what course work is required for home schooled students in iowa

by Kassandra Hermiston DDS 10 min read

Submit an annual assessment (report card, teacher evaluation or an Iowa approved standardized test). Must have at least 148 days of instruction. Homeschooling in Iowa requires instruction in math, reading and language arts, science and social studies.

Full Answer

What are the requirements to start a homeschool in Iowa?

If a homeschool starts up after the beginning of the public school year, parents must file a Form A within fourteen (14) calendar days of starting a homeschool. The supervising teacher/instructor or tutor must be licensed by the State of Iowa. A parent who holds an Iowa teaching license can function as the supervising teacher.

What is the age limit for high school in Iowa?

This is the age range defined by law in which the state has jurisdiction over resident children's educational programs. In Iowa, the compulsory school attendance age span is 6 to 16. The cut-off date for determining age is September 15 of each year.

How do I set up a private homeschooling program?

Upon written request from local superintendent, provide a report containing homeschool location, names of students, primary instructor and name of the authority responsible for the independent instruction. Teach the required subjects (math, reading, language art, science, and social studies)

Can a parent be a supervising teacher in Iowa?

The supervising teacher/instructor or tutor must be licensed by the State of Iowa. A parent who holds an Iowa teaching license can function as the supervising teacher. Under this option, students are allowed to participate in dual enrollment in a local public school.

What do you need to do to homeschool in Iowa?

Iowa Homeschool RequirementsIndependent Private Instruction method (IPI): ... Competent Private Instruction, with Opt-Out Reporting: ... Competent Private Instruction, with Opt-In Reporting: ... Competent Private Instruction with Teacher You Select: ... Competent Private Instruction with Home School Assistance Program (HSAP):

How Does homeschooling Work Iowa?

Iowa Homeschooling Laws Competent Private Instruction, with Opt-Out Reporting. Competent Private Instruction, with Opt-In Reporting. Competent Private Instruction with Teacher You Select. Competent Private Instruction with Home School Assistance Program (HSAP)

What is a course of study for homeschool?

The course of study is a list of subjects that the student is studying along with a list the curriculum that is being used. Not all books must be listed, you should list the main books. As the year moves on, you may list additional books if you wish.

What resources are needed for homeschooling?

The 18 best homeschooling resources available onlineProdigy Math Game. ... Khan Academy. ... Time4Learning. ... Academic Earth. ... DuoLingo. ... Real Life at Home. ... Simple Homeschool. ... Special Needs Homeschooling.

How do homeschoolers get a diploma?

Students who are homeschooled through an umbrella school or correspondence program will generally receive a diploma from that institution. Similarly, students who are educated at home through a virtual charter school or online public school are granted diplomas through those programs.

Do you have to report homeschooling in Iowa?

Independent Private Instruction (IPI) IPI has no initial reporting requirements, but school district officials may request (in written form only) specific details about the IPI program. If a written request is received from the school district, parents can use an IPI Response Form provided by Homeschool Iowa to reply.

How does homeschool work?

Homeschooling relies on parent responsibility. While students are able to self-pace and work independently a lot of the time, the teaching responsibility ultimately falls on the parents. This means it's the parents' job to make sure their kids are on track with state standards and ready for graduation.

Which homeschool curriculum is best?

The 7 Best Online Homeschool Programs of 2022Best Overall: K12.com.Best Budget: ABCmouse.com.Best for Structure: Time4Learning.Best for Community: Connections Academy.Best Free: Khan Academy.Best for College Prep: edX.Best for Math and Science: CK-12 Foundation.

What homeschool programs are accredited?

List of Accredited Homeschool ProgramsBridgeway Academy.Abeka Homeschool.Forest Trail Academy.Laurel Springs.

Do you get benefits if you homeschool your child?

Ok let's get this answered straight away- homeschooling in itself does not affect your financial or benefits status in any way. If you are claiming benefits and you begin homeschooling your child, legally nothing changes at all. What is this? You will be entitled to the same benefits- no more, no less.

Do you have to pay for homeschool?

How much does homeschooling cost? Zero. That's right, it doesn't have to cost you anything. There are so many free home education resources you can use you don't have to spend anything.

How does Flexi schooling work?

What is Flexi Schooling? Flexi Schooling describes an arrangement between the parent and school where children are registered at the school in the usual way but attend school part time. For the rest of the time, the child is home educated.

Is Iowa Connections Academy still online?

If you use a public school online (like, for example, Iowa Connections Academy ), your child is still enrolled in public school. The school directs your child's education. You must follow the school’s curriculum and direction, and your child's class daily attendance is monitored by the school.

