what comes after the alpha course

by Anahi Hirthe 4 min read

But what comes after an Alpha class? Where is the plan for assimilation and multiplication? We need Beta. We need to bridge into transformative study and the deepening of relationships within the church. In other words, we need to continue the discipleship process that began in Alpha.

Full Answer

What do you think about the Alpha course?

 · Nicky and Pippa Gumbel, pioneers of the Alpha course, have served as hosts or helpers at over 80 Alphas. They always try to do some sort of follow up with guests in their group. Pippa says, “We try to do a reunion supper after every …

What happens after you finish Alpha?

After Alpha. Discipleship and formation. Once a guest has finished Alpha, online or in person, it is essential that there is an intentional process of ongoing formation in place to help people continue to grow as missionary disciples. Process – The most important thing a parish can do is move from a programme-based model of mission, to a process-based model.

What happens in an Alpha session?

But what comes after an Alpha class? Where is the plan for assimilation and multiplication? We need Beta. We need to bridge into transformative study and the deepening of relationships within the church. In other words, we need to continue the discipleship process that began in Alpha.

What is Alpha Course by John D Christian?

 · The Alpha Course begins with a solid presentation of the gospel message and progresses with some solid biblical teachings. It is interesting that the Alpha Course does not seek to teach about the person, character or attributes of God, and does not focus on doctrine, which may cause division among those whom they seek to include, New Age adherents and …

What's next after Alpha?

In 2024, by McCrindle's definition, the last of Generation Alpha will be born, making way for Generation Beta, whose birth years will span from 2025 to 2039.

How many sessions are there in Alpha?

Within evangelical Protestantism the most controversial element of Alpha is what is considered to be its charismatic slant. Three of the fifteen sessions are given to the person and work of the Holy Spirit and cover the infilling of the Spirit; speaking in tongues and healing via prayer.

How long does the Alpha course take?

10 weeksThe Alpha course usually meets once a week for 10 weeks, including a one-day or weekend getaway. Sessions begin with a meal, followed by a short talk and time to discuss what's been taught.

How long is the Youth Alpha course?

8-10 weeksThe AYFS series is twelve episodes and meant to be done over 8-10 weeks (depending on how many sessions are included on the Alpha Weekend or Alpha Day).

Is Alpha a true story?

Alpha Dog is a 2006 American crime drama film written and directed by Nick Cassavetes based on the true story of the kidnapping and murder of Nicholas Markowitz in 2000....Alpha DogTheatrical release posterDirected byNick CassavetesWritten byNick CassavetesProduced bySidney Kimmel Paul Ralph12 more rows

Why is Alpha called Alpha?

The Greek alpha comes from the Hebrew and Phoenician aleph, a form of the word for "ox," eleph, possibly because the character resembled an ox's head.

Is Alpha good for Catholics?

Run Alpha at Your Parish Alpha is a practical tool inspiring Catholic renewal by answering the call to the New Evangelization, the call of Christ and His Church to "go and make disciples of all nations". Alpha is proven to awaken faith in lapsed Catholics, those on the fringe of parish life and those outside the faith.

Is the Alpha course Catholic?

Afterall, Alpha didn't come from the Catholic Church. Alpha started in an Anglican parish in London called Holy Trinity Brompton. It was further developed and popularized by an Anglican vicar named Nicky Gumbel. And it has gone on to be used in churches of virtually every Christian denomination and tradition.

What is Alpha Youth Series?

The Alpha Youth Series is a brand new interactive series exploring life, faith and meaning. Re-imagined for today's youth culture, each episode looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. It's for young people with no Christian or church background.

How many alpha Youth episodes are there?

All 13 episodes of the Alpha Youth Series are available for free. Each episode presents a different topic of the Christian faith with discussion breaks throughout. Alpha Youth is a safe space for young people to ask questions and say what they think.

What is Alpha Canada?

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different question, and is designed to create conversation. No two Alphas look the same–they run in coffee shops, churches, bars, prisons, universities, schools and homes.

Why is it important to have a Christian friendship after Alpha?

Community/Relationships – It is crucial that guests build Christian friendships in the parish after Alpha in ways that work best for them. The support and accountability of Christian friendships is key to growing as a disciple. It is important that the Alpha team are not their only link to the parish and that guests are introduced to other ministries in the parish and to a wider group of people outside of their Alpha group.

Can you preview all the videos before running Alpha?

Before you run Alpha, you can preview all the videos for all of the Alpha series.

How does Alpha work?

