what do you gain from a course

by Carroll Larson 4 min read

Here's a quick run-down of the valuable qualities you're sure to develop when you choose to study online or on campus:
  • Time management. Perhaps the most obvious skill you'll develop as a part-time student. ...
  • Organisation. ...
  • Research. ...
  • Networking. ...
  • Presenting ideas. ...
  • Reasoning. ...
  • Decision-making. ...
  • Persuasion.
Nov 6, 2015

Full Answer

What skills will I gain from my degree?

You may have acquired specific technical skills relevant to your field of study (e.g. laboratory, IT, research or language skills). You will also have developed or improved valuable academic and / or work-related skills. These may include: Dealing with complex, unpredictable issues and making informed decisions based on incomplete information

What will I gain from my postgraduate study?

You will have gained specialist knowledge of your subject (and possibly related areas) through the courses, seminars and conferences that are part of your postgraduate study. By the end of your degree, you will also have carried out an in-depth research project and written a dissertation on a subject that may be of interest to employers.

What should a student look to gain from their college experience?

Here are four things that students should look to gain from their college experience: 1. People skills There is perhaps nothing more vital to a student’s future success than learning how to analyze people. Contrary to popular belief, people skills involve more than being well-liked.

What can you gain from a leadership training and development program?

Inspiring and educating bright minds from around the world. What Can You Gain From a Leadership Training and Development Program? Leadership is not a role just for talented people who are born with this quality. People who are not born with this quality can also become leaders through proper training.

What do you gain from a college course?

Here are four things that students should look to gain from their college experience:People skills. There is perhaps nothing more vital to a student's future success than learning how to analyze people. ... Exposure to multicultural activities. ... The ability to work in high pressure situations. ... Analytical/problem solving skills.

What are the benefits of doing a course?

Let's explore some of the primary benefits to course variety.Examining Options for Your Future. Taking a wide variety of college classes allows you to explore different fields to find what you are most interested in. ... Making Connections Across Subjects. ... Preparing for Life After Graduation.

How do you answer what do you hope to learn from this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

What skills do you gain from online courses?

Here are 10 additional skills that are in short supply in today's labor market that you develop as an online student.Communication skills. ... Organizational skills. ... Writing skills. ... Ability to meet deadlines. ... Computer skills. ... Teamwork. ... Time management. ... Self Starter.More items...•

What are the 10 benefits of online classes?

10 Advantages of Online ClassesVariety of programs and courses: ... Lower total costs: ... More comfortable learning environment: ... Convenience and flexibility: ... More interaction and greater ability to concentrate: ... Career advancement: ... Continue in your profession: ... Avoid commuting.More items...•

What are the benefits of short courses?

Below are some of the top benefits of studying a short course:Quick way to gain quality skills.Save time and money.Looks great on your CV.Further your career.Insight into an industry.There are plenty of courses to choose from.You can study without matric.Great way to learn workplace skills.More items...

What skills do you want to gain from this experience?

How to Answer “What Do You Hope to Gain from This Experience?”Show that you know what the opportunity involves. ... Show that you've put thought into your job search and are targeting specific areas. ... Explain how this opportunity fits your interests and goals.

What skills do you want to gain from this internship?

Here are a few examples of things you can take away from an internship that may help you land a job down the road:New/improved skills. ... A more complete (and impressive) résumé ... Recommendations. ... New connections. ... A greater sense of professionalism. ... More confidence in your career direction. ... Completed projects/presentations/etc.More items...•

What skills can you bring to the course?

Here are some of the most constantly in-demand transferable skills.Communication. Effective communication is essential in any role. ... Organisation and planning. ... Motivation and enthusiasm. ... Initiative. ... Teamwork. ... Leadership skills. ... Problem solving. ... Flexibility.More items...

What are the benefits of online learning?

Seven Benefits of Online LearningAdded Flexibility and Self-Paced Learning. ... Better Time Management. ... Demonstrated Self-Motivation. ... Improved Virtual Communication and Collaboration. ... A Broader, Global Perspective. ... Refined Critical-thinking Skills. ... New Technical Skills.

What are advantages of e learning?

Advantages of e-learning are: Efficient way of delivering courses as the resources are available from anywhere and at any time; Students can interact with their peers from all around the world through group discussions and private chats; The studying material can be accessed unlimited number of times.

Why are leadership courses important?

With many individuals now getting ready to become leaders, and becoming geographically mobile as well, these courses can ensure that you are receiving skills that can keep you employable in the workforce.

Why do you need leadership courses?

They help you connect better. to connect with your own team members and employees who are joining the workforce each day, you need to undergo leadership courses that can help you understand the nuances of your role in the present times.

Why is it important to take a leadership course?

These are the core reasons for following a good leadership course and using that learning to make your roles, your organizations and your personal life also more enriching and diverse in thought, and action. That is why choosing the right course and then undertaking it, is important.

Why do leaders succeed?

The reason why most leaders succeed is that they do not stop their learning process. To facilitate such learning there are many good leadership courses that enable leaders to continue to grow, personally as well as professionally. These courses are important because –. They open your mind to new trends and ideas.

What should I learn from college experience?

Here are four things that students should look to gain from their college experience: 1. People skills. There is perhaps nothing more vital to a student’s future success than learning how to analyze people. Contrary to popular belief, people skills involve more than being well-liked.

Does it matter if you are a student or a campus leader?

It doesn’t matter if you are a student, a campus leader or any other role in the community, you will continuously build relationships with people you interact with. What will set you apart from the rest, however, is your ability to connect with people on a deeper level.

