2020

What can be people's biggest fear?

Here are the top 10 fears that hold people back in life:Change. We live in an ever-changing world, and it is happening more rapidly than ever before. ... Loneliness. ... Failure. ... Rejection. ... Uncertainty. ... Something Bad Happening. ... Getting Hurt. ... Being Judged.More items...•4 Nov 2019

What is your biggest fear means?

A reason for dread or apprehension. Being alone is my greatest fear.

What is your biggest fear and why?

1. Fear of Failure. The fear of failure is one of the most common biggest fear that hold people back from living their best life. In a world that puts successful people on a podium, there can be shame on those who fall short or even worse, try in the first place.

How can a business overcome fear?

7 Ways to Overcome Your Fears in BusinessIdentify your fear(s). What exactly is it that you're afraid of? ... Realize it's not all about you. ... Determine the worst-case scenarios. ... Focus on your why. ... Take action. ... Find your support system. ... Learn to accept (and embrace) your fear.

How can entrepreneurs overcome fear?

have processes (like the one I shared above) to move them beyond their fear. know that if they do fail at something they try, they'll learn from it and do it over but better. stop comparing themselves to others. don't focus on excuses, but work to find solutions.22 Dec 2019

What is the greatest fear in entrepreneurship and how can it be managed?

Fear of taking risks. Every time we take a risk on something, we're putting ourselves, our business and our reputation on the line. A risk can pay off with amazing success, or it can lead to a downward spiral and failure.10 Dec 2018

What are examples of fears?

The 12 Most Common PhobiasArachnophobia (Fear of spiders)Ophidiophobia (Fear of snakes)Acrophobia (Fear of heights)Aerophobia (Fear of flying)Cynophobia (Fear of dogs)Astraphobia (Fear of thunder and lightning)Trypanophobia (Fear of injections)Social Phobia (Social anxiety disorder)More items...•15 Mar 2022

How do you make people fear you and respect you?

How to Get People to Respect You (If You're Not High Status)Show people that you respect yourself. ... Set clear and enforceable boundaries. ... Speak so that people listen to you. ... Stop apologizing for your mere presence. ... Use a confident body language. ... Stand up for your opinions and beliefs. ... Don't let people regularly interrupt you.More items...•15 Jan 2019

How to answer "I don't have any fears"?

How to craft a response. 1. Be honest. You should answer every question that comes your way during the interview with honesty. Answering this question with ‘I don’t have any fears’ is both unrealistic and simplistic.

Why is being honest important?

Being honest reflects positively on you and shows that you are an ethical individual with integrity. Also, bear in mind that if recruiters ask you this question, they will be asking others. As such, they will probably be able to sense it if your response is dishonest. There’s no need to go into a lengthy explanation.

Why do recruiters ask interview questions?

It’s a popular and common interview question used by recruiters to determine how you would handle certain facets of the role if you were hired and how well you manage your anxieties. This facilitates the hiring process and helps recruiters hire the right person based on their ability to do the job and deliver results.

How to avoid being arrogant in an interview?

While you want to avoid coming off as arrogant, you also need to remember that your interviewer wants to know what you have to offer.

How to be a good interviewer?

Maintain a positive attitude. In an interview setting, it’s essential to have a positive attitude throughout. You want to demonstrate a can-do mindset. While you may have to address your fears, you shouldn’t take a negative approach when talking about them.

What does it mean to prepare for an interview?

Preparing for an upcoming job interview means taking the time to consider how your goals and qualifications suit the role and the employer. Employers ask a range of questions to ascertain what you know about them and whether you’re the right fit for their company. By preparing answers to different interview questions, ...

Should you be prepared for an interview?

Example answers. Being well-prepared for an interview is essential and can make all the difference when it comes to landing the job. As with other interview questions, your answers should be rehearsed beforehand. However, bear in mind that you shouldn’t sound like you’ve memorised your response!

What does Smith say about fear?

But there’s a solution: “Once you admit that you are experiencing the fear of inadequacy, understanding is on its way.”

What is missing out fear?

“The fear of missing out is a distraction from forming lasting relationships, because it keeps you focused on what every other person in the world is doing, rather than on the people right in front of you.”

