what course of study is necessary to work as an oceanographer

by Lia Murazik V 4 min read

A bachelor's degree in oceanography or in basic sciences is the minimum educational requirement. Students contemplating a professional career in oceanography should consider getting an advanced degree.

What subjects do you need to become an oceanographer?

Core subjects in the curriculum should include physics, general oceanography, geology, chemistry and biochemistry and advanced mathematics. Computer programming and modeling skills are also vital to physical oceanography, and make a useful emphasis or minor as part of your degree program.

What do limnologists and oceanographers study?

Limnologists and oceanographers, marine biologists and marine geologists study various aspects of the oceans. Physical oceanographers specialize in the study of oceans and the physical aspects of their circulation. This includes everything from the study of worldwide currents to the effect of local tides on the shoreline.

How hard is it to get a job as an oceanographer?

Getting a job as an oceanographer is challenging and usually requires advanced study. Oceanographers need to be comfortable working for long periods on the ocean. Oceans cover 71% of the Earth's surface and hold 97% of the water on our planet, according to the Oceanic Institute. These bodies of water are incredibly vast.

How to start a career abroad with a bachelor’s in oceanography?

BTech Oceanography or related graduates can also apply. As discussed, when it comes to starting a career abroad, one has to clear some exams or furnish a set of documents.

What degree do you need to become an oceanographer?

How to become an oceanographer?

What is the difference between a physical and chemical oceanographer?

What is an oceanographer?

What is field work in oceanography?

Why are oceanographers important?

What is the study of the ocean?

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How many years of study is necessary to complete a degree in oceanography?

So the minimum time is 4 years of college. If you want to do research or have your own lab studying oceanography you can also get a Masters degree or a Doctrine degree and this will take between 2 and 6 years.

What is being studied in oceanography?

Oceanography is the study of all aspects of the ocean. Oceanography covers a wide range of topics, from marine life and ecosystems to currents and waves, the movement of sediments, and seafloor geology.

Which is one college class that a student would most likely take to become an oceanographer?

Some colleges and universities offer undergraduate degree programs in marine biology. Marine biology students take courses that focus on oceanography, marine vegetation, marine invertebrates, marine vertebrates, and marine ecology. Many of the schools that offer marine biology programs are located near an ocean.

What branch of science is oceanography?

Oceanography is an interdisciplinary science where math, physics, chemistry, biology and geology intersect. Traditionally, we discuss oceanography in terms of four separate but related branches: physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, biological oceanography and geological oceanography.

What are the 6 branches of oceanography?

BranchesBiological oceanography.Chemical oceanography.Geological oceanography.Physical oceanography.Paleoceanography.

What math do you need for oceanography?

As a college student preparing for graduate work in oceanography, you should take mathematics through differential and integral calculus and at least one year each of chemistry and physics, biology or geology, and a modern foreign language.

Where can I study oceanography in South Africa?

Post-graduate training is offered by the University of Port Elizabeth. Courses in Marine Biology are offered by the Universities of Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Natal and RU. The Universities of Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Natal have Geology Departments that are very much involved in marine work.

How much does it cost to study marine biology in South Africa?

For South African students: Taught masters coursework fees (2020): R29200. Dissertation fees (2020): R29800. Total paid by South African students (2020): R59000.

What Does An Oceanographer do?

An oceanographer is a special kind of scientist who studies the ocean. The oceans are a large environment, and so the science of oceanography must...

Where Does An Oceanographer Work?

The oceans cover nearly 70% of the Earth, comprising the majority of the planet's biosphere. Fieldwork is critical to an oceanographer's line of wo...

What Is The Average Salary For An Oceanographer?

The median pay for geoscientists such as oceanographers was $90,890 per year. The pay for geoscientists varies according to the industry of employm...

Oceanography Jobs & Job Description

1. Design observational programs including measurement, preparation and mobilization as well as the collection of field observations 2. Measure cur...

What Is The Job Demand For Oceanographers?

The job market for geoscientists, or any scientist that studies the earth, is expected to grow by 16% between 2012 and 2022. This is faster than th...

