what college course introduces imaginary numbers

by Mr. Leland Kreiger 9 min read

CLEP College Mathematics: Real & Complex Numbers And Basic Algebra is a free online course that deals with imaginary numbers that come from taking the square root of negative numbers. This course introduces you to basic algebraic operations; linear and quadratic equations. You will learn how to solve inequalities, and graphs.

Full Answer

What are imaginary numbers?

Since − 3 i − 3 i is an imaginary number, it is the imaginary part ( bi) of the complex number a + b i a + b i. This imaginary number has no real parts, so the value of a is 0. a – 3 i a – 3 i. Answer. 0 – 3 i 0 – 3 i. In the next video we show more examples of how to write numbers as complex numbers. YouTube.

What should I learn about imaginary units?

Description. Complex and imaginary numbers is a captivating course that has been specifically developed to teach you about pure imaginary numbers. When working with imaginary …

What are some examples of imaginative number rules?

An imaginary number is a complex number that results from the square root of a negative number. ... We have over 220 college courses that prepare you to earn credit by exam that is …

How do you divide imaginary numbers?

Pure imaginary numbers. The number is by no means alone! By taking multiples of this imaginary unit, we can create infinitely many more pure imaginary numbers. For example, , , and are all …

What branch of math is imaginary numbers?

Another term often heard in this branch of mathematics is complex numbers. A complex number is a number that contains both a real number and an imaginary one. The real part of the complex number might be zero, leaving just the imaginary part, or it can be any real number.

What class do you learn about complex numbers?

The next year, in a Precalculus course, they typically also learn the representation of complex numbers as points in a plane.Dec 29, 2016

What career uses imaginary numbers?

Physicists and electrical engineers may routinely work with complex numbers.Mar 8, 2021

Who introduced imaginary numbers?

Originally coined in the 17th century by René Descartes as a derogatory term and regarded as fictitious or useless, the concept gained wide acceptance following the work of Leonhard Euler (in the 18th century) and Augustin-Louis Cauchy and Carl Friedrich Gauss (in the early 19th century).

What is the difference between imaginary and complex numbers?

Complex numbers have the form a+bi a + b i , where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of −1 . All real numbers can be written as complex numbers by setting b=0 . Imaginary numbers have the form bi and can also be written as complex numbers by setting a=0 .

Are complex numbers taught in high school?

Complex numbers are introduced and taught in high school Algebra 2. Complex numbers are introduced primarily in order to extend the notion of roots of all quadratic equations. After this brief motivation, basic operations on complex numbers are taught in high schools.

Is math discovered or invented?

2) Math is a human construct.

Mathematics is not discovered, it is invented.

How do physicists use imaginary numbers?

A theory obeying the rules of quantum physics needs imaginary numbers to describe the real world, two new experiments suggest. Imaginary numbers result from taking the square root of a negative number. They often pop up in equations as a mathematical tool to make calculations easier.Dec 15, 2021

Will Desmos do imaginary numbers?

Desmos can add and subtract points just like complex numbers. To define your own complex number, type a = (real,imaginary).

How many Numberphile videos are there?

The videos are produced by Brady Haran, a former BBC video journalist and creator of Periodic Videos, Sixty Symbols, and several other YouTube channels.
Total views624.8 million (Numberphile) 16.8 million (Numberphile2) (March 5, 2022)
Associated actsPeriodic Videos Sixty Symbols CGP Grey
11 more rows

Who proposed to call I √ − 1 an imaginary number?

Bombelli introduces a notation for √−1, and calls it “piú di meno”.

Were imaginary numbers invented or discovered?

As it turns out, though, an imaginary number – basically, a number that, when squared, results in a negative number – really is a thing in mathematics, first discovered back in the 1400s and 1500s as a way to solve certain bedeviling equations.Jun 14, 2021

The free online course teaches you about complex and imaginary numbers, as well as transformations of functions

If you are a professional, a student or someone with a keen interest in understanding complex numbers and types of functions, this course has been designed especially to help you. Study the characteristics of functions and function notation before focusing on the different types of special functions.


All Alison courses are free to enrol, study and complete. To successfully complete this Certificate course and become an Alison Graduate, you need to achieve 80% or higher in each course assessment.

Why are imaginary numbers useful?

Because imaginary numbers, when mapped onto a (2-dimensional) graph, allows rotational movements, as opposed to the step-based movements of normal numbers. This 'rotating feature' makes imaginary numbers very useful when scientists attempt to model real-life phenomena that exhibit cyclical patterns.)

Who created the imaginary unit i?

He then gets to know this special number better by thinking about its powers. Created by Sal Khan.

Is negative multiplication imaginary?

The signs have to be the same, therefore making it a positive,and it has to be a negative. so it is imaginary.

Why is the imaginary unit used in math?

The answer is simple. The imaginary unit allows us to find solutions to many equations that do not have real number solutions. This may seem weird, but it is actually very common for equations to be unsolvable in one number system but solvable in another, more general number system.

Can you square a real number and get a negative number?

This is because it is impossible to square a real number and get a negative number! However, a solution to the equation does exist in a new number system called the complex number system.

What is a complete ordered field?

Numbers are just concepts that follow certain rules. The misleadingly-named real numbers are defined as a complete ordered field. The word "field" just means that they follow 9 certain rules, like "for every real number x, x+0=x" Likewise, "ordered" just adds about 3 more rules, and "complete" adds one more.

What is imaginary number?

Imaginary Numbers Definition. Imaginary numbers are the numbers when squared it gives the negative result. In other words, imaginary numbers are defined as the square root of the negative numbers where it does not have a definite value. It is mostly written in the form of real numbers multiplied by the imaginary unit called “i”.

What is the notation for all imaginary numbers?

The notation “i” is the foundation for all imaginary numbers. The solution written by using this imaginary number in the form a+bi is known as a complex number. In other words, a complex number is one which includes both real and imaginary numbers.

When two numbers, a+bi, and c+di are added, what is the answer?

When two numbers, a+bi, and c+di are added, then the real parts are separately added and simplified, and then imaginary parts separately added and simplified. Here, the answer is (a+c) + i (b+d).

What is a +bi?

Consider an example, a+bi is a complex number. For a +bi, the conjugate pair is a-bi. The complex roots exist in pairs so that when multiplied, it becomes equations with real coefficients.
