what behavioral and social science course should i take courses

by Ms. Lillian Nolan 7 min read

If you are interested in a broad understanding of human behavior, you could consider a Bachelor of Arts degree in Applied Behavioral Science, with courses that include psychology, sociology, the study of communication and conflict, as well as gerontology.

IAI General Education Social and Behavioral Sciences Course Descriptions
  • Anthropology.
  • Economics.
  • History.
  • Human Geography.
  • Political Science.
  • Psychology.
  • Sociology.
  • Interdisciplinary Social/Behavioral Science.

Full Answer

What are the core courses of a Behavioral Science degree?

  • Core Courses of a Behavioral Science Degree. An example of the core courses required in a behavioral science program are those offered by Wilmington University.
  • General Studies Core Courses. ...
  • Behavioral Science Core Courses. ...
  • Knowledge and Skills Learned. ...

What colleges offer behavioral science?

University of the Cordilleras

  • Private University, Baguio City, Benguet
  • Apply to this School via Edukasyon.ph
  • BS in Psychology
  • BS in Behavioral Science
  • MA in Psychology
  • MA in Family Therapy
  • Master of Education major in Psychology
  • Bachelor's ₱ 45,000-165,000 per year
  • Master's ₱ 31,000-38,000 per year

What are popular career options in Behavioral Science?

The following are a few of the many primary branches of neuroscience:

  • Behavioral neuroscience
  • Affective neuroscience
  • Neural engineering
  • Developmental neuroscience
  • Molecular neuroscience
  • Neuroimaging
  • Cultural neuroscience
  • Clinical neuroscience
  • Neuropsychology
  • Social neuroscience

What are social behavioral classes?

  • The “armies of undeserving poor who would routinely fake fits to stir the charities of passers-by;”
  • “impudent women simulating ecstasy to gain status in their communities;” and
  • “defendants who would pretend to suffer from all sorts of illnesses to avoid the torture that was routinely administered in Continental tribunals.” 10

What are social and behavioral science courses?

Social and Behavioral SciencesAdministration of Justice.Anthropology.American Sign Language.Economics.Paralegal Studies.Political Science.Psychology.Social & Behavioral Studies.

What are considered behavioral science courses?

Behavioral Sciences CoursesAnthropology. What is anthropology? ... Corrections & Law Enforcement. Corrections. ... Economics. What is economics? ... History. What is history and why should I study it? ... Political Science. Political Science. ... Psychology. Psychology. ... Sociology. Sociology.

What are other fields of social and behavioral sciences?

The chief academic disciplines of the social sciences are anthropology, economics, history, political science, and sociology. The behavioral sciences, particularly psychology, are concerned with the study of the actions of humans and animals.

What is the easiest social behavioral science courses?

Easiest Social Science Course?Introduction to Anthropology.Global Geography.Introduction to Psychology.Sociology Global Prospective.Introduction to Sustainability.Microeconomics.Macroeconomics.Global Politics & Issues.More items...•

Is psychology a social or behavioral science?

Psychology. Arguably the most recognized (and popular) amongst the social and behavioral sciences, psychology is the “science of the mind,” a combination of research, theory, analysis, and application that spans nearly every career field.

Is Criminology a behavioral science?


What are the 3 behavioral sciences?

Behavioral Sciences is an interdisciplinary program encompassing the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and sociology.

Is behavioral science the same as psychology?

While behavior science is the study of the interactions between human beings, psychology more specifically looks at the science behind human behavior and mental processes. Behavioral science examples include the fields of psychology, anthropology, philosophy, religious studies, and more.

Should I study behavioral science?

A degree in Behavioral Sciences will prepare you to work in many different careers because of your broad set of skills. Graduates are often found working in healthcare facilities and hospitals. Private companies also hire Behavioral Scientists as coaches, analysts, and marketers.

Which science class is easiest?

The 4 Easiest Science Classes to Take in CollegeGeology. Geology is widely regarded as one of the easiest science classes you could take in college. ... Physics. Physics is a fascinating field, and taking a course in it will vastly improve your understanding of the world around us. ... Astronomy. ... Zoology.

Which science degree is easiest?

