what challenges did english college course you meet (or fail to meet) those challenges?

by Dr. Christine Kutch PhD 10 min read

What are the challenges faced by English language learners?

Jun 07, 2019 · When you leave for college, you are also leaving something, usually your parents, hometown, and a sense of security. You have had the same routine, in the same home, with the same friends and family providing you support for the last 18 years or more. Going away to college means you no longer have immediate access to these supports. This can leave you …

What are the challenges students face in college?

These English language learners often face the following challenges. 1. Unqualified Teachers This is the most significant and the most overlooked problem. What makes this problem so difficult to solve is that, since many communities are English language learners, they cannot determine who is a good English teacher and who isn't.

Why is it difficult for students to speak proper English in class?

May 04, 2020 · Here are some of the most common challenges undergraduate students are currently facing with online classes along with specific tips on how to address them: Technical issues. Distractions and time...

What challenges do college students in online classes face?

For students, common challenges of group work include: Coordination costs; Motivation costs; Intellectual costs; For instructors, common challenges involve: Allocating time; Teaching process skills; Assessing process as well as product; Assessing individual as well as group learning; Challenges for students

What challenges did you encounter as an English learner?

These English language learners often face the following challenges.Unqualified Teachers. ... Limited Learning Environments. ... Students Don't Take Their Study Seriously. ... Over-Use of Native Language in the Classroom. ... Students Become Too Dependent on the Teacher. ... Strong Students Dominate the Class.Jan 25, 2022

What are the challenges have you faced in your school and college while learning the English language?

These are the most common challenges students face when learning English as a second language.Pronunciation. English is not a phonetic language, meaning we often do not say a word the same way it is spelled. ... Spelling. ... Slang and Colloquialisms. ... Fluent, spoken English can be challenging to interpret.May 16, 2018

What are some of the challenges you might encounter in taking the course online?

What are the Biggest Challenges of Online Courses?Motivation – how do you keep motivated.Accountability – there is nobody looking over your shoulder.Time Management – you have to plan and stick to your own timetable.Confidence – it can be easy to fall behind, lose confidence and drop out.More items...

What is the most challenging thing in learning English?

Here are 5 of the biggest challenges people must face when learning to speak and write English:Grammar. English Grammar is complex, making it difficult to remember, master and use logically. ... Vocabulary. ... Slang and colloquialism. ... Pronunciation. ... Variations in English.

What is the most challenging part of learning English?

One of the most challenging aspects of the English language is its spelling system, which is quite irregular and unpredictable. Instead of having a one-to-one correspondence between word and sound, any combination of vowels, consonants, or vowels and consonants can be pronounced differently than they appear.

What are the challenges and experiences of students on online learning?

The students also reported some challenges that they faced during their online classes. These include anxiety, depression, poor Internet service, and unfavorable home learning environment, which were aggravated when students are marginalized and from remote areas.May 28, 2021

What challenges have you overcome to study?

7 Common Study Problems and How to Deal with ThemYou're experiencing low motivation. ... There are too many distractions. ... You have difficulty concentrating. ... You have difficulty remembering facts and figures. ... You don't enjoy the subject you're studying. ... You lack the right resources. ... You struggle with time management.

What are the learning challenges of student?

Data analyses indicated eight main learning challenges faced by students in higher education namely: cognitive challenge, becoming an active learner, coping with reading materials, instructional problem, language barrier, time management, burden of assignments, and culture difference in higher education.May 13, 2015

What happens when you go to college?

When you go off to college (especially if you move into a dorm room), you finally get some freedom. You can be yourself without having to deal with your parents’ scrutiny or external pressures as much as you did before. This is a great opportunity to embark on a path of self-discovery and figure out what you like and want to do with your life.

Can you choose who you room with in a student hall?

In student halls, you don’t usually get to choose who you room with and you may or may not get along with your roommate. Everyone has different habits and opinions and it can cause friction between housemates.

Can you spread yourself too thin in college?

Whether you’re an overachiever, or you just have a lot on your plate, it’s important not to spread yourself too thin in college to avoid burning out.

Is being broke a college challenge?

Being a broke college student is definitely a common challenge we all face. Not many students have a lot of money, so it is quite often that you are left trying to stretch your pennies. Money management is something you may have to learn during your time at college and can be quite a challenge.

