what course should i take to become a pastry chef

by Prof. Enrico Will 9 min read

What Courses in College Should You Take to Be a Pastry Chef?

  • General Culinary Arts. An introductory culinary arts course may be required, depending on your program. ...
  • Pastry Arts. In the pastry arts courses required by your program, you'll learn baking chemistry and how to make a range of desserts including cakes, pies, tortes and confections, in ...
  • Math and English. ...
  • Business. ...
  • Other Courses. ...
  • Apprenticeships. ...

Full Answer

What skills do I need in order to become a pastry chef?

Sep 26, 2017 · Pastry arts courses, like most culinary arts courses, include a combination of lecture and hands-on training in the kitchen. To earn your pastry arts degree, you'll be required to demonstrate mastery in your area of choice. Math and English. In a pastry arts kitchen, the art of baking demands the precise use of ingredients.

What subjects do you need to become a pastry chef?

General Education Courses. As a pastry chef, you will need to communicate both verbally and in written form and perform basic mathematical calculations. …

Which course should I do to become a pastry chef?

Mar 23, 2021 · How to Become a Pastry Chef: 3 Basic Requirements. Written by the MasterClass staff. Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 • 3 min read. If you’re passionate about pastries and successful in baking your own, you might be inspired to become a professional pastry chef.

How many years do you spend in college to be a pastry chef?

Nov 20, 2017 · Many culinary schoolsallow students to specialize in baking, and you may decide that a formal education—one that ends with a degree or …

What kind of training do you need to become a pastry chef?

For an entry-level pastry chef job, the only educational requirements are a high school diploma or a General Educational Development (GED) certificate. However, you can pursue a two-year associate degree or a four-year bachelor's degree in pastry arts.Jan 29, 2020

What course should I take if I want to bake?

List of Baking CoursesPrinciples of Baking Course. This is typically the first baking course a student enrolls in any baking-related degree program and is a required class. ... Sanitation and Safety Course. ... Cake Decoration and Design Course. ... European Cakes and Tortes Course. ... Specialty Breads Course. ... Internship Course.Oct 20, 2021

How many years does it take to be a pastry chef?

Certificate programs in the pastry arts usually take less than one year to complete and provide focused, entry-level training. Associate's degree programs typically require two years to complete and includes courses in the business and technical aspects of being a pastry chef.Oct 20, 2021

Where can I study to become a pastry chef in South Africa?

TOP 10 PASTRY MAKING CLASSES IN SOUTH AFRICAInstitute NameCityCourse NameICA Institute of Culinary ArtsStellenboschDiploma in PatisserieMidrand Baking SchoolMidrandPastry courseCapital Hotel SchoolPretoriaProfessional Chef Qualification-Specialisation PastrySAACAPort ElizabethDiploma in Pastry Arts6 more rows

What is pastry course?

Pastry courses provide in-depth instruction regarding the culinary arts and the hospitality industry with a specialization in Pastry. Subjects include menu design, trends in baking and pastry making and terminology, safety regulations, how to use various kitchen equipment, and sanitation principles.

Is pastry Arts a course?

Pastry Arts Courses You will explore the art of baking while learning about dough and cake preparation and pastry bag skills. In addition, your coursework will include projects requiring you to research, develop and prepare recipes in a laboratory setting.

Is pastry chef a career?

The career of a pastry chef entails creating all types of baked goods in a wide variety of environments. From owning a small bakery to working in world-famous kitchens; a bakery chef can excel in whatever area they might choose.Jul 13, 2021

Is pastry chef a good career?

Now with a modern population of India making a taste for Bakery delicious products, there are huge opportunities for professionals to grow in this market of billion population. Recent trends have shown that Bakery Chef is among the most popular creative and earning field for new age professionals.

What is a pastry chef called?

Baker. A pastry chef or pâtissier (pronounced [pɑ. ti. sje]; the French female version of the word is pâtissière [pɑ. ti.

How long does it take to become a pastry chef in South Africa?

Depending on the training program, programs in the pastry arts typically only take less than one year to complete. For most associate's degree programs, which are for people with business and technical skills, two years are required.

What subjects are needed to become a chef?

What subjects do I need to take in order to become a chef?Hospitality Studies.Physical Science.Mathematics.Consumer Studies.Feb 15, 2018

What is the difference between baker and pastry chef?

A baker can bake a wide variety of items, including bread, rolls, pies, cakes, cookies, pastries, donuts, and more. But pastry chefs usually specialize in desserts. They may also make non-baked goods as part of their dessert recipes, like custards, sauces, and chocolates.Jan 27, 2022

What do pastry chefs need to know?

General Education Courses. As a pastry chef, you will need to communicate both verbally and in written form and perform basic mathematical calculations. English courses in composition and business writing allow you to clearly and concisely write menus, proposals and other business correspondence. Coursework in oral communication will give you ...

How many hours of training do you need to become a chef?

Apprenticeship programs match you with an experienced chef and require you to complete at least 1000 hours of hands-on training. College programs will include hands-on activities in addition to coursework that will develop your needed skills in business and communication for successfully managing a bakery or restaurant operation.

What do pastry chefs do?

Pastry chefs create delightful artisan breads, ice creams, cakes and chocolate confections for restaurants and bakeries. Pastry chefs have several options for education, including participating in an apprenticeship or attending college to earn an associate or bachelor’s degree.

