what course would a biology major have to take

by Mr. Julio Adams DVM 6 min read

Enriching Your Biology Major Experience

  • Majors are strongly advised to take two semesters of chemistry, a statistics course, calculus, and physics.
  • Majors should take courses in related disciplines such as geosciences, chemistry, anthropology, cognitive science,...
  • Consider a concentration in an interdisciplinary program such as ENVI, NSCI, BIMO, Public Health, or other...

Common Coursework Biology Majors Can Expect
Students in this major take several foundational biology and chemistry courses. These may include ecology and evolution, genetics, biostatistics, cell structure and function, biochemistry and molecular biology, human anatomy and physiology, and marine biology.
Jul 16, 2019

Full Answer

What AP classes should you take for the biology major?

Oct 20, 2021 · Specific course titles include microbiology, immunology, vertebrate biology, human anatomy, evolution, organic chemistry, and general physics. These courses are common for both Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degree programs in biology. However, the exact curriculum requirements may vary depending on which program type a student chooses.

What courses do you take if you major in biology?

Jul 16, 2019 · Common Coursework Biology Majors Can Expect Students in this major take several foundational biology and chemistry courses. These may include ecology and evolution, genetics, biostatistics, cell...

Which school is better for a biology major?

A Bachelor of Science in Biology requires a minimum of 122 credit hours. All courses must be taken for a letter grade, except for Free Electives which can include pass/fail courses. All letter grades of D and higher are accepted in the Biology degree.

What colleges offer a degree in biology?

Students can tailor their individual academic goals by selecting the college of enrollment, one of 14 biology concentrations, and specific courses to meet requirements. Biological sciences students are broadly educated in chemistry, physics and mathematics while developing an excellent foundation in biology from our entry-level biology courses and more advanced …

What subjects do you need for a biology degree?

Biology degree modulescell biology.ecology and evolution.molecular genetics.physiology.basic biochemistry.microbiology.

Is biology a hard major?

Biology is certainly a hard major but not quite as difficult as other STEM majors such as physics or chemistry. Most students find a biology degree difficult to pursue because it has an extensive syllabus, lots of lab work, several challenging concepts, unfamiliar vocabulary, and lots of things to memorize.Jun 26, 2021

What major is closest to biology?

What other majors are related to Biology?Biochemistry.Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology.Biological and Biomedical Sciences.Biophysics.Library and Archives Assisting.Molecular Biochemistry.Molecular Biology.More items...

What is the hardest college major?

Recap: What Is the Hardest Major in College?College MajorTime Spent Preparing for Class per Week1. Architecture22.20 hrs2. Chemical Engineering19.66 hrs3. Aero and Astronautical Engineering19.24 hrs4. Biomedical Engineering18.82 hrs9 more rows•Feb 10, 2021

Can I go to med school with a biology degree?

A bachelor's degree in biology is a common and extremely popular first step toward medical school. In fact, more than half of all medical school matriculants enter into their residencies with a degree in biological sciences.Aug 6, 2020

What do biology majors do?

A biology major studies the science behind living organisms. This includes the origin and history of animal and plant life, and their characteristics, function, processes and habits.Jul 16, 2019

What jobs can I get with a biology degree?

Best Jobs for Graduates With a Biology DegreeBiological Technician. ... Biochemist. ... Genetic Counselor. ... Health Communications Specialist. ... Health Educator. ... Pharmaceutical / Medical Product Sales Representative. ... Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner. ... Medical and Health Services Manager.More items...•Sep 17, 2020

What is the best major for pre med?

While a great many pre-meds choose biology (or a related science) as their major, there is nothing wrong with selecting something further afield, such as English or a foreign language. As medical schools increasingly seek well-rounded applicants, humanities majors are becoming more common.

What Kind of Classes Are Students Majoring in Biology Required to Take?

Pursuing a bachelor's degree in science for a subject like biology can sometimes be daunting. Course catalogs will list lots of classes with titles that are overly vague or oddly specific, which may not provide students with a clear idea of what they're signing up for.

What Biology Courses Might I Take as a Freshman?

In your first year in university studying for a bachelor's degree, you are likely to take general education courses, for the most part, especially for students who haven't decided on a major yet.

What Biology Courses Might I Take as a Sophomore?

With introductory prerequisites out of the way, you may be able to tackle more in-depth courses for your major in your second year.