Alpha operates on a cyclical basis: Do the study yourself then do the study with someone else. From there, Alpha groups can transition into church plants. The original Alpha groups can be leveraged to continue into disciplemaking groups. Sprinkle apprentice leaders into the Alpha groups and invite those who are interested in following up to the Beta groups. In Beta groups, the vision is to live and love like Jesus, support each other, and get involved. That’s powerful.

Can churches use Alpha?

Churches that are already using Alpha can move directly into church planting in this way. It doesn’t matter what kind of church you are planting. The principles are the same: the grassroots reaching of people drives the DNA and connects with the overall philosophy the church will develop. For any functional church, you need to gather into communities and practice the dimensions of discipleship above.

What is the Alpha Course?

The Alpha Course is ecumenical, and any course that can appeal to the wide range of traditions and denominations, as the Alpha Course does, has to sacrifice many essential Bible truths. A wide tent that is inclusive of those who hold teachings contrary to the tenets of the faith for which we are to contend ...

Where was Alpha Course started?

We must be discerning in evaluating the qualifications of the person or people teaching the course. The Alpha Course was started in the United Kingdom, at Holy Trinity Brompton Church, by Nicky Gumbel and Sandy Millar in 1977.

How has the Alpha Course helped Christians?

We do recognize, however, that the Alpha Course has been a tremendous help to many Christians. Many people have come to faith in Jesus Christ through the Alpha Course. Many more have been strengthened in their faith and knowledge of God’s Word because of the Alpha Course.

Is the Alpha Course good?

The problem is that the Alpha Course can be very different depending on the church/organization that is using it. In the hands of a solidly evangelical teacher, the Alpha Course can be excellent. In the hands of someone trying to push beliefs and practices that are biblically questionable, the Alpha Course can be used to indoctrinate and mislead.

Where is the Alpha Course sign?

Alpha course sign displayed at Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Dover, Ohio. The Alpha course is an evangelistic course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. It is described by its organisers as "an opportunity to explore the meaning of life".

What is the Alpha for Prisons course?

Caring for ex-offenders is a follow-up to the Alpha for Prisons course, supporting released prisoners by providing them with material assistance including accommodation, work, food, and pastoral support through church life. It operates in Britain, Canada, South Africa and the United States.

What is the alternative Christianity explored course?

The alternative Christianity Explored course is an attempt to go beyond what Alpha teaches on sin.

Who is the supporter of Alpha?

Its supporters include many Catholic cardinals, Anglican archbishops and bishops, and leading figures of all denominations. Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey described the courses as "superb." Rowan Williams was an enthusiastic supporter when he was Bishop of Monmouth and Archbishop of Wales and continued his support as Archbishop of Canterbury, opening an Alpha conference and accepting an invitation to speak at an Alpha supper in London in 2004. He describes it as "a very special tool" and "a unique mixture of Christian content and Christian style". Father Raniero Cantalamessa, a monk of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin and Preacher to the Papal Household for Pope Benedict XVI wrote a document praising Alpha in June 2005.

What is Alpha's teaching?

Alpha's teachings are intended to centre upon aspects of Christian faith on which all denominations are in general agreement. Nicky Gumbel says (quoting the current Apostolic Preacher Raniero Cantalamessa ), "What unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us."

Who adopted the Marriage Course?

The Marriage Course was adopted by the British Army and an additional session on enforced separation (e.g. as a result of operational deployment) was added by a military couple working in co-operation with Relationship Central.

How long is Alpha?

Alpha is organised as a series of sessions over 10 weeks, including a day or weekend away. Each session starts with a meal, followed by a talk and then discussion in small groups. The talks aim to cover the basic beliefs of the Christian faith.

What does the Alphas Course not define?

The Alphas Course, by not defining sin properly, fails to give the emphasis of Jesus sacrifice, the reason for His sacrifice, and for His resurrection.

Who commended the Alpha Course?

In Alpha News, July 1997 issue, Catholic Bishop Ambrose Griffiths commended the Alpha Course for being a “powerful evangelistic tool…it doesn’t contain anything that is contrary to Catholic doctrine.”

Where did the Alpha start?

Since London is known to be the headquarters of the occult, it is not surprising that the Alpha originated there. In1970 an English cleric, Charles Marnham, devised a four- week series of lessons for non-churchgoers and new Christians. In 1981 a former barrister of Holy Trinity Brompton extended the course to 8 weeks.

What does Alpha do?

Alpha then gently puts forward answers from a Christian perspective without being offensive and pushy.

