how long is the nasm course

by Prof. Kennedi Streich MD 4 min read

approximately 10-12 weeks

How long is a NASM certification good for?

May 10, 2020 · approximately 10-12 weeks Click to see full answer Similarly, you may ask, is the NASM test hard? Well, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, a complete breakdown of the NASM test. Overall, the exam is one of the more difficult personal training tests to …

How long does it take to become a NASM certified trainer?

Jan 15, 2019 · If you buy from the NASM website, you have to buy the exam with it, and then take the test within 3months of the purchase. Exams are scheduled to certain dates depending on a testing center near you. Good luck. I was just about to post about this... i was looking at barnes and noble and i found the textbook to NASM.

How many questions are on the NASM exam?

How many questions are on the CPT exam and how long do I have to complete it? There are 120 test questions, in which 20 are research questions and do not count toward or against the final score. There is a 2-hour time limit and you must pass with a scaled score of 70% or better.

What is the pass rate for the NASM exam?

With NASM's new and improved Personal Trainer Certification, you'll be prepared for the fitness industry in as few as 4 weeks. 3 Simple, Interest-Free Payments NASM offers online, interest-free payment plans that make starting your new career easier than ever. With no credit check and no fees, there's nothing stopping you. Sign up today.

Is the NASM test hard?

NASM CPT exam conclusion Overall, the exam is one of the more difficult personal training tests to pass in the industry. The textbook is over 700 pages long and can be very daunting because it is dense with information.Oct 20, 2021

How long is the NASM exam?

2-hourThere are 120 test questions, in which 20 are research questions and do not count toward or against the final score. There is a 2-hour time limit and you must pass with a scaled score of 70 or better.

How much does NASM course cost?

The basic package for NASM costs $699 before coupons are applied, and it includes the cost of the exam, a digital copy of the textbook, access to video tutorials, and practice quizzes with answers.

How long does a NASM certification last?

two yearsYour NASM-CPT certification must be renewed every two years. You will be required to earn 2.0 Continuing Education Units, which includes 0.1 CEUs from the mandatory CPR/AED Certification.

Is NASM or ACE better?

If you feel you would struggle with the coaching of clients and want to improve in that area, go with ACE. If you feel you want to have more knowledge of how to design an effective workout program, go with NASM.

Is it worth it to get NASM certified?

NASM certified personal trainers typically have an advantage in the job market when we look at the average salaries of trainers with only a CPT certification. The NASM accreditation is with NCCA, which is the industry gold standard for Personal Training certs.Feb 18, 2022

How much do personal trainers make?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for personal trainers in 2020 was $40,510, which means half earned more than that amount and half earned less. The low 10 percent of those personal trainers earned less than $21,640 while the top 10 percent earned more than $76,550.Jul 10, 2021

Is the NASM test all multiple choice?

Each candidate has two hours to complete the 120 multiple-choice questions on the CPT exam. No reference materials, phones, personal computers or other electronic devices are allowed in the examination room.Dec 22, 2021

Can you get NASM certified online?

NASM's PERSONAL TRAINER CERTIFICATION EXAM To become an NASM-CPT, you must successfully pass the NCCA-accredited personal trainer certification exam, which must be proctored. There are two options for taking the exam: Online through a live remote proctor. In-person at one of our many proctoring locations.

Does NASM report to credit bureaus?

Nonpayment will jeopardize your access to Company products and services, your certification status and your ability to recertify. We reserve the right to report nonpayment or late payments to credit reporting bureaus.

What certifications does NASM offer?

All Fitness Certifications & BundlesPerformance Training (PES)Corrective Exercise (CES)Stretching & Flexibility (SFC)Weight Loss (WLS)Group Fitness Instructor (GFI)Behavior Change (BCS)Group Personal Training (GPTS)Virtual Coaching (VCS)More items...

What is the pass rate for NASM CPT exam?

To further invest in your future check out our Audio Lectures, Practice Tests and Study Guide for the NASM CPT Exam. Our Study Materials have a 99% pass rate meaning 99% of the people who purchased them passed first try.

Are there NASM practice exams?

Yes, absolutely. There are plenty of NASM practice exams both free and premium options. NASM charges a lot for their practice tests and they do not...

When do you receive your certificate after taking the exam?

