what course of action does hester propose to dimmesdale

by Miss Candace Predovic III 8 min read

What course of action does Hester propose to Dimmesdale? She proposes that they move to Europe and live as a family with Pearl and begin their lives over again.

What is Hester's proposal to Dimmesdale for the future? That they run away deep in the woods or to Europe to escape their sin.

Full Answer

How can Hester and Dimmesdale be compared and contrast?

Mar 04, 2013 · Home The Scarlet Letter Q & A What course of action does Heste... The Scarlet Letter What course of action does Hester propose to Dimmesdale? Helpppp. Asked by meaghen l #305865 on 3/4 ... Add Yours. Answered by judy t #197809 on 3/4/2013 12:37 PM She proposes that they move to Europe and live as a family with Pearl and begin their lives over ...

Who are Hester and Dimmesdale in the Scarlet Letter?

Essay #1 Dimmesdale’s concealment of his sin of adultery caused him to almost entirely go insane, if not completely. He would punish himself for his sin by torturing himself. For example, he would whip himself with a “bloody scourge”, but he almost seemed to enjoy it, as he would laugh while whipping himself.

Does Dimmesdale know what the after life will be like?

Jan 18, 2015 · 4 . Hester proposes to Dimmesdale that he should leave the colonies in search of a new life and new opportunities for purity and knowledge . Dimmesdale rejects the proposal because he feels he still owes help to the colonists and does not want to be a coward . He would rather ex - cept death and dishonor than leave .

What celestial phenomenon occurs as Hester and Pearl join dimmmesdale?

Hester and Dimmesdale can be compared and contrast in the way they handled their scarlet letter, their cowardliness, and their belief of what the afterlife is. Hester and Dimmesdale both bear a scarlet letter but the way they handle it is different. Hesters scarlet letter is a piece of clothing, the SCARLET LETTER, so fantastically embroidered ...

What plan does Hester propose to Dimmesdale?

Hester's plan is for Dimmesdale to go deeper into the wilderness and live in natural freedom away from the eyes of Puritan society or to return to Europe, where he will be free of "these iron men and their opinions." But Dimmesdale feels he has not the strength to do either.

What courses of action does Hester suggest to Dimmesdale so that he can rid himself of Chillingworth's menace?

What courses of action does Hester suggest to Dimmesdale so that he can rid himself of Chillingworth's menace? Be a teacher and apostle to Indians. Be a scholar and a sage among the wisest and the most renowned of the cultivated world. Give up the name Dimmesdale.

What does Hester suggest she and Dimmesdale?

What is the threat that looms over Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale if they reveal Chillingworth's true identity? They should take Pearl and go back to Europe. What does Hester suggest she and Dimmesdale do? He is sick, lonely, shameful, guilty, and weak.

What final promise does Hester make Dimmesdale in this chapter?

It's time for the big reveal: Hester confesses, Dimmesdale vows he'll never forgive her; she says that he will, and then they hug it out. (Seriously.) Anyway, Dimmesdale finally says Chillingworth's heart is way blacker than theirs because he violated the sanctity of the human heart in cold blood.

What does Hester confess to Dimmesdale?

Hester tells Dimmesdale that Chillingworth is her husband. This news causes a “dark transfiguration” in Dimmesdale, and he begins to condemn Hester, blaming her for his suffering. Hester, unable to bear his harsh words, pulls him to her chest and buries his face in the scarlet letter as she begs his pardon.

What is the relationship between Hester and Dimmesdale?

Hester Prynne's relationship with Dimmesdale is key to Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. Dimmesdale represented the life that Hester might have led if not for the birth of Pearl. Overcome with guilt and empathetic love for Hester, Dimmesdale tortured himself and allowed himself to be tortured by Chillingworth.

What fact does Hester reveal to Dimmesdale and what is his reaction?

What is his reaction? Hester tells Dimmesdale who Chillingworth really is (her husband), at first he is mad then he moves on.

What does Hester note about Dimmesdale's condition as he approaches her through the forest?

Hester says Dimmesdale can't live with Roger anymore and that they can escape New England on a ship bound to Europe. That way, they can live together and raise Pearl.

What is Dimmesdale's decision in response to Hester's plea that they leave the colony?

What is Dimmesdale's decision in response to Hester's plea that they leave the colony? He agrees to leave the colony, but he wants to finish is duties before he leaves. Why is the chapter called, "A Flood of Sunshine"?

What decision about Dimmesdale has Hester made?

1. What decision about Dimmesdale has Hester made? Hester decides that the emotional relationship between two people is more important than a marriage between them.

What conclusions can you draw so far about Hester the misshapen man and Reverend Dimmesdale?

What conclusion can you draw so far about Hester? What conclusion can you draw so far about Misshapen Man? He is her husband. He wants to know the partner in her adultery and is determined to find out this information.

What information did Hester refuse to tell the officials and Mr Dimmesdale?

3. What information did Hester refuse to tell the officials and Mr. Dimmesdale? Hester refused to name the man who sinned with her.

Previous Chapter

After seeing the effect that Roger Chillingworth has had on the Reverend Dimmesdale, Hester decides it is time that she tell Dimmesdale the truth, that Chillingworth is her husband. Hester and Pearl take a walk in the forest to wait for the Reverend.

Chapter 17 Summary

When Hester calls out to the Reverend in the forest, he doesn't believe that it is actually her. Even living in their small Puritan town, the two have rarely seen each other in the past seven years, for obvious reasons. Or, probably more like not so obvious reasons. They act as though they are seeing each other's ghosts because it has been so long.