What is the last fear Smith highlights?

The last fear Smith highlights is being hurt: “The best way to fight the fear of getting hurt is to do life together and to get to know one another on deeper levels. Some will argue that building close relationships with others can only leave you hurt in the end, but living life without relationships sounds much more hurtful than never experiencing the beauty found in relationships.”

What does Smith say about fear of change?

Fear of change is common, but Smith writes we must learn to be content with life’s shifts “if we are to find inner peace and passion even when everything else is changing.”

What does John Smith say about community?

Instead of being afraid about what others think, Smith says to “embrace your personal story, because that is what makes you unique, and share it within your community.”. He continues, “In fact, strive to create community wherever you are, and build confidence in yourself and the people around you while you’re at it.”.

What is the purpose of vision and anticipation?

In whatever you do, anticipation and vision are both necessary ingredients to fight the fear of uncertainty. ”. In whatever you do, anticipation and vision are both necessary ingredients to fight the fear of uncertainty. Adam Smith. author.

Is rejection a common issue?

“Yes, rejection will come, even when we find passion and put in the work, but we should be most satisfied with giving life our all.”

What are the challenges of leadership?

It’s not only internal challenges you face as a leader. Some leadership challenges come down to the variety of skills it takes to lead effectively. The strengths you need to build and the approaches you need to learn if you’re going to make the kind of impact great leaders make on their teams.#N#All skills can be learned, honed and improved. Some take more work than others. But every challenge to your skills and abilities as a leader is an opportunity to take yourself and your team to the next level.

What is the amygdala response?

Remember the fight-or-flight response? That’s where your amygdala—part of the limbic system, where we process emotions—goes on red alert in the face of danger, whether it’s physical or psychological.#N#Times of crisis can be an absolute playground for your amygdala.#N#So it can be an incredible challenge to stay calm—let alone model and encourage calm for all those in your care—when it feels like the wheels are falling off. But that’s exactly what your people need to see from you when the going gets tough. They need to see a leader who stays levelheaded during a crisis.

What is leadership impact?

Leadership is about impact—how you’re able to make rain in the lives of others. When that’s your starting point, you can create an environment where people are engaged. Where they care about each other, have real conversations and tackle challenges together. “Leadership is a choice.

Why is vulnerability important in leadership?

Let’s bring this back full circle, because vulnerability is closely tied to humility. And it’s equally important to good leadership.#N#It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to say, “I was wrong.” It takes high emotional intelligence to admit your mistakes, ask for feedback and learn from criticism. If you’re not able to ask for help, it can be a major hurdle to effective leadership.#N#Perhaps being vulnerable even encompasses all of the internal challenges we’ve talked about so far. Because vulnerability is about authenticity. It means having an accurate picture of yourself. Knowing what gets you down and what keeps you going. Being real about what you’re feeling. Engaging in honest conversations with your team. Being willing to show your humanity.#N#It’s hard to do, which is why many leaders prefer to project invulnerability. But that’s a trap. Great leaders take the challenge to be vulnerable, own it and live it.#N#​

How to show leadership in tough times?

But your team needs to see hope. Not false hope or foolish optimism—but it’s never hurt anyone to find the opportunities in challenges or the light in dark times.#N#Exhibiting leadership in tough times takes an extra measure of patience and empathy. It means working more diligently to rally the team, find the lessons you can learn from adversity, and celebrate your wins. It takes vigilance against placing blame or finger-pointing. It’s a time to lean into sharing your purpose and vision even more.#N#Teams look to their leaders as a beacon in difficult circumstances. As hard as it can be, you need to model the positivity they’re looking for.

How to lead through a crisis?

Maybe there’s real danger to the organization, and you’d rather insulate your team from it. But far and away the best way to lead through a crisis is to prioritize clarity over comfort. Be real. Be transparent. It’s not the path of least resistance, by any means. But making the effort to shoot straight with your team, even if it’s not easy to hear, can only strengthen your organization.

What is the opposite of fear?