What are the dangers of the Alpha Course?

Dangers are that the main message of the gospel is glossed over to make it have basically little or no effect.

What is Alpha's job?

Alpha’s job is to help encourage new people to even think about entering our churches, let alone becoming part of our home groups etc.. Given the opportunity there are changes of emphasis that I would make to their material, and some things I’d include. Originally I was reserved about the course, but are witnessing the fruits of it I am convinced that it is a tool powerfully used by our loving Father.

What is the Alpha Course?

The Alpha Course, though teaching some truth, also lays truth alongside error. The wooing of people using the gospel message, only to later enslave them in ritualism, works salvation, and occult manifestations is one of the great deceptions of our time.

When was Alpha 10-3-98 made?

Alpha 10-3-98. Blessings! The foundations of the Alpha course were originally laid in 1979 through the work of Charles Marnham. During his time at Holy Trinity Brompton in west London (one of the main proponants of the Toronto "Blessing" and where Steve Hill of Brownsville picked up his ability to "slay people in the spirit"), ...

What is the first DT item?

The first DT item was on 30th Sept. p10, about the World Council of Churches. The second on 1st. Oct., about the Church of Rome and the Eucharist.

Who is the architect of Alpha?

After Marnham's initial input, Alpha gradually evolved. One of the key figures in this and the main architect of the Alpha course as it now exists is Nicky Gumbel, currently curate at Holy Trinity Brompton. It was through Gumbel's vision and work that Alpha grew to have the impact it has today.

Is the Alpha Course dangerous?

Following are two e-mails, then an article detailing the dangers of the Alpha Course. The first e-mail confirms that Luis Palau has indeed endorsed this dangerous course. The second alerts Christians to the fact the the Church of Rome is now using the course for its own purposes. The article following is a critique of the Alpha Course. We hope you will find this information useful when some member of your church attmepts to introduce this course into your church!

Is it difficult to speak against Alpha?

To speak against Alpha is being made very difficult, but is all the more necessary. We see churches and fellowships going headlong into this abyss, but some will listen and be saved, and so we carry on. Incidentally, I just received in today's post a leaflet from the Salvation Army promoting Alpha for young people.

How many people completed the Alpha course in 1997?

Over 500,000 people completed the course by 1997. No doubt many more by now. The course is being run in countries as diverse as Namibia and Finland. Both the Alpha internet site and Alpha news contain many commendations from diverse theological positions. The Archbishop of Canterbury says "It is superb.

What does Chris Hand's book "Falling short the Alpha course examined" mean?

Chris Hand in his book 'Falling short, The Alpha course examined' reminds us of the Athenian attitude to God when Paul preached to them in Acts 17; “The Athenians were crucially ignorant of God just as we are today. They did not know how high and lofty he was.

What does Alpha pander to?

Sadly it seems that Alpha panders to our society's desire for the instant and has lost sight of the need for believers to 'turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead - Jesus who rescues us from the coming wrath' (1 Thess 1:9-10).

Does Alpha end up limiting the Spirit?

Ironically Alpha ends up limiting the Spirit, the very thing which it accuses others of doing when it claims 'For a long time in the church the person and work of the Holy Spirit has been ignored, misunderstood and resisted'. (Telling Others, The Alpha Initiative, Nicky Gumbel (Kingsway 1994) page 12.)

Is the cross central to Alpha?

The second major weakness in this area is that for all it's claims that ‘the cross lies at the heart of the Christian faith', the cross is in reality not central to Alpha. After talk two, which deals with the cross, it is barely mentioned in subsequent sessions. One could be forgiven for thinking on examination of the course as a whole that the centrality of the cross and Jesus Christ’s work of atonement had been usurped. This is extraordinary not only because the cross is at the heart of the Christian faith, but also that Alpha is aimed at those who know little or nothing about the Christian faith. This is a far cry from Paul's desire to 'Preach Christ and him crucified' (1Cor 1:23).

Is sin according to Alpha a problem?

Christ in Alpha, comes forward to deal with too small a problem”. Ultimately then, sin according to Alpha is more of a problem for us than it is for God.

Is Alpha man centered?

In particular it would seem that Alpha is ‘man centered’ such that it preaches a gospel which appeals to people's felt needs, and is also 'now centered' such that it presents a gospel which focuses on the present rather than the future. The heart of the gospel, that Jesus Christ, crucified and raised is Lord, is displaced. In the light of this there are a number of tough questions to ask.

What is an alpha job?