What Are Some Oceanography Degree Requirements?

Oceanographers usually receive a background education in biology, physics, chemistry, and geology, but they generally go on to focus their research...

What Kind of Societies Or Professional Organizations Do Oceanographers have?

1. National Oceanic and Atmospheric and Administration (NOAA) a United States government organization tasked with studying the atmosphere, ocean, a...

How To Become an Oceanographer (With Salary and Job Outlook)

Learn an oceanographers' duties, skills, salary and job outlook, the steps for pursuing this career and common questions about the role to help you learn more.

Oceanographer • Job Description, Salary & Benefits

Salary & benefits. Entry-level candidates with graduates or postgraduate degrees can earn annual salaries between £15,000 and £20,000. As you progress into more senior positions and gain more experience, you may earn between £20,000 and £30,000 per annum.

How to Become an Oceanographer

On average, an oceanographer can make a little more than $67.000 per year in the United States. In case you decide to follow this career path, you can expect to earn anywhere between $36.000 and $111.000 annually.

How to become an oceanographer?

Take as many Earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science courses as you can. English is also important since scientists need to write clearly and communicate their findings to others on a regular basis. You might also find it helpful to take a course in public speaking. Find out what after-school organizations your school has that can help you with a career as an oceanographer, such as Science Clubs. Also consider doing an oceans-focused project for your local science fair and look for summer field experiences at near-by colleges and universities.

What do oceanographers do?

Private firms hire oceanographers to search for valuable sea-floor deposits, investigate areas for sea farming, and evaluate natural energy production from waves, currents, and tides. Oceanographers in academic institutions usually work in colleges, universities, and museums.

What are the jobs in oceanography?

Jobs in oceanography are found in government agencies, private firms, and nonprofit and academic institutions. Government agencies, among which the largest employer is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), hire oceanographers for research and development.

What is the study of the chemical composition and properties of seawater?

chemical oceanography, the study of the chemical composition and properties of seawater, chemical extraction of certain chemicals from seawater, and effects of pollutants on seawater; physical oceanography, the study of waves, tides, currents, transmission of light and sound in the ocean, and ocean-atmosphere relationships; and.

What are the four oceanographic fields?

The four oceanographic fields are: geological oceanography, the study of the structure, creation, evolution, and history of the sea floor;

What is an oceanographer?

An oceanographer is a scientist who studies seas and oceans. As an oceanographer, you may work in fields like conservation or the oil industry. Oceanographers typically work in one of four main areas of oceanography:

What does an oceanographer do?

An oceanographer studies water, sea life, weather conditions and ocean climates to preserve both oceans and coastal waters. Their work helps other professionals in the workforce predict weather patterns, provide wildlife care and detect plate tectonic shifting. Here are the common duties of an oceanographer:

How to become an oceanographer

As an oceanographer, it's important to have a strong foundation of relevant knowledge to help you succeed. It's also important to feel comfortable working in the ocean for an extended period. Use these steps to become an oceanographer:

Salary and job outlook

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports a salary of $93,580 per year for geoscientists, a profession that includes the role of an oceanographer. Your salary as an oceanographer may depend on your expertise, employer, geographic location and specific title or industry.

Frequently asked questions about oceanographers

Use these common questions to help you learn more about oceanographers:

What is Oceanography?

Oceanography is the study of the chemical, physical and biological properties of the oceans. It also includes its current conditions, ancient history and its future. There are 4 different branches of Oceanography:

Value of an Oceanography Career

Climate change and overpopulation pose serious challenges to the natural world. Oceans are becoming more acidic and weather conditions are worsening in unpredictable ways. These effects are detrimental to biological life, especially in the oceans.

Roles and Responsibilities of an Oceanographer

An oceanographer is a scientist who applies disciplinary Science of Mathematics, Engineering, and Scientific Theories to study the relationships between freshwater, seawater, the biosphere, the atmosphere, and the polar caps.