What’s the opposite of fear?#N#The obvious answer would be the absence of fear. Or you might say it’s courage.#N#But the opposite of fear isn’t courage … it’s action.#N#Fear isn’t unhealthy until you let it run the show. That’s when our old friend the amygdala takes a little too much control and rational thought goes out the window. Fear-based leadership isn’t leadership at all—it’s where bad decisions happen.#N#And fear isn’t always the same as being afraid. Many of us will likely say we’re not fearful. We’re courageous leaders, willing to take on anything. But here’s the secret … no matter who we are, how much authority we have, what position we’re in, deep down inside every one of us is really a scared little kid. We’re stressed out, unsure of ourselves, looking for approval, fearing failure.#N#When we get honest about that, that’s when we can decide not to let it control how we act or how we lead.#N#So, understand who you are. Acknowledge the fears and insecurities we all face. Then tell them to be quiet so you can get to work.#N#Make a plan. Base it on your decision frame. Take action.#N#The fear will have no choice but to get in the back seat.

How to overcome fear?

Mindfulness and overcoming fear. The choice is yours. Fear is the obstacle to many things in life. You get to decide how to face it, what to do with it, and how to not allow it to dominate all that you do. Mindfulness makes you aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It puts you in a conscious state.

What is the greatest obstacle in life?

When it comes to truly living life, in all likelihood the single greatest obstacle is fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the reaction of others. A fear of ridicule. Fear of failure. A fear of success.

How does mindfulness help you overcome fear?

Mindfulness makes you aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It puts you in a conscious state. That allows you to better see if fear is overwhelming you. With that you can better take-on, cope with, and overcome your fear.

What does the invisible boogeymen do?

It is the invisible boogeymen that make the heart palpitate, the palms sweat, and that gives you that sad, debilitating pit-of-your-stomach-dropping-out sensation. It is one of the most overwhelming sensations you can feel. There are three options for dealing with fear.

Is fear a tangible element?

Currently, with the outbreak of the Coronavirus and the infuriating — and frankly scary — necessity of social-distancing and self-isolation/quarantine, fear has a tangible element. It is virtually surrounding you. You have a choice. Allow fear to dominate and overwhelm you or take ahold of it and work to release it.

Is fear a natural thing?

Of course, fear is a natural human mechanism to help you be safe. But there is a large difference between tangible things to be afraid of — i.e. wild animals threatening to attack you in the jungle — and the intangibles things like failure, success, and to a similar degree viruses.

What is the fear of people?

Another name for this is social anxiety. It’s the fear of social situations and the interaction with other people and it can cause feelings of self-consciousness, judgment, evaluation, and scrutiny. If you seem fine when you are alone, but you’re anxious in social situations, then “fear of people” may be the problem.

What is the fear of competition?

Many times a fear of competition is really a fear of perfectionism.

What is the third largest psychological disorder in the United States?

In the United States, epidemiological studies have recently pegged social anxiety disorder as the third largest psychological disorder in the country. 8. Fear of Futility.

What do athletes fear?

Most of the time, an athletes fear is about avoiding poor results whether prior to or during a performance. Athletes often fear the negative consequences of a poor or less than perfect performance.

Who is Jason Teteak?

International Public Speaking Coach, TEDx Speaker and Best Selling author Jason Teteak has taught more than one million people how to flawlessly command attention and connect with audiences in their unique style. He’s won praise and a wide following for his original methods, his engaging style, and his knack for transferring communications skills via practical, simple, universal and immediately actionable techniques.

Is fear of failure the same as fear of success?

Fear of Success. The Fear of failure and the fear of success are often related and have the same anxiety symptoms. But, the fear of success is deeper, and often more subconscious. That’s because success is more complex than failure.

Can fear of failure cause us to do nothing?

The fear of failing can be paralyzing – it can cause us to do nothing, and simply stop moving forward. But when we allow fear to stop us from moving forward, we can miss some big open doors.

How to overcome fear of failure?

To overcome this fear, plan your study process well, remember the importance of preparation, try to get rid of bad habits that affect your studying process and work on concentrating on subjects that are the most useful to you. Fear of failure. One of the biggest fears students have.

What is the biggest fear of college students?

