what did julian rotter insist on in his internal-external control scale? course hero

by Lionel Hane III 5 min read

In 1966 Rotter published the Internal-External Locus of Control Scale. Respondents were asked to choose between pairs of internal and external items relating to everyday situations. For example, on one item respondents must choose whether people ’ s misfortunes are due to their own mistakes (internal) or to bad luck (external).

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What did Julian Rotter insist on in his internal-external control scale?

Rotter ’ s Internal-External Locus of Control Scale. In an effort to explain how personal characteristics interact with the environment to predict behavior, the psychologist Julian Rotter (b. 1916) proposed a social learning theory in 1954. Although Rotter emphasized both personal and environmental factors in behavioral prediction, much of ...

What is Rotter’s locus of control scale?

Nov 19, 2021 · Julian Rotter was born in NY in 1916. In his formative years he was influenced by psychoanalytic theory, especially when during his initial studies, he met Adler and became a member of the Adler´s Society of Individual Psychology. After studying masters level psychology at the University of Iowa he obtained his doctorate in clinical psychology…

Who developed the internal-external control scale?

May 20, 2020 · Question 15 1 out of 1 points What did Julian Rotter insist on in his Internal-External Control Scale? Selected Answer: Extreme scores in either direction of the scale would be undesirable. Selected Answer : Extreme scores in either …

What is John Rotter's theory of personality?

Rotter also created the Internal-External Locus of Control Scale to measure individual differences in this characteristic. The scale has been widely used, and research on I-E flourished in the 1970s. This dimension of internal versus external locus of control has come to be seen as a relatively stable dimension of personality.

Where was Julian Rotter born?

Julian B. Rotter was born in Brooklyn, New York. His parents were Jewish immigrants, and he was their third son. His father operated a profitable business until it ran into trouble during the Great Depression. The economic downturn greatly affected Rotter and his family, and made him realize how strongly people are affected by their environments.

Who was Kurt Lewin?

One of Rotter's instructors in Iowa was Kurt Lewin, the Prussian-born psychologist known primarily for field theory. Rotter received his master of arts in psychology degree in 1938. Rotter then did a one-year internship in clinical psychology at Worcester State Hospital in Massachusetts.