Skills Required

Here are the top skills that must be present in an aspirant if he or she wishes to become an oceanographer:

How to Become an Oceanographer? (Step-Wise Guide)

If you are also interested in exploring all about oceans and marine life and love the environment, then becoming an oceanographer might be the perfect career choice for you. Here we have collated a step-by-step guide on how to become an oceanographer.

Top Courses

The field of oceanography is the best career option for anyone interested in exploring the ocean and its surroundings. Enlisted are the top courses students can pursue to become an oceanographer:

Top 10 Universities for Oceanographers

There is a wide range of universities/colleges offering oceanography courses around the globe. Here we have formulated a list of universities that offers oceanography courses to the aspirants:

Oceanographer Work Environment

Fieldwork is an important aspect of this career. Oceanographers often work on boats and research vessels, out on the ocean or sea. They travel to the ocean, where they are able to directly study the objects of their research. This job often involves diving within the ocean, in order to collect samples of water, to run experiments, and take data.

Oceanographer Salary

The median annual salary for oceanographers was $89,780 in 2016, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Oceanographer Career Outlook

Employment for geoscientists is expected to grow by 10 percent from 2014 to 2024. This is slightly more growth than average compared to other occupations in the United States. This category includes oceanographers.

Choose the university..

Start with a Bachelor’s degree (bac+3) in science (either material sciences, mathematics and physics to do physical oceanography, or natural and life sciences to do biological oceanography).

Management of environmental sciences or transversal professions

Documentary filmmaker, librarian, journalist… many jobs can be grafted onto the specific jobs in the world of the sea. Research organizations and other institutions are recruiting HRDs, communications managers, graphic designers, IT specialists, etc.

What do you study as an oceanographer?

Studies the sea floor , such as volcanoes, undersea vents, and trenches. As an oceanographer, you'll have to be comfortable doing field research. This might mean sailing on a ship for long periods of time and living in cramped quarters, such as in submersibles or galleys.

What do oceanographers study?

That's something that oceanographers — scientists who study the ocean — are tasked with changing. As an oceanographer, you'll focus on a specific area , such as marine biology, meteorology, or geology.

What are the responsibilities of an oceanographer?

Oceanographers work on specific research projects and are often employed by universities, federal research agencies, or private consulting firms. No matter your oceanography career focus, you'll need to do the following: Be interested in math and science.

What degree do you need to become an oceanographer?

Most oceanography careers require at least a bachelor's degree . This level of education allows you to apply for many technician positions. However, your odds of success — along with your job title, responsibilities, and pay — tend to go up if you have a graduate-level degree.

What colleges offer oceanography?

Some colleges and universities do offer a degree in oceanography, such as Hawai'i Pacific University and the Florida Institute of Technology. However, many students prepare for a career in oceanography by studying a related field, such as any of the following:

What do you do with an advanced degree?

If you have an advanced degree, you might be expected to work more independently on your own project, as compared to someone with only an undergraduate degree.

What do you do in a lab?

You'll likely spend much of your time in an office with a computer or in a lab conducting tests. Daily tasks may include reading scientific journal articles, applying for grants, and documenting your findings. You'll also have to network with other researchers and present your work at meetings and conferences.

How to become an oceanographer?

Although it's possible to work in oceanography with a bachelor's degree, responsible and well-paid positions typically require a graduate degree . Oceanographers with master's degrees can work in most government and private-sector settings, as well as for non-governmental associations. Creating and administering research projects, or academic positions with universities and major research facilities, typically requires a doctorate. Graduate degrees typically take two to four years to complete. Oceanographers with highly specialized interests and areas of expertise might also complete post-graduate certificate programs to improve their intellectual or academic standing.

What is the field of study that focuses on oceans?

Limnologists and oceanographers, marine biologists and marine geologists study various aspects of the oceans. Physical oceanographers specialize in the study of oceans and the physical aspects of their circulation.

How much does a geoscientist make in 2016?

2016 Salary Information for Geoscientists. Geoscientists earned a median annual salary of $89,780 in 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the low end, geoscientists earned a 25th percentile salary of $62,830, meaning 75 percent earned more than this amount.