Fear of failure. One of the biggest fears students have. Unfortunately, some people don’t overcome it even after their college graduation: such fear paralyzes them, stopping from making important life decisions. If you want to overcome this fear, you have to understand yourself.

Why are some students afraid of being expelled?

Fear of expulsion. Some students are afraid of being expelled because they don’t consider themselves smart enough.

Why are college students afraid of public speaking?

That’s why students that were afraid of public speaking at schools become absolutely terrified when thinking about doing this in college.

How to ensure your safety?

There are things you can do to assure your safety: lock your room (maybe even buy good locks for drawers where you keep expensive things); don’t drink something that you’ve left unattended for a while (moreover, try to get your own drinks for a party); ask a friend to stay sober during the party and watch your company.

Why is higher education important?

Higher education is not about books and grades only. Actually, it makes you a better person and prepares to the future life: you start living on your own, making new friends, learning how to organize your time better, how to plan your budget, and so on. Moreover, higher education teaches students how to overcome their biggest fears.

Do freshmen have to live on their own?

Not all freshmen are experienced in living on their own and planning their own budget. If you are afraid that you’ll run out of money, prepare yourself before going to college: read books or articles about financial planning and install an app that allows keeping track of your expenses.

What are the most powerful fears that hold you back?

3. Fear of Loss . Fear of loss is most likely one of the most prominent and powerful fears that is holding you back. The biggest fear of loss often stimulates negative emotions like anger that stop you from being the person you can be. Think of the last time you were angry and search for the fear behind it.

What are some of the common fears that might be holding you back?

One of the lesser-known but very common fears that might be holding you back is the fear of success. How can anyone fear success you might ask? Well, success has its own set of problems and fears.

What is the biggest fear of losing control?

Fear of Losing Control. The biggest fear of losing control is another big fear that holds many of us back from living our best life. Many people substitute improvement and happiness with control and comfort, and that is where you can go wrong.

What is the biggest fear that holds people back from living their best life?

1. Fear of Failure . The fear of failure is one of the most common biggest fear that hold people back from living their best life. In a world that puts successful people on a podium, there can be shame on those who fall short or even worse, try in the first place. In the wise words of Anthony de Mello: [1]

What are the things that hold you back from living your best life?

This article will highlight the most common fears that people have that hold them back and how to overcome them. 1. Fear of Failure .

Why do people hold back?

People hold back not just because they are afraid of success, but because they are afraid of getting it and losing it. The solution is similar to that of the biggest fear of failure – you just have to live your own life and see what comes your way.

How does fear of failure affect you?

The fear of failure will hold you back from taking action and make you procrastinate. Don’t let this fear take control of your life. Get rid of your fear of failure, your tensions about succeeding, and you will be yourself.

How to overcome obstacles in a day?

The key is to break down what you need to do to overcome your obstacle into small manageable chunks. From there, progressively work on one or more chunks per day until you successfully reach your outcome.

Why do obstacles prevent us from moving forward?

The reason these obstacles prevent us from moving forward comes down to how we choose to interpret events and circumstances, and the subsequent thoughts we choose to dwell upon.

What are the three types of obstacles?

There are three types of obstacles that you will likely face along your journey toward your goals. We will categorize these obstacles as personal, environmental, and social . Each obstacle presents you with a different set of challenges. Get through these challenges, and you will make inroads into your goal.

Why do not quit?

Finally, no matter what, do not quit, because the greatest opportunities are always intertwined with life’s most significant struggles. Persistence and perseverance, a commitment to consistency and massive action are what you need to overcome life’s biggest obstacles.

Why is it important to plan for the future?

When you plan for the future, you gather a better understanding of the possible scenarios and consequences of your decisions and actions. Planning also gives you insight into additional resources you may need to overcome environmental obstacles.

What is progress built upon?

Progress is built upon a myriad of mistakes we make each day. Some are big, some are small, but one thing is for sure… they help us learn the lessons we need to learn to achieve our goals and objectives.

Why is it important to do a little forward planning?

When it comes to social obstacles, it’s essential to do a little forward planning to ensure that you clarify your needs adequately, your knowledge thoroughly, and your instructions carefully. It also helps to develop good strong bonds and relationships with the people you rely on most.