how long do it take for a stomach virus to run its course

by Vladimir McDermott 7 min read

Stomach viruses are often mild and go away on their own in 1 to 3 days. Babies, older adults, or people who have low immune systems should see the doctor right away.Feb 2, 2021


Oct 08, 2020 · Stomach flu does not last very long in children or adults. It typically clears up within 2–8 days, depending on the virus that causes it.

How long does it take to catch a stomach virus?

Sep 28, 2021 · , symptoms of norovirus, rotavirus, and sapovirus usually show up 1 to 2 days after exposure, while it can take 4 to 5 days for people to develop …

What are the early signs of a stomach virus?

Mar 22, 2022 · Symptoms usually appear within one to two days of exposure. Although you typically feel better after a day or two, you're contagious for a few days after you recover. The virus can remain in your stool for up to two weeks or more after recovery.

What is the average length of a stomach virus?

Feb 18, 2022 · The stomach flu caused by norovirus usually lasts about one to three days. Symptoms of rotavirus can last three to eight days. What should you eat with the stomach flu? When you or your child has the stomach flu, start with clear liquids like clear soda, broth, or electrolyte replacement drinks.

How long are you contagious with stomach virus?

If you have viral gastroenteritis, avoid handling and preparing food for others while you are sick and for 2 days after your symptoms stop. 7 People who have viral gastroenteritis may spread the virus to any food they handle, especially if they do not thoroughly wash their hands.

What are the stages of a stomach virus?

What is the Stomach Flu? What's often called “stomach flu” is gastroenteritis, an infection of the stomach and intestines. The initial stages start with chills, fever, and nausea, which transition into vomiting, diarrhea, and aches and pains. It's awful, and there is no cure.Aug 7, 2018

What is the quickest way to get rid of a stomach bug?

Lifestyle and home remediesLet your stomach settle. Stop eating solid foods for a few hours.Try sucking on ice chips or taking small sips of water often. ... Ease back into eating. ... Avoid certain foods and substances until you feel better. ... Get plenty of rest. ... Try anti-diarrhea medications.Jan 18, 2022

How long does a tummy bug last?

Stomach flu (viral enteritis) is an infection in the intestines. It has an incubation period of 1 to 3 days, during which no symptoms occur. Once symptoms appear, they usually last for 1 to 2 days, although symptoms may linger for as long as 10 days. This can be especially true for older people.

Is Pepto Bismol good for stomach virus?

In some cases, adults can take over-the-counter medicines such as loperamide link (Imodium) and bismuth subsalicylate link (Pepto-Bismol, Kaopectate) to treat diarrhea caused by viral gastroenteritis.

How long does it take for a virus to run?

For most children and adults, the virus will run its course within a few days and will not require any special medical attention. However, a person should look out for symptoms that might indicate a more serious issue. Parents and caregivers of infants and young children should watch for signs of dehydration.

How long does the stomach flu stay on surfaces?

Therefore, they are still transmissible from a person for several days after the symptoms pass. These viruses can also live on surfaces for several days to weeks.

How long does the stomach flu last in children?

Stomach flu in children. Rotavirus and adenovirus are both common causes of stomach flu in young children. Rotavirus can last for about 3–8 days, and adenovirus can last for about 5–7 days. Young children who are sick are most at risk of developing dehydration.

What is the most common cause of stomach flu?

Norovirus: This virus is the most common cause in adults. Rotavirus: This type of infection tends to affect infants aged 3–15 months. Adenovirus: Adenoviruses affect children under 2 years of age. Despite its name, none of the viruses that cause the stomach flu are related to influenza.

How many stomach flu cases are there in the US?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)#N#Trusted Source#N#, norovirus is the most common cause of stomach flu, causing 19–21 million cases in the United States each year.

How long does it take for adenovirus to show symptoms?

They also note that once a person has had exposure to adenovirus, they may experience symptoms within 2 days to 2 weeks. In addition to GI symptoms, adenovirus can cause upper and lower respiratory symptoms, as well as neurological and eye disorders.

How to help a toddler with stomach flu?

Parents and caregivers can try the following to help speed up recovery in infants or children with the stomach flu: continuing formula feeding or breastfeeding the infant as long as they can keep it down. starting solid foods slowly with easy-to-digest foods. avoiding giving too much water to older children.

