what course of action would the speaker most wish people to take

by Mr. Russel Stark PhD 10 min read

43. What course of action would the speaker most wish people to take? E- Understand the sources of violence and work to change them .

How does the detailed description of the Sire de Malétroit's hands toward the middle of the second paragraph age probably martyr serve to illuminate his character?

How does the detailed description of the Sire de Malétroit's hands toward the middle of the second paragraph ("Age, probably . . . martyr") serve to illuminate his character? The position of his hands is at odds with his malevolent gaze. ... Murdock's perspective in the final paragraph?

Which of the following best explains the function of the shift in line 5 from rhetorical questions to statements?

Which of the following best explains the function of the shift in line 5 from rhetorical questions to statements? The speaker moves from idle speculation of the past to earnest declaration of the current state of their love. Which of the following best paraphrases the speaker's argument in lines 10-11 ?

Which two lines are closest to stating the same idea?

Which two lines come closest to stating the same idea? Lines 1 and 9.

What most likely is the traveler's reason for leaving the voices?

What most likely is the traveler's reason for leaving “the voices”? They never speak to her. They want her to manage their lives, not her own.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the first paragraph and the second?

Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between the first and the second paragraphs? The first paragraph states the disadvantages of engaging in war to settle international disagreements; the second paragraph discusses an alternative method of resolving such disagreements.

What is the key to professional success?

One of the keys to professional success is an ability to reach out and connect with others. And with presentation skills training, you learn how to do this effectively. You’ll learn how to win over an audience and establish a relationship of trust with them, opening the door for future collaboration and further networking opportunities.

How to give a presentation?

Amongst other things, you’ll learn how to: 1 Make the most of your natural style to give an authentic presentation. 2 Adopt a relaxed, confidence approach. 3 Structure your content and strategy in such a way as to provide maximum clarity. 4 Engage with the audience, addressing their own particular concerns, and respond to questions and doubts authoritatively. 5 Be persuasive and memorable. 6 Use technology to your advantage.

What is presentation skills training?

An effective presentation is one which has a clear goal in mind, and successfully inspires the listener to embark on a particular course of action. With the right skills, you can become a persuasive speaker, and consistently achieve the results you are looking for.

What is Monroe's Motivated Sequence?

Monroe's Motivated Sequence. A Method of organizing persuasive speeches that seek immediate action.

What is a question of policy?

Question of Policy. A question about whether a specific course of action should or shouldn't be taken. Speech to Gain Passive Agreement. A persuasive speech in which the speaker's goal is to convince the audience that a given policy is desirable without encouraging the audience to take action in support of the policy.

What is passive agreement?

Passive agreements is trying to convince the audience that a given policy is desirable without encouraging the audience to take action in support of the policy. Immediate action is to convince the audience to take action in support of a given policy.

What is the process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people's beliefs or actions?

The process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people's beliefs or actions. Persuasion. The mental give-and-take between speaker and listener during a persuasive speech. Mental Dialogue with the Audience. The portion of the whole audience that the speaker most wants to persuade. Target Audience.

What is the purpose of a persuasive speech?

A persuasive speech in which the speaker's goal is to convince the audience to take action in support of a given policy. Speech to Gain Immediate Action. The first basic issue in analyzing a question of policy: Is there a serious problem or need that requires a change from current policy. Need.

What is the target audience?

The portion of the whole audience that the speaker most wants to persuade. Target Audience. A question about the truth or falsity of an assertion. Question of Fact. A question about the worth, rightness, morality, and so forth of an idea or action.

What is a question of policy?

A question about whether a specific course of action should or should not be taken. Question of Policy. A persuasive speech in which the speaker's goal is to convince the audience that a given policy is desirable without encouraging the audience ti take action in support of the policy. Speech to Gain Passive Agreement.

What is Monroe's motivated sequence?

Monroe's motivated sequence is most useful for speeches that seek immediate action. True. When using Monroe's motivated sequence to organize a persuasive speech on a question of policy, the action step should be placed in the. Conclusion.