What do you learn in culinary arts?

You will begin your coursework learning the basics of culinary arts, including knife skills, measuring, identifying equipment and sanitation. You will explore the art of baking while learning about dough and cake preparation and pastry bag skills. In addition, your coursework will include projects requiring you to research, ...

What is practicum in culinary?

Practicum. Culinary positions require extensive hands-on experience no matter what type of training you pursue. You will cap off your college studies with a practicum in pastry arts. During your pastry arts coursework, you will learn the skills and theory needed to become a pastry chef. During the practicum, you will put those theories ...

What skills do pastry chefs need?

Skills Acquired. Spending hours styling various types of desserts requires a lot of patience. All successful pastry chefs must be comfortable with multi-tasking, and they must always pay close attention to detail. They may also have to create sauces, fillings, jellies, frostings, and icings from scratch.

What is pastry arts?

Regardless of the level or type of degree, coursework in pastry arts programs usually focuses on measurements, temperatures, ingredients, and presentation. Some programs may teach student management skills, while others may focus on international terminologies, math, or food science. Higher-level degrees may have some liberal arts courses included in the curriculum.

What is an assistant chef?

An assistant chef may be assigned to various cleaning duties.

Do pastry chefs get paid?

Besides having the creative freedom to create and style your own menu items, a career in the pastry arts is always high in-demand with room for promotion. Depending on the company size and its annual sales, pastry chefs could get paid vacation and sick leave. They may also get annual or holiday bonuses – if the free, delicious desserts aren’t bonus enough.

What are the characteristics of a pastry chef?

6 Characteristics of Professional Pastry Chefs 1 Creativity: In the competitive world of pastries, creative pastry chefs must refine the dessert menu to keep existing clientele and grow a restaurant or bakery’s customer base. 2 Motivation: Pastry chefs often work early in the morning and for long hours. Personal motivation and the ability to motivate others are essential qualities for a pastry chef. 3 A superior sense of taste and smell: Pastry chefs should possess an exceptional ability to smell aromas and taste flavors. 4 Management skills: Pastry chefs are leaders in the kitchen. Time management is about more than making sure pastries don’t burn and are finished on schedule. Professional pastry chefs must also manage staff and prevent them from feeling overwhelmed. 5 Good hand-eye coordination: Whether slicing paper-thin pieces of dough or decorating a pastry with detailed frosting, having excellent hand-eye coordination allows pastry chefs to get intricately creative as well as avoid any possible accidents with a sharp knife or other kitchen tools. 6 Ability to stay cool under pressure: There’s a reason the phrase, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen” exists. Chefs who are able to stay calm under pressure create a consistent experience for their customers and a healthy working environment for their colleagues.

What is time management in pastry?

Management skills: Pastry chefs are leaders in the kitchen. Time management is about more than making sure pastries don’t burn and are finished on schedule. Professional pastry chefs must also manage staff and prevent them from feeling overwhelmed.

Vocational Schools

Many school systems have a career and vocational school that specializes in training students for various occupations that don’t typically rely as much on academics and a college degree as other programs do. These schools also have specialized classrooms for the training programs.

Culinary Arts Classes

If a school system doesn’t have a vocational program in culinary arts, it may offer culinary arts or cooking classes. Through the course of a semester, you will learn proper kitchen safety, menu planning, portion control, cooking techniques, how to read recipes and more. You will also have labs where you will cook various dishes for a grade.

Useful Courses

College degree programs will require aspiring pastry chefs to take certain courses, many of which you can take in high school to prepare yourself for college-level work. Nutrition, accounting and inventory, business management are useful to a chef who may want to eventually manage other chefs.


Another way to get valuable hands-on experience in learning to be a chef is to sign up for your high school’s work study program. You can take a paying job with a restaurant to learn more about cooking.

What do pastry chefs need to know?

As a pastry chef, you must be able to read and analyze written content to successfully execute recipes, and your ability to write original recipes, product descriptions and articles about your work could bolster your financial success as an entrepreneur.

What do pastry chefs do?

Pastry chefs create both traditional and innovative desserts, often for hotels, restaurants and retail stores. As entrepreneurs, they often run commercial bakeries or catering businesses.

What is a chef course?

This course provides students with the theoretical knowledge and the hands-on experience necessary to pursue a career as a chef. Students are taught various aspects of the profession including baking, classical and contemporary cooking, food sanitation, sauces, and general best practices. The course also prepares students for the business side of the profession. Students should learn menu planning, food service, nutrition, food purchase, and human resources.

What is the job of a chef?

At the helm of the responsibilities of a chef is to ensure that the place they work is profitable. After all, it is a business and every business needs to recover its return on investment.

What are the skills required for a kitchen?

These skills are most likely taught in the following classes: 1 Kitchen Sanitation and Safety 2 Purchasing and Storeroom Management 3 Supervision for Food Service 4 Dining Room and Service Management 5 Supervision for Food Service

4 Important Subjects to Know in Order to Become a Chef

Math courses. In truth, cooking exists because of certain mathematical concepts and knowing how to cook well requires a solid understanding of numbers.

Jumpstart Your Career Today

Are you ready to pursue a formal education in the culinary arts? If you want to earn an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Culinary Arts, ECPI University’s Culinary Institute of Virginia offers this program at an accelerated rate. For more information, connect with a knowledgeable admissions advisor today.