Is homeschooling an ideal way to educate children in Iowa?

All you have to do now is jump in and start! Know that you are not alone. Staying connected with other homeschoolers will provide information, support, and encouragement during difficult times. Homeschool Iowa believes that homeschooling is an ideal means of educating children.

What are the resources for homeschoolers in Iowa?

One of the most valuable resources to homeschoolers is the support groups and networks that offer advice, tips, legal guidance, events, and so much more. Iowa homeschoolers can join a statewide homeschool association called Homeschool Iowa: Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators. The association provides various resources to help parents get started as well as an annual conference, special events, and a magazine. While homeschool associations are typically non-profit organizations that provide structured support, homeschool support groups and cooperatives are options to get even more help.

What is a homeschool association?

While homeschool associations are typically non-profit organizations that provide structured support, homeschool support groups and cooperatives are options to get even more help.

What is a homeschool co-op?

Homeschool co-ops are similar to support groups; however, they function to provide more academic-focused support. Co-ops are volunteer-based and usually require parents to take turns providing instruction to the group. Other co-ops may hire a tutor.

What is a co-op in Iowa?

Co-ops can either be general, focus on a particular subject, or build instruction around religious teachings. Whatever you are looking for, you are sure to find a homeschool support group or co-op in Iowa that aligns with your family’s needs and values.

Do homeschoolers have to take standardized tests in Iowa?

Iowa homeschoolers are not required to participate in standardized testing; however, depending on the homeschool option, the parent may opt for their student to take an exam. Some methods include the option of participating in standardized testing provided by the public school district.

Is homeschooling legal in Iowa?

Although homeschooling is legal in every state, each state has slightly different laws and requirements. Because of this, it is essential to do your research to ensure you can abide by the necessary homeschool guidelines before making the transition to home education. Homeschoolers in Iowa have several options to legally homeschool their children, ...

Do you need to keep records for homeschooling in Iowa?

Record Keeping. In Iowa, the amount of required record keeping will depend on the homeschooling option that you choose. However, it is always a good idea to keep thorough reports of everything regarding your child’s education, including attendance records, coursework, standardized test scores, and curriculum materials.

How to Withdraw Your Child from School in Iowa

If your children attend a public or private school, you will need to withdraw them to homeschool. Contact your school to learn which forms or procedures they require. In many cases, you will be able to withdraw your children by sending a letter of withdrawal to the school.

Special Education Provisions

Parents of special needs students do not necessarily need to seek approval from the local school district to homeschool their children. Depending on the homeschooling option the family utilizes, homeschool students may be eligible for special services.

Record Keeping

It is critical to follow the recordkeeping guidelines set forth for each of the five homeschool options in Iowa. Regardless of which option a family uses, it is wise to maintain a file for each student containing:

What is the minimum age to go to school in Iowa?

In Iowa, the compulsory school attendance age span is 6 to 16. The cut-off date for determining age is September 15 of each year. If, on September 15, your child is age 6 or older, yet younger than 16, your child is of compulsory school attendance age, and you must either enroll your child in an accredited public or private school ...

Can HSAPs be imposed in Iowa?

HSAPs can legally impose additional requirements not specified in the Iowa law and rules. Be aware that there is a connection between receiving state-funded resources and the need to submit to government oversight and regulation. MORE INFORMATION.

Does Iowa have a HSAP program?

Accredited public schools in Iowa have the option to provide a HSAP. If the resident public school provides a HSAP, parents choose whether or not to HSAP-enroll their students. Schools receive state funds for each HSAP-enrolled student. HSAP-enrolled students are assigned a supervising teacher employed by the school.

IA Homeschooling Laws

Knowing the requirements for homeschooling in Iowa is one key to successful homeschooling. That is why we have provided you with specific information on homeschooling in Iowa and helpful links to IA’s Department of Education, homeschool requirements, Iowa homeschool laws, and legal support resources.

Homeschoooling Laws in Iowa

Knowing the requirements for homeschooling in Iowa is one key to successful homeschooling. That is why we have provided you with specific information on homeschooling in Iowa and helpful links to IA’s Department of Education, homeschool requirements, Iowa homeschool laws, and legal support resources.

Is homeschool graduation required in Iowa?

While participation in a graduation ceremony and awarding a print diploma are not requirements, these optional rites can celebrate the culmination of the homeschool years. Homeschool Iowa sponsors a statewide graduation service every May, which is open to all Homeschool Iowa member families with graduating seniors.

Does Iowa require homeschool diplomas?

Neither the State of Iowa nor resident public school districts certify homeschool diplomas or transcripts. Therefore, they don't mandate graduation requirements for home educated students.