After passing the exam, your certificate will be mailed to you 4 to 6 weeks later. You will be able to access a web copy of your certificate three...

Can you see your exam score afterward?

No, NASM never releases exam scores whether you fail or you pass. They simply tell you if you passed or failed after you take the test.

How much does the NASM test cost?

The NASM personal training certification has multiple different study packages to choose from that include different study options and perks with e...

How long is NASM certification valid?

After taking the exam, your certification is valid for two full years. During that time you will need to receive continuing education credits. NASM requires 2.0 continuing education credits in order to get recertified after two years. This approximately equates to 20 hours of continuing education.

What happens if you fail the NASM test?

If you fail the NASM test, you will have the option to purchase a retest voucher. Depending on the package purchased from NASM, a retest voucher may or may not be available for free. If a retest voucher is not included in your package, you will need to pay $199 for the retest voucher.

How many domains are there in the CPT 2021?

Currently, in 2021 the NASM CPT test is comprised of six separate domains. Out of the 120 multiple choice questions on the exam, each of these six domains occupies a certain percentage. Here is a list of the six domains, the percentages on the test, the chapters each domain covers and a quick summary.

NASM Certification how long?

An average how long did it take you to complete the test to get certified? Are there only scheduled days for the exam?

Just bought the course

I just purchased the Guided Study for NASM. Do I have to complete the modules or can I read my book and take my own notes before taking the exam??

How long does it take to become a personal trainer with NASM?

With NASM's new and improved Personal Trainer Certification, you'll be prepared for the fitness industry in as few as 4 weeks.

Is NASM CPT digital?

All NASM-CPT packages are 100% digital courses. Whether at home or on the go, you’ll be able to access our world-class content when it fits you the best. From signup to accreditation, you’ll get the benefit of our unmatched digital experience.

Passed the NASM CPT!

I finally passed the test after about 5 weeks from starting the course.

just became the owner of a gym!! any tips?

Long story short, my boss decided to sell me the gym I work at for a huuge discount because he wanted to have more time for his family - it was a huge steal. I have a lot of personal training experience and generally my clients love me, but I’m only 23 and don’t have much experience on the business side.

Client Nutritional Reporting

There was another post about client nutritional reporting yesterday and it sparked a funny memory.

Client Injured during Training Session

Hello all, I am a NASM-CPT, Pn1, and NASM-CES trainer whose been working since May. I started working with an older gentleman (60) around June. I went through most the assessment protocols and corrected any issues my client had during our first month of training together.

Need Some Validation Regarding Cancelling a Session

Hi everyone. I just need a little bit of validation here regarding a client session that I cancelled today. I've been training for about 2 years (self-employed), but it's always good to run ideas past colleagues. I have a client who has been with me since the beginning.

Top Mistakes Trainers Make

Hello everyone and happy Sunday (Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and motherly figures out there!)

Advice on how to start a successful personal training business?

Hi r/personaltraining I’m a newly certified NASM CPT and I recently quit my job at an LA Fitness about a month ago because it wasn’t what I wanted at all and quite honestly it has turned me off ever working in a corporate setting ever again.

What are the first steps you take when you secure a client?

I've been training a few friends on and off for the past couple months, i've got a small gym setup in my basement that works well - but no access to a real gym due to lockdowns still. I've passed my NASM cert.

Self Harm Scars as a PT

I'm a self-employed personal trainer at a small gym, I also am a manager at said gym. I started training about 6 months ago and have built up a good client base and have been doing well over-all and feel really happy where I'm headed in my career.

How do I make my liability waiver?

Hi, I am a newly certified personal trainer. I'm excited to get started, but I want to make sure I get the legal stuff taken care of first. I have a sample Liability waiver from ace, but I'm not sure where to find the right kind of professional to revise the waiver to make sure it is valid in my state.

Top 10 Tips to Pass the NASM-CPT 7 Exam

At NASM, we give you everything you need to successfully pass your exam and step into the role you were meant for. From online resources to engaging video content to hardcopy text you can take home and study, we want you to feel supported in your quest to become an influential Certified Personal Trainer.

National Academy of Sports Medicine

Since 1987 the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has been the global leader in delivering evidence-based certifications and advanced specializations to health and fitness professionals. Our products and services are scientifically and clinically proven.