Alpha provides job descriptions for the leader, the director, the small group coordinator, small group leaders, small group helpers, greeters, runners, the task force coordinator, the dinner coordinator, task force members, the book table coordinator, the treasurer, the worship leader, the weekend retreat coordinator, and the weekend entertainment coordinator. 14

What does Alpha say about salvation?

In evaluation, Alpha bases salvation experience on the facts of the gospel. The first four talks affirm the deity of Christ, our sinfulness, Jesus’ death for our sins, and the fact of his bodily resurrection. It stresses assurance of eternal life on the Word, the Atonement, and the witness of the Spirit. I rejoice insofar as the gospel is preached in this way.

What is an evenhanded appraisal of Alpha?

An evenhanded appraisal of Alpha will acknowledge both beneficial and detrimental aspects of the programs. We will begin with an evaluation of the six “New Testament principles” on which Alpha is based.

What denominations are Alpha?

Testimonies to Alpha’s value have come from leaders in Roman Catholic, Anglican, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, and Pentecostal churches , as well as many other denominations. Fuller Seminary promotes Alpha, with commendations coming from such theologically diverse sources as Dr. George Carey (the Archbishop of Canterbury), J. I. Packer, Gordon Fee, and the late John Wimber.

What is the first letter of the Greek alphabet?

If your church is looking for help in evangelism and discipling spiritual newborns, you might be asked to evaluate a popular course named for the first letter of the Greek alphabet, Alpha. Alpha is “a 15 session practical introduction to the Christian faith designed primarily for non-churchgoers and new Christians.” 1.

Does Alpha emphasize justification?

As helpful as this is, the talks fail sufficiently to emphasize that justification is not by works. Alpha does not adequately highlight the Protestant distinctive of justification on the basis of grace alone, through the work of Christ alone, appropriated by faith alone (Rom. 11:6). Alpha’s effective strategies may be used to advance the cause of those who add legalistic conditions (works) to salvation, such as is often done by Roman Catholics and others.



The Alpha course is an evangelistic course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faiththrough a series of talks and discussions. It is described by its organisers as "an opportunity to explore the meaning of life". Alpha courses are run in churches, homes, workplaces, prisons, universities and a wide variety of other locations. The course began in Britain and is run around the world by …


Alpha originated in 1977 with the work of Charles Marnham, a curate at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB), a parish of the Church of England in London. It started as a course for church members regarding the basics of beliefs commonly held by many believers in Christ, but then began to be used as an introduction for those interested in the faith. John Irvine, Marnham's successor curate at HTB, took over the running of the course in 1981 and developed the 10-week format which co…


Alpha is organised as a series of sessions over 10 weeks, including a day or weekend away. Each session starts with a meal, followed by a talk and then discussion in small groups. The talks aim to cover the basic beliefs of the Christian faith.
In April 2016, Alpha introduced the Alpha Film Series, where traditional Alpha content is shown in a series of films, featuring stories and interviews. This series is mainly presented by Nicky Gumb…


Alpha's teachings are intended to centre upon aspects of Christian faith on which all denominations are in general agreement. Nicky Gumbel says (quoting the current Apostolic Preacher Raniero Cantalamessa), "What unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us."
Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox distinctives, such as those concerning the Virgin Mary and certain sacramental teachings are absent, as are Baptistteachings on baptism. Instead, individua…

Influenced by

Possibly Alpha's greatest influence came from the ministry of John Wimber, who visited Holy Trinity Brompton a number of times during the 1980s and 1990s. Nicky Gumbel's approach can also be linked to the ministry of E. J. H. Nash, an influential Anglican cleric who set out to evangelise "top boys at top schools" and who organised summer camps at Iwerne Minsterin Dorset. David Fletcher, who took responsibility for the camps after Nash, described Alpha as: "ba…


Although originating from the evangelical Anglican tradition, Alpha is now used in various denominations around the world. Its supporters include many Catholic cardinals, Anglican archbishops and bishops, and leading figures of all denominations. Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey described the courses as "superb." Rowan Williams was an enthusiastic supporter when he was Bishop o…


Alpha has been criticised for having a charismatic emphasis, with some non-charismatic evangelicals criticising Gumbel's emphasis upon the person and work of the Holy Spirit in particular. As a result, some churches have chosen to teach a different view of the Holy Spirit in the course, although this is discouraged in Gumbel's book How to Run the Alpha Course.
More conservative critics (especially from a Reformed and evangelicalperspective) have complai…

See also

• Awareness Course
• Cursillo
• Living the Questions