what is a course of world mythology

by Josiane Balistreri 7 min read

The course covers the purposes and types of myths; development of myths and mythological characters; the common elements of mythological structures; the predominant characteristics of heroes in myth; the conflicts heroes encounter, and how ancient heroes relate to heroes today.

The course covers the purposes and types of myths; development of myths and mythological characters; the common elements of mythological structures; the predominant characteristics of heroes in myth; the conflicts heroes encounter, and how ancient heroes relate to heroes today.

Full Answer

What is mythology?

Course level: Undergraduate This course provides an overview of mythology and its relationship to ancient cultures and culture today. The course covers the purposes and types of myths; development of myths and mythological characters; the common elements of mythological structures; the predominant characteristics of heroes in myth; the conflicts heroes encounter, …

What is crash course world mythology?

World Mythology: Characteristics & Significance. Instructor: Emily Teater. Show bio. Emily currently is a substitute teacher, and has taught a variety of …

Which cultures have had some type of mythology?

This course is taught by 4 different professors and consists of 60 lectures. Myths are looked at from place of origin - Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Voth's course "Myth in Human History," consists of 36 lectures and looks at types of myths such as creation myths, heroic myths, trickster myths, etc.

How can I learn more about mythology?

World Mythology will be a six-week look into the stories and parables that make up belief systems of cultures across the globe from ancient history to today. This class will be a comparison of these systems and will build an understanding of the archetypes that make up mythology. ... By the end of the course, the student will have the ability ...

What is a mythology course?

Course Description Develops a cross-cultural perspective on myths, mythologies and folklore from around the world. Explores different theories of the cultural meanings and functions of myth, past and present. Introduces various ways of interpreting and experiencing myth and folklore as texts with oral origins.

Is there a course for mythology?

Mythology courses and certificates edX offers courses on a variety of mythology sources. The Ancient Greek Hero from Harvard University explores the intersection of stories and truth through famous works from Homer, Sophocles, and Plato.

What is the study of mythology called?

Folkloristics, the study of Folklore, is the study of human expressive culture, and includes myths, legends, folk- and fairy-tales, jokes, proverbs, jump-rope rhymes, material culture, and much more.Jul 26, 2021

Is mythology a college course?

Greek mythology is often part of literature classes or part of studies throughout school. Students read books like Homor's “The Iliad” or “The Odyssey” while in middle or high school, and even college.

What should I study if I like mythology?

Folk Art and Artists. Ancient Greek and Roman Epics and Myths. Cultural Studies....Mythology and folklore can be approached through a range of lenses including:Literature.History.Sociology.Anthropology.Classics.Linguistics.Foreign Languages.Archeology.More items...

What jobs can you get with a mythology degree?

Common Career FieldsAcademia. ... Advertising. ... Anthropology. ... Cryptozoology: Yes, this is a real job and it's awesome. ... Gaming. ... Journalism. ... Fiction Writing: This is what mythology and folklore is all about.

Who studies mythology?

mythologist (plural mythologists) A person who studies mythology.Dec 3, 2021

Is it important to study mythology?

Ultimately, studying mythology gives us context into our world, our literature, and our own beliefs. The significance of these myths should not be overlooked, and even a foundational level of study will prove beneficial.Apr 26, 2017

Why is studying mythology difficult?

There are a couple of reasons mythology is a more difficult subject than some of the others we've tackled. One is that many myths are very, very old, and often exist in many versions. So just keep that in mind when we discuss a particular myth during the series.Feb 25, 2017

What subject does mythology fall under?

Because of its multifaceted nature, mythology is hard to categorize into one single subject area. Some schools teach mythology as a history or sociology course. Others emphasize the literary importance and teach mythology as an English or Communication Arts course.

Is mythology a hard class?

It's not hard at all. It's a lot of reading but it's really interesting reading, not dry like most other classes. If you are even remotely interested in mythology or remember anything from middle school, it will be a breeze.May 5, 2014

Where can I study mythology?

Religious Studies Departments allow a focus in mythology. Top programs are at the University of California - Santa Barbara, Duke University, University of Chicago, Yale University, and Claremont Graduate University near Los Angeles.

What is classical mythology?

For quite some time in both the American and European educational systems, Classical Mythology, or the mythology of the Greek and Roman cultures , was considered important. Today, some works from classical authors are still used in the classroom, but with so many works of fiction to choose from, teachers use these works of antiquity less frequently. Some of them, such as Homer's The Odyssey or Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, are still staples of literature classes. Works of European or Near Eastern mythology, such as Beowulf and The Epic of Gilgamesh, are also used.

Why are fairy tales taught?

These tales have been taught in the hope that students would be able to relate to the characters and understand them as metaphors for the human experience.

Is mythology still alive?

Myth is still very much alive in literature today. Many famous authors and their works took inspiration from mythology and fairy tales. Still others engage in the action of mythopoeia - creating a history and mythology for their characters - when they write. This is often an extension of the world-building process all authors engage in when creating their stories. The term mythopoeia was believed to have been coined by J.R.R. Tolkien as he engaged in the process of creating the world of his Lord of the Rings trilogy. While authors create the world of their characters themselves, they may take ideas and themes from mythology to enhance that process.

What is the significance of 39 Peasant Folktales and Chinese Scholarship?

After centuries of oral retellings, the myths and sayings of rural peasants were transformed into formal verse by scholars, becoming the foundation for a highly sophisticated and nuanced body of writing that profoundly shaped subsequent literature.