PsychologyPsychology Psychology is commonly thought of as the easiest of the science majors thanks to its relative lack of complex math, although psych majors can still expect to do a fair amount of statistical analysis on their way to a degree.

Is sociology easy or hard?

Sociology is one of the easiest majors in college, however if you want your education to have value for you in the long run, learn to love to read and discuss big ideas and become a seeker of truth.

What are the core courses required for behavioral science?

The degree program includes courses in psychology, sociology and philosophy. The program focuses on normal and abnormal individual development and the behavior of families, groups and cultural populations. Internship opportunities are made available to students in a variety of local settings.

What do you study in behavioral science?

In the behavioral science core courses, students study inferential statistics, values and ethics in behavioral science, cultural anthropology and behavioral science research techniques so they can analyze existing research and conduct their own studies.

What is social and behavioral science?

So, what exactly is social and behavioral science? This area of interest we call social and behavioral science applies to a unique range of disciplines -- anthropology, sociology, and psychology, among them -- that involves careful analysis of human behavior. While these subjects might immediately conjure images of museums and libraries (or in the case of psychology, sitting in a chair listening to patients), in reality, these concepts apply to a wide-ranging and in-demand list of careers and job opportunities.

What degree do you need to study behavior?

If you are passionate about children, how they learn and why they behave in certain ways, you are likely suited for a bachelor of arts degree in Cognitive Studies .

What is social science?

Social Science. Another overlapping discipline, social science is a broad study of societal relations that includes elements of sociology, psychology, and history. In a social science degree program, you will find yourself tackling courses such as Anthropology of Gender, Advanced Communications in Society, Global Socioeconomic Perspectives, ...

What is the focus of cognitive studies?

As the focus of cognitive studies is on brain function, you will find yourself immersed in courses that cover neuroscience, human development, thought, and reasoning.

What are the jobs of a psychology graduate?

Psychology graduates are found in public administration, criminal justice, human resources, business, and social services, among others, because they are highly valued for their emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and leadership skills.

What is a social science background?

A social science background is often seen as a stepping-stone into the communications, public relations, and media industries, as well as careers in social services or human resources.

What can we learn from people's decisions and actions?

What we can learn from people’s decisions and actions help us draw conclusions and make predictions. The more we learn, the more we understand, and the more we can take action to improve the lives of those around us. So, what exactly is social and behavioral science?

What is the degree program in behavioral science?

Often, degree programs in behavioral science include coursework in research design and methods used in the sciences, particularly as they pertain to the social sciences. A knowledge of statistics is required for this field, prompting colleges to include courses like probability and statistics, statistics for behavioral and social sciences, ...

What is the degree program in psychology?

You might expect a degree program with the word “science” in the name to include more of a focus on scientific principles and practices. As a discipline that blends the natural and social sciences, psychology requires familiarity with the scientific method as well as skills in quantitative analysis. Often, degree programs in behavioral science include coursework in research design and methods used in the sciences, particularly as they pertain to the social sciences. A knowledge of statistics is required for this field, prompting colleges to include courses like probability and statistics, statistics for behavioral and social sciences, research and data analysis and inferential statistics in their degree programs. There may also be a quantitative component to courses in psychometrics, which refers to the psychological assessments used for diagnosis and the statistical concepts underlying these measurements.

What is behavioral science?

Part of the social science field, behavioral science explores everything there is to know about how humans operate. It's now expanded into fields like organizational behavior, human services, and even neuroscience. It provides methodologies for exploring areas of criminal justice or ethnicity and helps us with advocacy for vulnerable people and communities.

What is the science of human behavior?

The science of human behavior is a relatively new discipline. As behavioral scientists explore the state of mental health, decision making, group behavior, and other aspects of life as humans, they understand more about the wellbeing of the individual and society as a whole.

What is criminal justice psychology?

The Psychology of Criminal Justice from the University of Queensland offers a look into the world of crime, law enforcement, and legal proceedings. Learners can explore the sociological aspects of crime and how humans can solve social problems more ethically. It also explores how society can handle crime and justice in the modern era.

Can you study from home with EdX?

With convenient course schedules and the option to study from home, edX can launch interest and provide credentials for future careers or research . It's time to get started.

Why are sociology and psychology classes easier to take?

