what cbe course requires instructors to have had natural birth

by Herman White 5 min read

How do I become a natural childbirth educator?

Course RequirementsBe at least 18 years of age.Attend a CAPPA Childbirth Educator training class.Read selected books from the CAPPA Childbirth Educator Required Reading List.Read the CAPPA Childbirth Educator Training Manual (received at training).Complete all requirements below within 1 year of the training class.More items...

What is a CBE birth?

Childbirth education (CBE) classes are meant to prepare pregnant women and new parents for labor and childbirth (Ahlden, Ahlehagen, Dahlgren, & Josefsson, 2012).

When did Lamaze classes start?

In 1951, Dr. Fernand Lamaze introduced a method of childbirth in France by incorporating techniques he observed in Russia. This method, consisting of childbirth education classes, relaxation, breathing techniques and continuous emotional support and a specially trained nurse, became known as “the Lamaze method.”

What is a doula?

A doula is a trained, non-medical companion who assists a woman before, during and after childbirth. A doula provides support and advocacy, mediating between the woman and her maternity-care providers. They also serve as advocates and a 'voice' for the mother if she feels she needs it.

How do I apply for CBE?

Interested and Qualified applicants should apply through the CBE career website https://vacancy.cbe.com.et and be required to attach a Degree document, curriculum vitae, work experience, 8th-grade certificate document, and other necessary credentials within ten consecutive working days from the date of this ...Dec 6, 2021

How do I register with CBE?

CBE Birr - Dial *847# to register CBE Birr.May 8, 2020

Is Lamaze for natural childbirth?

The Lamaze technique, also known as the psychoprophylactic method, is a form of childbirth preparation that was popularized in the 1950s by a French obstetrician named Fernand Lamaze. Lamaze teaches natural childbirth coping techniques, including comfort measures, relaxation, and breathing.Jul 27, 2021

Is Lamaze still taught?

The Lamaze method is still taught today. It's easy to learn, and, in certain situations, it might be one of few comfort strategies available.

What are HypnoBirthing classes?

Hypnobirthing classes teach the techniques mentioned above, such as self-hypnosis, deep relaxation and deep breathing, in addition to birth positions and the basic physiology of birth. Once you've learnt the techniques, you'd use them to help you focus and concentrate completely on your body and your baby.

Can a doula deliver a baby?

A midwife is a specialist who's qualified to deliver babies and care for a woman and her baby during pregnancy, labour and after the birth. A doula, on the other hand, can offer support, guidance and practical help throughout your birth and beyond.Jan 28, 2021

What is the difference between midwife and doula?

There is one significant difference between a midwife and a doula. Midwives provide medical care for you during pregnancy, birth, and the immediate postpartum period. Doulas provide you and your family with emotional, informational, and physical support during pregnancy, birth and the immediate postpartum period.

How do I become a doula?

Typically, a birth doula needs to finish 7 to 12 hours of childbirth education, 16 hours of birth doula training, and attend at two to five births. A postpartum doula usually attends about 27 hours of postpartum doula education and assists two or more women with postpartum support.

What is a CAPPA certification?

CAPPA is the only organization to certify labor and postpartum doulas, childbirth, lactation and new parent educators and prenatal fitness instructors. For information about certification requirements, please visit www.cappa.net.

Who is Julie Brill?

These intensive trainings are taught by veteran educator Julie Brill, CCCE, CLD, IBCLC who has mentored hundreds of CAPPA professionals and taught thousands of pregnant families. She will be available to mentor you as you go through your certification process, begin teaching, and beyond.

Is ICEA a valid goal?

ICEA maintains that certification is a valid goal for a childbirth educator. Although certification alone does not guarantee the competence of an individual as a childbirth educator, certification does demonstrate that an individual has successfully met certain standards of competency. As stated in the previous section, local childbirth education groups and individual instructors can design their own training programs but professional preparation for the certification of childbirth educators should be offered by organizations that specialize in this field.

Is childbirth education mandatory?

Although a person need not have a specific educational or professional background to teach childbirth classes, specialized training or preparation facilitates competence as a childbirth educator and therefore is considered to be mandatory for the profession. This training may be provided by childbirth education groups, self-education, apprenticeship, or a combination of these methods. The training program should enable the childbirth educator to demonstrate competency in the following subject areas:

How to become a childbirth educator?

Steps For Experienced Childbirth Educators 1 Take the Childbirth Educator workshop. 2 Review the study modules. 3 Complete the module assignments. 4 Complete the verification form documenting 2 years or 24 months of teaching.

How long does it take to receive email confirmation from a company?

Once you click the submit button, you will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours. Check your spam box if you do not receive confirmation. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Childbirth Educator Online Course

This course is copyright protected. By taking this course you agree not to share, sell, nor post any of the photos, lessons, videos, or handouts that are a part of this course. You are violating the copyright laws if you share or sell any part of this course.


Google+ Community is no longer available. Feel free to email instructor [email protected] any responses, comments, or photos as you work through activities in course

Start CBE Online Course

Write down the module number and letter you’re working on each time you quit so you know where to begin next time.

Due to Covid-19, what should I do about the required birth observations?

Covid-19 has made it difficult for trainees to attend their required birth observations. We are being very lenient about this requirement. We still want you to reach out to those in your community to try and find births to attend. Keep in contact with your trainer and let her know how things are going with this requirement.

How much time will it take to complete the workload?

What is your personal life like? Do you have a newborn? Small children? Do you have a job outside the home? Do you have a lot of obligations?

How do I get students for my classes?

Birth Boot Camp strives to help our teachers fill their classes. We have an accessible and searchable online directory where all of our instructors are listed. Your training covers not just how to teach classes, but also includes marketing information on some basic self-promotion. Much of your work will be in your own community.

How long do I have to complete my certification?

Keep in mind that there is a significant amount of work involved in this training. After your application has been approved, allow yourself plenty of time to complete all certification requirements. The study modules must be submitted three business days before the workshop. Certification should be completed within one year of applying.

How much is it to certify or re-certify?

Instructor Certification fees can be found along with the Training Dates.

Can I be certified with another organization, as well?

Yes, instructors may be certified through (approved) organizations, as long as there is not a conflict of interest in your classes. We do expect our instructors to teach and use Birth Boot Camp materials when a class has been advertised as such, and only in such instances.

Are students able to make up classes online?

One of the advantages of Birth Boot Camp’s online comprehensive classes for the instructor is that students are able to take up to 2 missed classes via the Internet. While we encourage students to come to every class, we realize that things come up, people must travel, and, sometimes, people don’t find out about a class until it has already begun.