What Biology Courses Might I Take as a Junior?

As you enter your third year of study, you should have officially declared a major in biology, which will grant access to major-exclusive courses that are increasingly specialized. Any courses in other departments which may be required, such as intro to physics or general physics, should be finished up.

What Biology Courses Might I Take as a Senior?

Your final year of study for a bachelor's degree will likely consist of any remaining electives or general education courses that have not yet been completed, alongside highly advanced courses in biology.

Required Classes for Biology Majors

All biology majors usually start by taking introductory courses that provide a general overview of cells and organisms. All biology bachelor's degree programs also include key science-related courses.

Bachelor of Science Courses

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) programs in biology often include more science courses in areas like physics and geosciences. Some programs require that students take advanced mathematics classes in areas such as calculus, statistics, and linear algebra, as well as a courses in computer science or computer programming. Many B.S.

Bachelor of Arts Courses

Students in Bachelor of Arts in Biology programs often take fewer biology classes and more liberal arts courses compared to students in B.S. programs. Liberal arts coursework usually covers humanities, social sciences, and foreign language. B.A. students also have the option to take more non-science elective classes to tailor their degree.

Biology Degree Concentrations

Rather than just majoring in general biology, students at some schools also have the option of selecting a concentration. Concentrations are numerous and include cell and molecular biology and environmental biology.

Cell and Molecular Biology

Students in a cell and molecular biology concentration learn about cells, their structure, and how they work. They also learn how to correct disease states. Classes cover topics such as animal and plant physiology, cellular neuroscience, and microbial genomics.

Environmental Biology

Course topics for an environmental biology concentration include plant physiology, microbial ecology, zoology, and animal behavior. Students also complete labs and field-based courses. The environmental biology concentration prepares students for careers in environmental studies, organismal biology, and related fields.

What is a biology major?

A biology major studies the role of living organisms, their function and characteristics. In this major, students use an integrative approach, blending time in the classroom with time in a research laboratory.

Why do people study biology in medical school?

Many students who seek a career in medicine study biology because it’s the basis for several medical principles they’ll explore in medical school.

What do you study in biology?

You’ll take math, science, chemistry and biology courses. A biology major studies the science behind living organisms. This includes the origin and history of animal and plant life, and their characteristics, function, processes and habits. Biology majors develop the fundamentals needed to pursue a career or graduate-level work in ...

What is an innate assessment?

The Innate Assessment sets you up for success by pairing you with majors, colleges and careers that fit your unique skills and abilities.

How many courses are required for a biology major with honors?

The Biology Major with Honors consists of 10 courses plus a required WSP course. In addition to the requirements listed above for the BIOL major, honors students carry out a year-long independent research project (by enrolling in BIOL 493, 031, and 494) that culminates in a written honors thesis.

What is the purpose of biology?

Biology is the fundamental study of life and living systems. The educational goals of our curriculum foster student excitement about biology and promote science as a process and way of knowing, not merely content knowledge. We offer a strong foundation in biology to prepare for diverse and successful careers and to enrich our students’ lifelong engagement with the world, in all its diversity and complexity.

What is the biology major?

The Biology major provides students with a broad base for understanding principles governing life processes at all levels–molecular, cellular, organismal, and ecological. An evolutionary perspective guides all areas of the curriculum–development, behavior, physiology, genetics, and more. The Biology major is satisfied by nine courses:

How many semesters of research are required for a major?

A research course can count as an elective; however, only one semester of research can count toward the nine courses required to complete the major. Research courses do not satisfy the 300- or 400-level requirements for the major.

What is proficiency in research?

Students’ proficiency in research will include understanding a research topic and the methods that allow them to problem-solve and take ownership of a project. Students will be able to communicate their discoveries clearly and explicitly, both orally and in writing, following conventional scientific formats.

What is integrative approach?

Students will use an integrative approach that spans from molecular to ecosystem levels in order to understand the broader context of biological systems. Students will learn proficiency in reading, understanding and critically evaluating scientific literature across major areas of the curriculum.

Can you count chem 156 as an elective?

This means that if you are a BIOL and CHEM major, you cannot count CHEM 156 and CHEM 251 as an elective toward the BIOL major. Some BIOL courses do not count toward the BIOL major (so-called “non-majors” courses) (for ex., BIOL 132, 133, and 134).