Introductory courses in sociology and psychology tend to be on the easier end of the spectrum, because they follow the model that most of high school follows: learn a lot of material. It’s how the fields are structured and taught beyond the first course; “here’s the basic material you need to know”, emphasizing breadth over depth.

What is the most relevant basic science?

Biology: You have to deal with icky stuff in labs but it's probably the most day-to-day relevant basic science. You can't run away from living things and some of them are beautiful or otherwise interesting. Chemistry: At the freshman level you end up doing a lot of, mostly simple, algebra. There'. Continue Reading.

What is the primary focus of the Earth's geology course?

Primary focus is on mechanisms of formation and distribution of minerals, rocks, continents and planets. The course includes basic principles of geology including geologic time and plate tecton

What is the best course for robotics?

ROBOTICS - Computer science gets legs and arms and wheels. A good robotics course is part engineering, part computer programming, part mechanics, with a healthy dose of in-class competition and games.

Is social science a foreign language?

The foreign one is less accessible until such time as you learn the language. Social sciences (ss) involve less "foreign language". But there are many pitfalls. Firstly, there's the difference between just doing research and doing it competently.

Is social science hard?

Realistically? All of them. Social sciences aren't that hard until you reach your masters program where you'll be doing a lot of statistics and analysis.

Do different majors have different difficulty levels?

In short, generally speaking, there are differences in the level of difficulty among different majors, although ever student has strengths and weaknesses and personal aptitudes and shortcomings do make a significant difference.

What is social science and humanities?

Social Science and Humanities Courses. An integral part of an undergraduate engineering education involves exposure to the study of the broader contexts within which technology and engineering practice operates. The Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) requirements engage engineering undergraduates in course work that will provide this broad ...

What is a writing course?

The writing courses (WRIT) are categorized as humanities, social science, or free elective based on the department in which the course in offered. Students interested in the relationships between technology, business and society may choose to substitute up to two of social science and humanities courses with approved courses from ...

What is SSH in psychology?

In the SSH category, a student should choose courses of personal interest which will provide in-depth study (2 or more courses) of at least one subject and which will include several subjects so that reasonably broad insight is achieved in the social and behavioral sciences and in the humanities.


Applied Behavioral Science

  • Course Number
Course Name280290290296297298International Trade and GlobalizationInternational Studies in HistoryInternational Studies in AnthropologyNeuropsychology of AddictionAssessment of Co-occurring DisordersTreatment of Addiction0255075100125150175200225250275300
Course Number


PSY 298Treatment of Addiction3
PSY 297Assessment of Co-occurring Disorders3
PSY 296Neuropsychology of Addiction3
ANT 290International Studies in Anthropology3
HST 290International Studies in History3
ECO 280International Trade and Globalization3
ANT 265Introduction to Forensic Anthropology3
HST 260History of England to 16883
See all 52 rows on www.wccnet.edu


If you are interested in a broad understanding of human behavior, you could consider a Bachelor of Arts degree in Applied Behavioral Science, with courses that include psychology, sociology, the study of communication and conflict, as well as gerontology. Rather than focusing on one specific career, such as a psychologist, …
See more on uagc.edu

Cognitive Studies

  • Arguably the most recognized (and popular) amongst the social and behavioral sciences, psychology is the “science of the mind,” a combination of research, theory, analysis, and application that spans nearly every career field. “Psychology is a fascinating topic,” says Dr. Michelle Rosser-Majors, professor and Lead Faculty for the Bachelor and Master of Arts in Psyc…
See more on uagc.edu

Social Science

  • If you’re curious about how society functions, how cultures are formed, and how societal structures are defined, sociology is the social and behavioral science that suits you. A popular discipline due to its broad career applications, a bachelor’s degree program in sociologyis a comprehensive exploration of society through everything from class to gender, to religion and ra…
See more on uagc.edu

Why Choose Social and Behavioral Science?

  • When trying to understand a person’s behavior, it is important to look closely at brain development. If you are passionate about children or the elderly, how they learn and why they behave in certain ways, you may consider adding an emphasis in cognitive studiesto your degree. An emphasis in cognitive studies introduces you to the study of the brain and how people learn, …
See more on uagc.edu