How long does it take for a virus to pass through your stool?

However, the virus can still be present in your stool for weeks after recovery.

How long does it take for stomach flu symptoms to show?

Typically, it takes a few days after exposure for symptoms to appear. However, this can depend on the specific virus. A case of the stomach flu typically resolves in less than a week. Infections in those with higher risk may last longer.

What is the most accurate term for stomach flu?

The bottom line. The more accurate term for the stomach flu is viral gastroenteritis because it’s not related to the influenza viruses that cause the respiratory illnesses we see in fall and winter. There are several types of viruses that can cause viral gastroenteritis. The most common of these is norovirus.

How do you know if you have the stomach flu?

Although the stomach flu usually improves with self-care, it’s important to get medical attention if you notice any of the following symptoms: signs of severe dehydration, such as extreme thirst, passing small amounts of urine, and dizziness. bloody diarrhea.

What are some examples of stomach flu?

Some examples of this include: cruise ships. restaurants, buffets, or banquets. care facilities like daycare centers and nursing homes. college campuses.

What is the stomach flu?

Stomach flu is a viral infection of your intestines. The medical name for stomach flu is viral gastroenteritis. Common symptoms include: loose, watery diarrhea. abdominal cramping. nausea. vomiting. Contrary to its name, the stomach flu isn’t caused by the same virus that causes the flu. In fact, there are several different types ...

How to help a child with diarrhea?

Talk to your child’s pediatrician about appropriate OTC medications for symptoms. Try bland foods. If your stomach is feeling unsettled, try to eat small amounts of bland foods such as rice, crackers, or toast. Avoid foods that make symptoms worse. Some foods can make your diarrhea worse.

How long does it take for a virus to show up in your stool?

The virus can remain in your stool for up to two weeks or more after recovery.

How long is the stomach flu contagious?

How long am I contagious if I have the stomach flu? You can be contagious from a few days up to two weeks or more, depending on which virus is causing your stomach flu (gastroenteritis). A number of viruses can cause gastroenteritis, including noroviruses and rotaviruses. The contagious period — the time during which a sick person can give ...

What is the contagious period?

The contagious period — the time during which a sick person can give the illness to others — differs slightly for each virus. Norovirus. With norovirus — the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in adults — you're contagious when you begin to feel ill.

How long after you recover from gastroenteritis can you be contagious?

But you're contagious even before you develop symptoms, and up to two weeks after you've recovered. The viruses that cause gastroenteritis are spread through close contact with infected people, such as by sharing food or eating utensils, and by touching contaminated surfaces and objects.

How to keep someone from getting sick?

To help keep others from getting sick, disinfect contaminated surfaces immediately after someone vomits or has diarrhea. Wear disposable gloves, and use a bleach-based household cleanser or 2 cups (0.5 liters) of bleach in a gallon (3.8 liters) of water.

How long should a child stay home from school?

Children should stay home from school or child care for at least 48 hours after the last time they vomit or have diarrhea. Rotavirus. Symptoms of rotavirus — the leading cause of viral gastroenteritis in infants and young children — usually appear one to three days after exposure.

How do you get viral gastroenteritis?

The most common way to develop viral gastroenteritis — often called stomach flu —is through contact with an infected person or by ingesting contaminated food or water. If you're otherwise healthy, you'll likely recover without complications. But for infants, older adults and people with compromised immune systems, ...

What is the main complication of viral gastroenteritis?

The main complication of viral gastroenteritis is dehydration — a severe loss of water and essential salts and minerals. If you're healthy and drink enough to replace fluids you lose from vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration shouldn't be a problem.

How to prevent gastroenteritis in children?

Given to children in the first year of life, the vaccine appears to be effective in preventing severe symptoms of this illness. Wash your hands thoroughly .

What are the symptoms of gastroenteritis?

Gastroenteritis, on the other hand, attacks your intestines, causing signs and symptoms, such as: Watery, usually nonbloody diarrhea — bloody diarrhea usually means you have a different, more severe infection. Abdominal cramps and pain. Nausea, vomiting or both. Occasional muscle aches or headache.