What are the tricksters in African mythology?

Tricksters in African myth are unrepentant troublemakers who are skilled at deception, just as they are in other folkloric traditions around the world. Often humorous, they can be interpreted as representing basic human needs, drives, and weaknesses to provide explanations for calamities and injustices.

How many pharaohs were there in Ancient Egypt?

Investigate the lives and deaths (and possible afterlives) of several of ancient Egypt's 330 pharaohs, including King Amenhotep IV, who tried to become a supreme god, and Cleopatra, the civilization's last pharaoh. 18 The Book of Job.

What is Jason's quest for the golden fleece?

An altogether different - and darker - mythological adventure story is Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece. In pondering the best-known versions of both Jason's story and his wife, Medea's, you'll begin to see Jason as a failed hero and Medea as more than just the woman who murdered her own children.

What is the book of kings?

The Book of Kings is widely regarded as the national epic of the world's Persian-speaking community. Go inside this 11th-century epic poem that traces 50 generations of Persian kings and heroes, including Rostam - whom you'll follow on his famous seven labors" and his battle with the crown prince of Persia.".

Who is the old woman in the Inuit story?

Hear a riveting Inuit story of Sedna, the Old Woman (or Earth Mother) who lives under the sea. You'll also encounter the Nanabushu stories and the archetype of the Trickster, who is often a cultural hero, responsible for aiding in the creation of what we know today. 51 Tales and Rituals of the Iroquois League.

Who is the hero of the Odyssey?

Turn now to the hero of Homer's celebrated Odyssey: Odysseus. From his plans for the Trojan horse to his tricking of a murderous cyclops to his final arrival back in Ithaca, learn how Odysseus' s scheming and lying led to heroic triumphs that made his story relatable to everyday ancient Greeks - and to modern readers.

What are the different types of myths?

There are many different types of myth but, essentially, they can be grouped into three: 1 Etiological Myths 2 Historical Myths 3 Psychological Myths

What do myths tell us?

Myths tell the stories of ancestors and the origin of humans and the world, the gods, supernatural beings (satyrs, nymphs, mermaids) and heroes with super-human, usually god-given, powers (as in the case of the Greek myth of Heracles or Perseus ).

What is the meaning of mythology?

Mythology (from the Greek mythos for story-of-the-people, and logos for word or speech, so the spoken story of a people) is the study and interpretation of often sacred tales or fables of a culture known as myths or the collection of such stories which deal with various aspects of the human condition: good and evil; the meaning of suffering; human origins; the origin of place-names, animals, cultural values, and traditions; the meaning of life and death; the afterlife; and the gods or a god. Myths express the beliefs and values about these subjects held by a certain culture.

Why is myth important?

According to psychiatrist Carl Jung, myth is a necessary aspect of the human psyche which needs to find meaning & order in the world. Mythology has played an integral part in every civilization throughout the world.

What is the underlying form of every civilization and the underpinning of each individual's consciousness?

Scholar Joseph Campbell notes how mythology is the underlying form of every civilization and the underpinning of each individual's consciousness. In his seminal work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, he discusses what he calls the “monomyth”, the similarities in theme, characters, purpose, and narrative progression of myths from different cultures, at different times, around the world and throughout history. Campbell writes:

What is the bronze head of Hypnos?

Carole Raddato (CC BY-SA) Myths are a part of every culture in the world and are used to explain natural phenomena, where a people came from and how their civilization developed, and why things happen as they do. At their most basic level, myths comfort by giving a sense of order and meaning to what can sometimes seem ...

What is the origin story of the sycamore tree?

For example, in Egyptian mythology the sycamore tree looks the way it does because it is home to the goddess Hathor, the Lady of the Sycamore. In Norse mythology, thunder is recognized as Thor 's chariot racing across the heavens.

What are the trickster gods?

Trickster gods, like Loki or Old Coyote, are found throughout the world’s mythology. They often act as catalysts for change or cunning influences on the other deities around them. For our final week, we will look into many of the stories that tie together these interesting characters in mythology. Members.

What is the topic of creation?

Creation is a topic that most major mythologies cover. Creation acts as the beginning of most mythology, and it will also act as a starting point for our look into comparative mythology. There are common themes in many of the stories but also some interesting differences.

What is the first week of World Mythology?

Week 1: The Hero’s Journey. The first week of World Mythology starts with an overview of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey. Also known as the “monomyth,” the hero’s journey is a framework that can be applied to many myths, both ancient and modern.

How long is World Mythology class?

World Mythology will be a six-week look into the stories and parables that make up belief systems of cultures across the globe from ancient history to today. This class will be a comparison of these systems and will build an understanding of the archetypes that make up mythology.

What is a lesson plan?

Lesson plans are a combination of power point, graphics, video, and audio. Each slide is fully narrated for students who prefer to hear material read to them. There is no textbook for this course. DISCUSSION: There are weekly discussions about the lesson plan with the instructor.

Do graded students have to take the quiz?

Graded students will be required to take the weekly quiz and will receive a number grade for their assignments in addition to feedback. They will also receive a final report card that you can print and keep for your records.

Is there a live component to a class?

There is no “live” component to this class, which allows students to work at their own pace. This is a great option for busy students who need to work on their own schedule, and students who live all over the world and can’t easily coordinate time zones.
