what counts as science course for caspa

by Virgie Parisian 7 min read

CASPA Course Subject List

Subject GPA Category GPA Calculation Course Subject
BCP Totals Science GPA A combination of the following course su ...
Behavioral Science Non-Science GPA Abnormal Psychology Adolescent Psycholog ...
Biochemistry Science GPA Biochemistry Biological Chemistry Biomol ...
Biology/Zoology Science GPA Anatomy Anatomy & Physiology Bacteriolog ...
Apr 21 2022

Full Answer

How does Caspa calculate GPAs?

12 rows · CASPA Course Subject List. Note: to quickly locate a course subject, use CTRL+F on a PC or ...

Do withdrawals count as credits in Caspa calculations?

Continue this thread. level 1. [deleted] · 2 yr. ago · edited 2 yr. ago. If you would have taken the time to scroll through the CASPA link posted you would see the all the classes you are asking about are considered in the sGPA. Scroll to the bottom of the page where it says “other sciences”. Nutrition, Exercise sci, Exercise phys, Helath ...

Should science courses count towards SGPA?

Some programs will do their own recalculation of GPAs based on their own formulas using your transcripts, but most schools simply use the CASPA designations to save themselves so work. CASPA has a straightforward help section that lists course subjects and what they use for the different GPA calculations (ex. sGPA, cGPA, BCP, etc.).

What subjects are included in the science GPA?

Jan 30, 2017 · The subjects in the science GPA include Biology/Zoology, Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Other Sciences. You will choose what category courses fit into when you enter your courses, but these may be changed during the verification process if it appears that a course was entered incorrectly.


What classes count towards science gpa besides the nontraditional? Nutrition? Also, I'm minoring in recreational therapy which is in my undergrad's college of science and health, would these classes also count? I am trying to do anything and everything to raise my sGPA. Thanks!


Check out this website- https://portal.caspaonline.org/applicants2013/faq/gpas.htm


I had the same question about my nutrition classes. The CASPA site listed:


CASPA COURSE SUBJECTS FOR THE 2012–2013 CYCLE: [/h] [h=4]Biochemistry [/h]


I have an email out to CASPA. Would be of huge benefit if it counted. I can't imagine it not counting. I guess I will find out soon enough.

What is CASPA in PA school?

CASPA, the Central Application Service for Physician Assistants, is the application portal utilized by the majority of PA programs. This allows you to create one concise application and submit it to multiple PA programs.

What is CASPA in PA?

CASPA, the Central Application Service for Physician Assistants, is the application portal utilized by the majority of PA programs. This allows you to create one concise application and submit it to multiple PA programs.

How to boost your science GPA?

Boost your GPA by completing a post-bacc program or a Master’s program. Boost your science GPA by enrolling in online or community college courses that are 3-4 credits. Boost your science GPA by retaking courses you may have received a B- or lower in during college.

So how does CASPA calculate GPA?

CASPA calculates several types of GPAs based on every college-level course you have taken, whether before, during, or after your undergraduate years. This includes any courses that you have retaken for grade replacement or grade averaging as allowed by your university.

Is retaking a course worth it?

Most programs have a cGPA requirement of at least 3.0, and others have a minimum requirement of 2.75.

What else should you consider?

PA programs may calculate cGPA and sGPA differently than CASPA, and may indeed allow for grade replacement or grade averaging. This is more difficult for programs to do than just accepting the CASPA-calculated GPAs, so it is the exception.

What does "completed evaluation" mean?

Completed evaluations are marked as "Complete" and have a Complete Date listed. Follow up with your evaluators if their evaluations are still marked as "Requested" or "Accepted.". It is your responsibility to ensure that evaluation requests are received and completed on time.

What is the average GRE score?

Competitive GRE scores average around a composite score of 300, and scores above 310 have been considered to be very competitive. This averages to about 150 on the verbal reasoning, 150 on the quantitative reasoning, and a 3.5 in writing.