How long does it take to get a PhD in research?

Graduate degrees typically take two to four years to complete.

Is oceanography a multidisciplinary field?

However, physical oceanography is inherently multi-disciplinary, so students can choose other majors and still find careers later in the field.

What is Oceanography?

Oceanography is a subdivision of Earth Science that assesses the ocean and marine life’s chemical, physical and biological components by applying the concepts of various branches of Science like Geology, Biology, Chemistry, and Meteorology.

What are the 4 Types of Oceanography?

Chemical Oceanography is the study of seawater, its cycles, and interaction with the seafloor. Apart from this, the effects of pollutants and chemical processes on marine life in the ocean is also examined.

Eligibility Criteria for Pursuing Oceanography Courses

Be it Marine Engineering courses or programs related to it, a candidate has to fulfill certain requirements that the concerned university demands. There are also some exams which one has to clear in order to be eligible for applying to a particular course.

Docuemnts Required

As discussed, when it comes to starting a career abroad, one has to clear some exams or furnish a set of documents. Enlisted are some admission requirements to pursue Oceanography courses abroad:

Popular Universities for Oceanograpy Course Abroad

Apart from offering quality education, the academic institutes mentioned below also offer state of the art facilities, well-built infrastructure, experienced professors, and industry opportunities. Here are colleges offering courses in Oceanography or its variants:

Popular Colleges for Oceanography Courses in India

Did you know you can pursue oceanography in IIT? IIT Madras offers courses in oceanography. Here is a list of colleges in India offering Oceanography courses:

Oceanography Careers

Job prospects are vast in the field of Oceanography in both, public and private sectors. The requirement of Oceanographers is at its peak with the number of researches taking place at all the level and aspects of the ocean.

What degree do you need to become an oceanographer?

To get a more prominent position as an oceanographer, students usually go on to acquire a Master's or PhD level education before become ocean scientists.

How to become an oceanographer?

Senior-level oceanographers often have an opportunity to work in a team lead or managerial capacity. Their expanded skillset often contains additional tasks like those below: 1 Use predictive computer models to describe various oceanic factors may respond to climate change 2 Prepare technical reports; publish research results and present research at seminars, conferences, and lectures for national and international stakeholders 3 Consult with policymakers regarding relevant developments in oceanography 4 Foster a positive and safe work environment for colleagues and technicians 5 Draft and manage schedules and budgetary timelines 6 Navigate federal and international procedures, regulations, and best practices 7 Support and lead oceanographic data acquisition and analysis projects 8 Develop and verify computer models to aid in process analysis 9 Assist and coordinate proposal efforts to secure funding 10 Supervise technicians and other staff in line with project goals 11 Engage in archiving and documentation of program data and samples

What is the difference between a physical and chemical oceanographer?

Physical oceanographers are more concerned with studying the movements of the oceans, in the waves and currents and tides that move the water itself . Chemical oceanographers monitor the chemical composition of the ocean water to better understand how they shape the planet.

What is an oceanographer?

An oceanographer is a special kind of scientist who studies the ocean. The oceans are a large environment, and so the science of oceanography must be just as large. Oceanographers study every different aspect of the ocean, such as the chemistry of the of ocean water, the geology associated with the ocean, the physical movements of the ocean water, ...

What is field work in oceanography?

Fieldwork is critical to an oceanographer's line of work, meaning that oceanographers will often find themselves working on the ocean or in areas that contact the ocean. Since the ocean impacts the global climate and the overall health of our planet, oceanographers may find themselves investigating the ocean's impact on places far from the ocean.

Why are oceanographers important?

Oceanographers are some of the most important climate researchers in the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change, overpopulation, and overfishing. Regardless which field an oceanographer selects as their primary studies, they will still need to comprehend the other aspects of oceanography. Many discoveries made in the field ...

What is the study of the ocean?

Oceanography is the study of the ocean and all its complex relationships with the planet. This includes the study of weather, ocean currents, and sea life, and every other topic associated with the ocean.