what did you learn about human nature during the course of reading night?

by Brenden Weimann 10 min read

what can we learn about their human nature in Night? Perhaps one of the most salient themes is Wiesel’s insight into human nature, his descriptions posing the reader with the question of where animal instinct ends and civility begins.

Full Answer

What does Night by Elie Wiesel teach us about human nature?

It becomes clear that Elie Wiesel`s commentary on human nature is that, during extreme circumstances, people are selfish and would achieve anything for their own survival. Furthermore, In Wiesel's novel people strived to survive this injustice.

What lessons have you learned from reading Night?

Elie Wiesel from Night demonstrates that everyone has bravery, faith, hope, and courage, how it is used will make an impact. Elie does this through the events that happened in Auschwitz. With pain everyone sometimes forgets to use these important traits.

What does Wiesel convey about human nature in the concentration camps?

Inhumanity And Cruelty In Eliezer Wiesel's Night Many events in the novel convey a theme of “man's inhumanity to man”. The prisoners of the concentration camps are constantly tortured and neglected by the German officers who run the camps.

What are the main themes of the book Night?

Elie Wiesel uncovers and explores three distinct themes in his memoir Night: one's spiritual journey, dehumanization, and relationships between friends and family.

What is the message in the book Night?

One of the main themes of Night is Eliezer's loss of religious faith. Throughout the book, Eliezer witnesses and experiences things that he cannot reconcile with the idea of a just and all-knowing God.

Why should students read Night by Elie Wiesel?

Night gives a chilling first-hand account of the horrors that the Jewish people faced at the hand of the Nazis. The personal thoughts of Wiesel give insight to how the Jewish people reacted to the situation of the concentration camps and how some lost their faith because of it.

How does night cruelty function?

The Night demonstrates terribly cruel acts by the Nazis against the Jews, also known as The Holocaust. Elie's family is in Sighet. They are ordered to move in segregated places and are forced to board a train to Auschwitz. Cruelty can be assessed from the fact that various people have already foreseen their deaths.

How did Wiesel say he felt about the Hungarian police?

How did Wiesel say he felt about the Hungarian police? He said he began to hate them because they were his and his community's first oppressors.

How is humanity shown night?

Humanity can be shown through safety,hope, and reuniting people. Night by Elie Wiesel takes place in a very tragic time period the Holocaust. In the book humanity is what saves Elie along with the others this gives them the will to live.

What is the importance of faith to Eliezer in the memoir?

Eliezer struggles for survival, his most fundamental beliefs—his faith in God, faith in his fellow human beings, and sense of justice in the world—are called into question. He emerges from his experience profoundly changed.

What is a good thesis statement for the book Night?

One example of a good thesis statement for the novel Night would be that enduring ongoing cruelty can make people feel hopeless, can cause them to inflict cruelty on others, and can make them question their religion.Sep 5, 2019

What is a theme of a story?

A literary theme is the main idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a novel, short story, or other literary work. The theme of a story can be conveyed using characters, setting, dialogue, plot, or a combination of all of these elements.Aug 20, 2021

All the prisoners in the whole camp are going to be evacuated (taken away) except the patients in the hospital. Which is better, to go with the other prisoners or to stay behind in the hospital? If you were there with Eliezer and his father, what would yo

By the end of the book it becomes apparent that staying is better than going. Hospitals were liberated first. Your second question really depends o...


We learn that Elie is sympathetic to eccentric figures like Moche. The town dismisses Moche as a clown but Elie sees more in Moche and wants to lea...

In the camps, Wiesel must struggle to stay alive and to remain human. In your own opinion, how well does he succeed with his struggles?

I don't really know if he succeeds. The reason is it would have been nearly impossible for anyone, no matter how strong, to stay human (whatever th...

What is the genetic disorder that makes people hypersociable?

In a study that was published in the journal Nature in August, researchers identified some of the genes responsible for social behavior. The study involved people with Williams syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that makes people hypersociable, and that involves the deletion of a set of 25 genes on chromosome 7.

Does a smile make you feel happier?

The facial-feedback hypothesis suggested that the body’s movements could affect mood, and not just the other way around.

What is the point of view of Elie Wiesel?

Using first person point of view, Elie Wiesel tells the story of an experience from earlier within his life in a highly idiosyncratic narrative voice. Through this, the readers gets an very direct, personal account of the Holocaust. While many books about the Holocaust use a generalized historical viewpoint to paint pictures of the period, Eliezer’s account is limited in scope but gives a personal perspective through which the reader receives a more effective view and understanding of life under the Nazis.

Why is the quote "It's a good thing to take your innocence" important?

So this quote is important because it represents that his innocence was taken from him. Its meant to signify the long-lasting impact of the horrors that occurred, which still weigh on him to this very day.

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Who conducted the Obedience Study?

Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted his famous series of experiments widely known as Obedience Study almost 60 years ago. The ethics of the experiment have since been subject to criticism. However, it raised important questions about the power of authority in achieving obedience.

What was the purpose of the Milgram study?

It intended to investigate the relationship between obedience to authority and personal conscience. Milgram’s interest in conducting this study was sparked by the trial of Adolph Eichmann, a Nazi war criminal who was one of the main organizers of the Holocaust.

Who is Lottie Miles?

Lottie Miles is a professional researcher and writer with a passion for human rights. She has 4 years of experience working within the NGO sector and has a Master's Degree in Social Policy and Research Methods from the University of Bath. She has a keen interest in exploring ways in which happiness habits can help to improve mental health and wellbeing. In her spare time, she likes doing crossword puzzles, painting and traveling.
