what is the key to collective bargaining course hero

by Maureen McGlynn 9 min read

What are the most important points in the collective bargaining process?

Another important point in the collective bargaining process is the aspect of union security. Obviously, it is in the union’s best interest to collect dues from members and recruit as many new members as possible. In the contract, a checkoff provision may be negotiated.

How can I become a good collective bargainer?

People who must partake in collective bargaining interactions should take a good training course on negotiating if they can. It’s also helpful to read plenty of books on the negotiation process. Collective bargainers should prepare for long, drawn-out talks which will take time to develop.

What should collective bargainers prepare for long drawn out talks?

Collective bargainers should prepare for long, drawn-out talks which will take time to develop. This is both because of the many issues to address and the political nature of union representatives.

What are the components of a collective bargaining agreement?

In this section, we will discuss the components of the collective bargaining agreement. In any bargaining agreement, certain management rights are not negotiable, including the right to manage and operate the business, hire, promote, or discharge employees.

What is the importance of collective bargaining?

Another important point in the collective bargaining process is the aspect of union security. Obviously, it is in the union’s best interest to collect dues from members and recruit as many new members as possible. In the contract, a checkoff provision may be negotiated.

What are the three main categories of bargaining topics?

There are three main classification of bargaining topics: mandatory, permissive, and illegal. Wages, health and safety, management rights, work conditions, and benefits fall into the mandatory category. Permissive topics are those that are not required but may be brought up during the process.

What is the goal of a lockout?

The goal of a lockout, which prevents workers from working, is to put pressure on the union to accept the contract. A lockout can only be legally conducted when the existing collective bargaining agreement has expired and there is truly an impasse in contract negotiations.

What is the goal of an unfair labor practices strike?

The goal of an unfair labor practices strike is to get the organization to cease committing what the union believes to be an unfair labor practice. A bargaining impasse could mean the union goes on strike or a lockout occurs.

What is the purpose of a union?

A union has two goals: to add new members and to collect dues. A check-off provision of a contract compels the organization to take union dues out of the paycheck of union members.

What is the first step in negotiating?

The first step is the preparation of both parties. The negotiation team should consist of individuals with knowledge of the organization and the skills to be an effective negotiator. An understanding of the working conditions and dissatisfaction with working conditions is an important part of this preparation step.

Is it illegal to join a union shop?

A union shop requires a person to join the union within a certain time period of joining the organization. In right-to-work states a union shop may be illegal. Twenty-two states have passed right-to-work laws, as you can see in Figure 12.6 “Map of Right-to-Work States”.

What is collective bargaining?

Collective bargaining negotiation between labor unions and corporate employers is a specialized area in the field of general negotiations. However, the underlying legal and relationship aspects make these areas distinct.

What makes collective bargaining encounters different?

Collective Bargaining and Politics. One factor that makes collective bargaining encounters different relates to the political nature of union officials. These officials are elected leaders who generally hope for re-election.

What are the factors that affect collective bargaining?

A factor which makes collective bargaining negotiations relatively unique from the standard negotiation definition is that it entails many issues that have to be addressed. Many types of compensation have to be discussed, including: 1 Hourly wages 2 Piecework rates 3 Fringe benefits such as pensions and health care

How did union membership affect the past 50 years?

The History of Union Membership. Over the past 50 years, the decline of union membership has greatly influenced bargaining interactions. By the mid-1950s, 35 percent of private-sector workers were union members who had their employment terms established through collective bargaining.

What is labor union?

Labor Unions and Negotiations. Labor unions are chosen by a majority of workers in an appropriate bargaining unit. This unit may consist of homogeneous skilled workers or heterogeneous industrial workers. These workers become the bargaining agent for all of the individuals within that unit.

Why do employees and managers work together?

Employees and managers must work together to produce profitable goods or services if the firm is to be successful. If union negotiators drive a hard bargain that unduly inflates labor costs, workers will be displaced by new technology.

How has the commercial landscape become competitive?

The commercial landscape has become increasingly competitive, with customers increasingly trying to commodities offerings to force discounting. Take your sales career to the next level by learning how to consistently close bigger deals in less time at higher margins.