Is it hard to juggle college?

It’s very difficult trying to juggle your responsibilities and everything else in college. This includes your academic work, social life, a part-time job and all kinds of relationships . You’re probably trying to keep up with it all and you’re realizing the toll it’s taking on you.

What are some examples of challenges in school?

There are many examples of challenges in school. The reading is denser and more voluminous at the college level , and the level of discourse and writing that most students are required to produce far exceeds even the heaviest workload in high school. Regardless of the discipline that you're studying, you're certain to have moments ...

How to address the academic challenges that you may face in college?

Finding classmates you get along with and forming study groups with them is one of the best ways to address the academic challenges that you may face in college. For the most part, college life presents a much larger social network than high school.

Why is it important to be in college?

It's important to remember that your academic work is the primary reason you're at college. That means that your academic challenges and classes take priority, and everything else should be scheduled after that work is completed. While social life, athletics, relationships and artistic pursuits are key pieces of your life in college, ...

What to do if your grades are low?

If you find that your grades are consistently low, however, it may be a good idea to talk to your professors or academic advisers about where you're falling short and what, specifically, you need to improve.

What is the best part of college life?

Time Management. One of the best parts of college life is, unlike high school, you'll not have a full day of classes, and your free time is yours to schedule as you see fit. This is certainly a bonus and allows you to do work and study at times convenient for you, but it can also present academic difficulties.

Why is higher learning important?

The promise of higher learning carries with it the ability for higher earnings and a more stable future. However, for many students, even a rigorous academic experience in high school can't prepare them for all of the challenges that they'll face in college. Academic challenges aren't insignificant, but students entering college may find a slew ...

What does it mean when you leave college?

Going away to college means you no longer have immediate access to these supports.

Why do people drop out of college?

One of the reasons students drop out of college is because they were not prepared for facing common challenges. Not only were they not prepared, they did not have a plan of action on how to help them overcome challenges. This does not have to happen to you, however.

How to overcome sleep problems?

To overcome a difficulty in sleeping, try to maintain a consistent routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time so your body can get on a schedule.

Is it normal to be homesick?

Many students feel the same way. Being homesick is normal and is okay. It is how you cope with your feelings that count. Connecting with other homesick students can be a game changer. Together, you can support each other, making the adjustment easier.

What happens when you are traumatized?

When you have been traumatized, you have experienced an event that has caused you significant emotional distress. You may have even had physical distress too. The distress continues even after the initial event.

How to fall asleep in the morning?

Go to bed and wake up at the same time so your body can get on a schedule. Avoid caffeine late in the day, do not sleep with the television or lights on, don’t eat right before you go to bed, and learn relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep. These can range from meditation, prayer, stretching or reading.

Do college students sleep all night?

It’s uncertain if any college students get a full night’s sleep. This can be hard to do in a residence where students are coming and going all night. Between late night cramming for tests, pizza runs, social outings, and other normal college student behaviors, it can be hard to get good rest.

What are the challenges of learning English as a second language?

These English language learners often face the following challenges. 1. Unqualified Teachers.

What are the problems with ESL?

1. Over-Use of Native Language in the Classroom. pinterest-pin-it.

What is the official language of Nigeria?

As a result, the official language of Nigeria is English language. There are even Alot if children there who can speak only English. said on January 21, 2019: please could you help me please i need some resources concerning the challenges that affects the quality of learning english.

What does it mean to learn something on your own?

If a student goes to the teacher with every little problem s/he runs into, then the student will never be able to learn the language on their own . If students insist that they don't know how to say or do something on their own, they need to be reassured that they actually can with positive feedback and encouragement.

Do students have to be grammatically correct to pass exams?

In this case, students often think that the same English they speak at home or on the street is the same they will write in their exams. However, because communication doesn't have to be grammatically correct in order to be intelligible, students don’t always always abide by the rules they learned in school and therefore do not get fully educated and/or pass their tests.

Do students study English?

It is also the case that students don’t study English as much as they study other subjects. In most cases, students study English only in the classroom when the teacher is teaching . After the class, they drop their books and wait for the next class.

Do weaker students need to be forgotten?

No matter how well students are sorted, there will still be differences in how much students know and how quickly they can learn. Setting the pace of the class to to keep up with the strongest students will leave the weaker ones behind. Weaker students shouldn't be forgotten in classroom discussions and activities.