What are the different types of courses that colleges require?

These are courses that draw from different fields of study -- typically foreign languages, arts, humanities, natural sciences and mathematics. If your school has a foreign language requirement, many academic advisers will suggest that you start your language coursework ...

Why is chemistry important in biology?

Because chemical reactions are the driving force for life, and bi ology is the study of the life sciences, having a background in chemistry is absolutely critical for success in biology. Biology courses provide a brief overview of chemical reactions, but without a solid understanding of these concepts, you may be unable to grasp some ...

What to do before you register for classes?

Before you register for your classes, consult with your adviser or department to make sure that your decisions will be right not only for your skill level, but also for the time it takes to complete your degree and other graduation requirements.

Do you need to take math for biology?

If you are planning to apply to medical or graduate school after completion of your biology degree, make sure you do not need to take additional math classes beyond the typical calculus sequence that most students take for their biology degree .

What are the requirements for a biology degree?

The Biology B.S. attracts students from a variety of backgrounds and interests. They typically have some of the following qualities: 1 Aptitude for quantitative and scientific reasoning 2 Curiosity about the basic structure, function, growth, and evolution of living organisms 3 Aspire to contribute to scientific research 4 Desire to work as a doctor, dentist, or other health professional 5 Appreciation of the natural world 6 Intellectual curiosity and imagination 7 Interest in thinking critically and ethically about biological research and its societal impact

What is a biology degree?

If you are interested in ecology, genetics, microbiology, cellular, developmental, environmental, or molecular biology, and want to develop a rigorous background in the sciences to prepare for graduate or professional school for science-related jobs, the Biology B.S. degree may be a good choice for you.

How many credits do you need to take biology?

All Biology majors complete 18 to 20 credit hours of core classes in biology, which include courses such as molecular biology, genetics, and evolution. Biology B.S. students also are required to take inorganic and organic chemistry and physics.

How many credits do you need to get into BIOL X 490?

To be eligible for departmental honors, students must have conducted their own research over at least two semesters and earned at least 6 credits of BIOL-X 490 devoted to their original project.

What minors are needed for biology?

Common minors for biology students are psychology, animal behavior, chemistry, environmental science, social science and medicine, medical sciences, biotechnology, anthropology, and Spanish (or another language). Check your bulletin for more information about these minors. Enhance your major. Working with faculty.

How many lectures are required for a concentration?

If you choose to pursue an area of concentration, then you will be required to pick 4 upper-level lectures, including an advanced skills course, and 2 upper-level labs from the approved lecture/lab list for that concentration.

Where is Tropical Biology 433?

The program is held in Costa Rica over winter break and in the Cayman Islands in the spring.


Research Courses

Students can take research courses (BIOL297, 298, 493, or 494) for academic credit. In addition, students can carry out an off-campus research internship (BIOL 22 or a WSP99 project). Independent research is not required for completion of the major–however, students thinking of attending graduate school are strongly advis…
See more on biology.williams.edu

The Major with Honors

  • The Biology Major with Honors consists of 10 courses plus a required WSP course. In addition to the requirements listed above for the BIOL major, honors students carry out a year-long independent research project (by enrolling in BIOL 493, 031, and 494) that culminates in a written honors thesis.
See more on biology.williams.edu

Enriching Your Biology Major Experience

  1. Majors are strongly advised to take two semesters of chemistry, a statistics course, calculus, and physics.
  2. Majors should take courses in related disciplines such as geosciences, chemistry, anthropology, cognitive science, neuroscience, mathematics, physics, bioinformatics, public health.
  1. Majors are strongly advised to take two semesters of chemistry, a statistics course, calculus, and physics.
  2. Majors should take courses in related disciplines such as geosciences, chemistry, anthropology, cognitive science, neuroscience, mathematics, physics, bioinformatics, public health.
  3. Consider a concentration in an interdisciplinary program such as ENVI, NSCI, BIMO, Public Health, or other related programs in the sciences.

Biology Department Learning Outcomes

  • Biology is the fundamental study of life and living systems. The educational goals of our curriculum foster student excitement about biology and promote science as a process and way of knowing, not merely content knowledge. We offer a strong foundation in biology to prepare for diverse and successful careers and to enrich our students’ lifelong engagement with the world, i…
See more on biology.williams.edu