Is a diploma a milestone?

The diploma, however, is not the only milestone that students should be reaching for. Although at the end of the day graduation is the goal for every student, college should be a comprehensive experience that not only helps you develop as a person but also makes you more marketable to future employers. Here are four things that students should look ...

Do students use brute memorization?

Many students, unfortunately, use techniques of brute memorization. Although this approach may work for some basic classes, the higher up you progress in your degree track (and in life in general), the more you will need to think critically.

What do you gain from a postgraduate degree?

Knowledge. You will have gained specialist knowledge of your subject (and possibly related areas) through the courses, seminars and conferences that are part of your postgraduate study. By the end of your degree, you will also have carried out an in-depth research project and written a dissertation on a subject that may be of interest to employers. ...

What are the skills you have acquired?

Skills. You may have acquired specific technical skills relevant to your field of study (e.g. laboratory, IT, research or language skills). You will also have developed or improved valuable academic and / or work-related skills. These may include: Independently managing a (research) project.

What is the responsibility of learning?

Critically examining texts and extracting meaning. Communicating your ideas effectively in different ways and to people with different levels of knowledge. Being a self-motivated and independent learner.

Do employers always recognise postgraduate qualifications?

Employers in particular will not always automatically recognise the value of a postgraduate qualification although they can see them as valuable if you market the experience effectively. If your postgraduate degree is vocational or the subject is relevant to the type of job that interests you, then you will have an easier job ‘selling’ it ...

What is the best way to get training for a leadership position?

Taking a leadership and management course is the best way to get training to prepare you for a leadership job position. Benefits of a leadership training and development program. Leadership program can help you to realize your competencies and boost your confidence to take on a leadership role. It is perfect for people want to take on ...

Why is training important for managers?

Training allows the managers to interact with the employees effectively and get them to do the job happily. They will learn how to give feedback and motivate employees. Improving worker retention rate can reduce the cost of recruiting new workers. Leadership program can train leaders to make the right decisions.

How does leadership training help a manager?

Leadership training can increase the worker retention rate in the company. There are lots of employees who change jobs because they don’t like their bosses.

How can leadership and management training improve productivity?

Leadership and management training courses can improve the productivity of the staff who hold manager and supervisor positions in the company. There are lots of people who are manager/supervisor but they can’t control the workers or solve problems with customers effectively. Through training opportunity, you know the company now expect more ...

How can leadership training and development program improve corporate culture?

First of all, it encourages the leaders to be more understanding of the employees and treat them more humanely. Treating your staff like how you treat your friends can produce long term benefits for the company.

What is the purpose of leadership training?

You also learn about all the common decision-making techniques. Leadership training allows you to discover your leadership style .

Why is it important to combine leadership styles?

Leading the organization in a unique style is important because all the staff look up to you.

1. Explain your Motivation

Discuss what motivated you to apply for their position—describing how your interests align with the skills posted in the job description. For example, elaborating on how you’ve taken courses related to what you’re applying for and how working with them will let you expand your horizons.

2. Prioritize the Brand

Many internship programs or entry-level jobs are easily accessible due to their low requirements. By highlighting the company’s mission statement, you’re expressing a desire to learn from them and only them. Dig more into the company’s background to find out if their style suits you and leverage that in your response.

3. Be Honest

While it’s crucial to leave a good impression, having candor helps hiring managers to realize that you’re setting realistic expectations. Mention how you can achieve soft skills such as effective leadership, teamwork, or communication by working with them.

4. Tie In Your Strengths

This question offers the perfect opportunity to highlight your strengths. Often times, applicants seek jobs that play to their strengths. If you fall into this category, now is the time to highlight areas you are strong in! You can also speak about how you wish to further expand your strengths and build strong relationships with your coworkers.

5. Expand Your Resume

As we all know, your resume will never embody the entirety of who you are as an applicant. This is a major reason that employers rely on interviews to get to know their applicants! Use every interview question as an opportunity to expand on your resume or mention something that is not included in your cover letter.

Why do they ask this question?

For those people of less experience like students looking for a summer job or those fresh out of college, the interviewer knows that he/she needs to select the one who has the enthusiasm to learn and work for them wholeheartedly. An interviewer is also a human who is cautious about making a costly decision.

Some techniques on how to answer

Your answer must be sincere and genuine with a dash of enthusiasm and inquisitiveness. What happens when you answer it that way? It gives a glimpse of hope to the interviewer and keeps him/her hopeful of getting the right candidate.

Sample Answer 1

Well, I always wanted to be a protector and a guardian of child rights and if allowed to volunteer in your reputed organization, I intend to gain as much knowledge as I can in these three months of intensive volunteering. The experiences that I hope to gain go beyond technical knowledge. I also want to learn as many soft skills as possible.

Sample Answer 2

My love for sustainable development has seeped into my everyday living. I have a profound love for farming and I always wanted to learn sustainable farming since I was in school. If given this opportunity to take the nine monthly training courses in Japan, I will be the most grateful one.

Sample Answer 3

When I saw this opportunity to intern for such a renowned publishing house, I immediately applied for it as I know that this is an opportunity for a lifetime. I hope to learn the craft from the best in the world.

Sample Answer 4

As you can see from my CV, my experiences and this present opportunity are completely different. This interim position will allow me to delve into a new career, the career I love and am passionate about.

Sample Answer 5

I hope to gain experience from experts in your organization. This internship will help me polish my skills and to work under such seasoned people. It will help me to plan my career better. I hope to give my best and comply with the rules and regulations of the internship to get the best experience out of it.