What is the most common cause of gastroenteritis in children?

Rotavirus. Worldwide, this is the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in children, who are usually infected when they put their fingers or other objects contaminated with the virus into their mouths. The infection is most severe in infants and young children.

What is the name of the organ that processes food?

The stomach, small intestine and large intestine (colon) are part of your digestive tract, which processes the foods you eat. Viral gastroenteritis is an inflammation of these organs caused by a virus.

What is the difference between the flu and gastroenteritis?

Real flu (influenza) affects only your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs. Gastroenteritis, on the other hand, attacks your intestines, causing signs and symptoms, such as: Watery, usually nonbloody diarrhea — bloody diarrhea usually means you have a different, more severe infection. Abdominal cramps and pain.

What Is Stomach Flu?

The stomach flu is caused by a contagious virus that causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can be spread by direct contact with a sick individual or through contaminated food, water, or surfaces. Because children frequently put their fingers and hands in their mouths, they are at an increased risk of contracting norovirus and rotavirus. 2


Symptoms of the stomach flu usually develop about 12–48 hours after exposure to the virus. Most people experience symptoms of norovirus for about one to three days and rotavirus for three to eight days. Common symptoms include: 6


The viruses that cause the stomach flu often need to run their course, and most people start to feel much better after a few days to a week.

When to See a Healthcare Provider

Call your primary healthcare provider or your child's pediatrician if you are concerned that your child is dehydrated. The medical staff can help you determine if your child needs to be seen and how to rehydrate them as quickly as possible.


The stomach flu is caused by very contagious viruses like norovirus and rotavirus. Common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The stomach flu is spread by contact with a sick person, contaminated food or drink, and surfaces. It can quickly spread through concentrated environments like school or daycare centers.

A Word From Verywell

Seeing your child sick is hard for any parent. It may be helpful to remember that the stomach flu is a common infection and usually resolves on its own. Encourage your child to rest as much as possible and help them replace lost fluids with broth or oral rehydration fluids.

How to treat viral gastroenteritis?

You can treat viral gastroenteritis by replacing lost fluids and electrolytes to prevent dehydration. In some cases, over-the-counter medicines may help relieve your symptoms. Research shows that following a restricted diet does not help treat viral gastroenteritis.

How long should you wait to eat if you have gastroenteritis?

If you have viral gastroenteritis, avoid handling and preparing food for others while you are sick and for 2 days after your symptoms stop. 7 People who have viral gastroenteritis may spread the virus to any food they handle, especially if they do not thoroughly wash their hands.

What to give a child with viral gastroenteritis?

If your child has viral gastroenteritis, you should give your child an oral rehydration solution —such as Pedialyte, Naturalyte, Infalyte, and CeraLyte—as directed to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. Oral rehydration solutions are liquids that contain glucose and electrolytes. Talk with a doctor about giving these solutions to your infant.

Can contaminated water spread a virus?

Contaminated water may also spread a virus to foods before they are harvested. For example, contaminated fruits, vegetables, and oysters have been linked to norovirus outbreaks. Wash fruits and vegetables before using them, and thoroughly cook oysters and other shellfish. 7 Find tips to help keep food safe.

Can you vomit after eating?

When you have viral gastroenteritis, you may vomit after you eat or lose your appetite for a short time. When your appetite returns, you can most often go back to eating your normal diet, even if you still have diarrhea. Find tips on what to eat when you have viral gastroenteritis.

Can you give a child over the counter medicine?

If you have bloody diarrhea or fever—signs of infections with bacteria or parasites —don’t use over-the-counter medicines to treat diarrhea. See a doctor for treatment.

Do probiotics help with viral gastroenteritis?

to treat viral gastroenteritis. Antibiotics don’t work for viral infections. In some cases, your doctor may recommend probiotics. NIH external link. . Probiotics are live microbes, most often bacteria, that are like the ones you normally have in your digestive tract.

How long does it take for a stomach virus to go away?

Living with a stomach virus. Stomach viruses are often mild and go away on their own in 1 to 3 days. Babies, older adults, or people who have low immune systems should see the doctor right away. This can help prevent their infection from getting worse.

What is stomach virus?