What are the causes of eating disorders?

The causes of eating disorders include peer pressure, fad diets, and the media's glamorization of thinness. III. An effective solution to eating disorders must address all three of these causes. Problem-Cause-Solution.

What is a persuasive speech?

thinking of her persuasive speech as a mental dialogue with the audience. A persuasive speech on a question of fact is different from an informative speech because in the persuasive speech the speaker. is partisan. is nonpartisan. presents information impartially. acts as an advocate.

What is the purpose of facts in a case?

There is no possibility of dispute over questions of fact. The prosecution uses facts to convince the jury that the defendant is guilty. The defense lawyer uses facts to convince the jury that the defendant is not guilty.

How many people died from overdose in 2016?

The rate of overdose deaths in the United States nearly doubled from 2006 to 2016. In the United States in 2016, the most overdose deaths (about 20,000) were caused by synthetic opioids not including methadone.

What does Portia mean by telling Shylock that the law hath yet another hold on him?

Question 1.#N#What does Portia mean by telling Shylock that the law hath yet another hold on him?#N#Answer:#N#Portia means to say that Shylock is in the clutches of law in one more respect.

What does "hung for human slaughter" mean?

A Wolf, who hang’d for human slaughter : In the olden days it was not uncommon for animals to be formally executed like criminals, fell : fierce; cruel, unhallowed : wicked; vile, infus’d itself in thee : poured itself into the body, offend’st thy lungs : injure your lungs; put them to useless labour.

What does Portia say in the law of Venice?

PORTIA : Wait, Jew. The law has yet another hold on you. It is enacted in the laws of Venice, That, if it is proved against an alien That by direct or indirect attempts He seek the life of any citizen, The party against whom he schemes Shall seize one half his goods; the other half Comes to the public treasury of the state; And the offender’s life lies at the mercy Of the Duke only, above all others. In which predicament, I say, you stand; Because it appears by this obvious proceeding That indirectly, and directly too, You have schemed against the very life Of the defendant; and you have incurred The danger that I just read to you. So, kneel down, and beg mercy of the Duke.

What does "halter gratis" mean?

A halter gratis : a rope free of charge, to hang himself, quit : remit; excuse, so he will : on condition that he will, become a Christian : would be the cruellest blow of all for Shylock, for his adherence to the Jewish faith has seemed the only point in his nature which redeemed him from being purely mercenary, record a gift : “draw up a legal document for the assignment of property.” Such a document was called a “deed of gift”.

What is the quality of mercy?

It’s most powerful in’ the most powerful people; it suits The throned king better than his crown; His royal wand shows the force of earthly power, The quality to amaze and rule, Where the dread and fear of kings sits; But mercy is above the wave of this wand, It sits on a throne in the hearts of kings, It is a quality of God himself ; And earthly power then shows itself like God’s When mercy goes with justice. So, Jew, Though justice is your plea, consider this, That if we all got justice, none of us Would see salvation; we pray for mercy, And that same prayer teaches us all to do The deeds of mercy. I have spoken this much To soften the justice of your plea, Which if you follow, this strict court of Venice Must give a ruling against the merchant there.


The most ethical course of action the reporter could take Option B: tell the editor-in-chief about her relationship to the pilot, and ask that the story be assigned to another reporter.

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What are the singular and plural nouns in this sentence? (The adjectives are confusing me.) Raul prefers plain water, but Gabriel's drink is orange ju …#N#ice.

How to kill two birds with one stone?

in a vacuum. vacuum. shoot (oneself) in the foot. shoot in the foot. shoot oneself in the foot. shoot yourself in the foot. kill two birds with one stone. kill two birds with one stone, to. hit two birds with one stone.

What does "coupling" mean?

coupling. courage. courage of (one's) convictions. courage of one's convictions, have the. courage of one's convictions, to have the. courier. course. course of action. course of nature.