Where is Allison Proszowski?

Allison Proszowski, a senior at Rutgers University —New Brunswick, is taking her spring classes online from her off-campus residence near the school. The chemical engineering major usually leads a study group for younger students on campus. On campus, "It would be about me and 20 students taking the class.

How old is Alyssa Ashford?

Like many college students nationwide, 21-year-old Alyssa Ashford is facing the challenges of unexpectedly switching to online classes due to the coronavirus outbreak. The junior premed student at Washington University in St. Louis is finishing the semester remotely from her home in St. Louis. During the week, Ashford's father goes to work ...

What are the challenges of group work?

For students, common challenges of group work include: Coordination costs . Motivation costs. Intellectual costs. For instructors, common challenges involve: Allocating time. Teaching process skills. Assessing process as well as product. Assessing individual as well as group learning.

How does social loafing affect productivity?

Social loafing lowers group productivit y. Conflict within groups can erode morale and cause members to withdraw. It can be subtle or pronounced, and can (but isn’t always) the cause and result of free riding. Conflict – if not effectively addressed – can leave group members with a deeply jaundiced view of teams.

What is coordination cost?

Coordination costs represent time and energy that group work consumes that individual work does not, including the time it takes to coordinate schedules, arrange meetings, meet, correspond, make decisions collectively, integrate the contributions of group members, etc.

What the Interviewer Really Wants to Know

This question is a way for interviewers to get a sense of how you tackle problems and adversity. They are also interested in your level of self-motivation.

Examples of the Best Answers

Here are sample interview answers that you can edit to fit your personal experiences and background. Notice how these responses all demonstrate desirable soft skills that employers hope to find in their new hires.

Tips for Giving the Best Answer

Practice your answers. It’s a good idea to have a couple of answers in mind, in case the interviewer nixes your first reply, or the interview goes in a direction you don’t anticipate. Regardless, you should devote some time to practice interviews before you meet with the hiring manager.

What Not to Say

Don’t mention a significant challenge you failed. Don’t mention an important failure (like flunking a class) or use any sort of example that would raise a red flag with your employer about your reliability, ability to focus, coachability, or work ethic (like, “I had to miss a lot of classes”).

Challenge: Choosing the Right Topic

Your research topic is the foundation on which everything else rests, so it’s crucial to choose carefully. “You can’t do anything else until you figure out the basic focus of your topic,” says Dr. Susann V. Getsch ’08, who earned her PhD in Psychology from Walden.

Challenge: Choosing the Right Methodology

Once you’ve chosen a topic, you’ll need a methodology—a procedure for conducting your research—in order to move forward.

Challenge: Finding Study Participants

Once you have your team together, it’s time to conduct your study, and that means finding participants.

Challenge: Getting Institutions to Participate

Sometimes recruiting study participants requires going through institutions, which may put up barriers, particularly if your research is controversial or sensitive, and this presents an additional challenge.

Challenge: Dealing With Your Data

When you’ve completed your study, the final challenge is knowing how to make sense of the data you’ve collected.

What are the challenges of college?

Students face a number of academic challenges in college, including finding time to study, understanding course content and maintaining a high degree of motivation. Along with meeting these challenges, students often struggle to balance academic demands with work, personal responsibilities and social experiences.

What do college students need to succeed?

College students must possess several basic learning tools to succeed in their educational experience. For this reason, students usually must submit standardized-test scores, such as the ACT or SAT, or complete school-based entrance exams in areas such as math and reading. Students who lack basic skills, such as math or reading, may have to take remedial courses that bridge the gap from high school to college-level math. Without strong math, reading and writing skills, students struggle to grow through continually challenging classes that require calculations, text readings and paper assignments.

Why do college students lack motivation?

If you don't have clear goals and an understanding of why you want to complete a class or school, your motivation may be lacking. Unmotivated students are less inclined to stay up late to study or to turn away from social pulls to get schoolwork done. Additionally, struggling students who lack motivation may quickly develop a feeling of helplessness once they experience failure on a paper, test or project.

Why do students have to work harder?

Students commonly have to work harder and stay more focused to understand course content and perform well on assignments and tests. The level of academic difficulty in classes escalates as students move farther along in their undergraduate experience.