What is a stomach virus? Gastroenteritis is a medical term for a stomach virus. Many people call it the stomach flu. It is not the same as influenza. That is a respiratory illness. This is an inflammation of your stomach lining. A stomach virus can strike anyone at any age.

How to prevent stomach virus?

You can help prevent or avoid a stomach virus by doing these things: Wash your hands often. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects in your home, office, and classroom. Use hand sanitizer after being in public.

How do stomach infections spread?

Viral stomach infections are contagious. It is easy to get and give a stomach virus. It is spread by contact with an infected person, surface, or object. Stomach viruses are likely to spread at places with a lot of people. This includes schools, daycares, nursing homes, airplanes, cruise ships, and hospitals.

How long does it take for a person to get better from norovirus?

A person usually develops symptoms 12 to 48 hours after being exposed to norovirus. Most people with norovirus illness get better within 1 to 3 days.

How to tell if you're dehydrated?

Symptoms of dehydration include: 1 decrease in urination 2 dry mouth and throat 3 feeling dizzy when standing up

How long do GI symptoms last?

If you’ve battled a gastrointestinal (GI) infection before, you know it’s not pleasant. But typically symptoms don’t last longer than a few days. Advertising Policy. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center.

What are the symptoms of post-infectious ibs?

Kirsh says. Symptoms are usually less severe than the original infection and may include: Abdominal cramping. Diarrhea.

Can IBS last forever?

Most people recover. Provided you don’t have a chronic condition such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, take this to heart: Post-infectious IBS shouldn’t last forever. “Over time people do tend to get better,” Dr. Kirsh says. “For most of them, this is not going to be lifelong IBS.”. Advertising Policy.

Can IBS be lifelong?

Nausea. In some cases, constipation. “Over time people do tend to get better,” he says. “For most of them, this is not going to be lifelong IBS.”. The symptoms of post-infectious IBS develop after an infectious GI bug such as viral gastroenteritis or a bacterial infection like E. coli or Salmonella or even C. difficile.

Can IBS be elevated with a blood test?

Depending on the severity of the case, a doctor might order a blood test. This test can help make sure a person with post-infectious IBS isn’t anemic and doesn’t have an elevated white blood cell count. Patients may also get their electrolytes tested to make sure they’re not dehydrated.

Is irritable bowel syndrome common?

This condition is known as post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Gastroenterologist Brian Kirsh, MD, says post-infectious IBS is fairly common — and you can take steps to diagnose and treat it.



Viral gastroenteritis is an intestinal infection that includes signs and symptoms such as watery diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea or vomiting, and sometimes fever. The most common way to develop viral gastroenteritis — often called stomach flu — is through contact with an infected person or by consuming conta…
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  • Although it's commonly called stomach flu, gastroenteritis isn't the same as influenza. The flu (influenza) affects only your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs. Gastroenteritis, on the other hand, attacks your intestines, causing signs and symptoms such as: 1. Watery, usually nonbloody diarrhea — bloody diarrhea usually means you have a different, more severe infectio…
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  • You're most likely to get viral gastroenteritis when you eat or drink contaminated food or water. You may also be likely to get gastroenteritis if you share utensils, towels or food with someone who has one of the viruses that cause the condition. Many viruses can cause gastroenteritis, including: 1. Noroviruses. Both children and adults are affected by noroviruses, the most commo…
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Risk Factors

  • Gastroenteritis occurs all over the world and can affect people of all ages. People who may be more susceptible to gastroenteritis include: 1. Young children.Children in child care centers or elementary schools may be especially vulnerable because it takes time for a child's immune system to mature. 2. Older adults.Adult immune systems tend to become less efficient later in li…
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  • The main complication of viral gastroenteritis is dehydration — a severe loss of water and essential salts and minerals. If you're healthy and drink enough to replace fluids you lose from vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration shouldn't be a problem. Infants, older adults and people with weakened immune systems may become severely dehydrated when they lose more fluids than t…
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  • The best way to prevent the spread of intestinal infections is to follow these precautions: 1. Get your child vaccinated.A vaccine against gastroenteritis caused by the rotavirus is available in some countries, including the United States. Given to children in the first year of life, the vaccine appears to be effective in preventing severe symptoms of this illness. 2. Wash your hands thoro…
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