how much is an emt refresher course reddit

by Rhoda Batz 9 min read

How long is the EMT refresher course?

Our online 24 Hour EMT Refresher Topics course was designed for the currently certified EMT renewing their certification and/or for the EMT whose certificate has expired within the 6-month grace period. This course provides 24 hours of EMS Continuing Education on EMT Refresher topics, and meets local and state requirements for California. This course does not include naloxone, epinephrine and glucometer training, which is available as a separate Online course.

How many times do you have to take the NREMT refresher?

For Failed NREMT Exam – This course does not qualify as a 24 Hour EMT Refresher course for those who have failed the (NREMT) – National Registry EMT Exam – 3 times and need to take a 24 Hour EMT Refresher course or 24 hours of “remedial training” in order to test an additional 3 times. See our NREMT NCCP courses.

When do you have to recertify for NREMT?

For currently certified NREMTs – NREMT has recently updated their recertification requirements, so Nationally Certified EMS personnel due to recertify in 2019 or after , are now required to use the National Continued Competency Program (NCCP). See our NREMT NCCP courses.

How many modules are in the OTS?

This course consists of 7 modules broken down into 39 sections within our Online Training System (OTS).

Is EMT online training self paced?

Our EMT courses online are fully narrated through our state-of-the-art Online Training System (OTS). The training is self-paced and available 24/7.

Is 24 hour EMS class CA approved?

This 24 Hour class may also be accepted in other states that accept CA-approved distributive education and who are not utilizing the NCCP format. Please check with your EMS Authority before enrolling. (For NCCP courses, see our CAPCE (F5/F3) NCCP EMS Refresher Courses .)

How long is the EMT refresher?

At, we have two types of refresher courses for EMTs. A 20-hour F5 NCCP refresher, and a 24 hour traditional refresher course. Let's break both of those down a bit so you can understand the differences.

How many hours is the NCCP refresher?

The 20-hour NCCP refresher is included in three recertification bundles: Recertification bundle, NCCP Refresher course, and Remedial bundles. It aligns exactly with the National Component of the NCCP model for recertification. Here is a link to the NREMT website outlining your EMT recertification requirements:

How many EMT refresher courses are there?

With 500+ courses available, you will always have something new to learn. EMT Interactive Refresher courses are approved by both the NREMT and CAPCE. The monthly subscription ensures you always have the most current courses available. Paramedic refresher courses are also available.

How long is an EMT refresher?

If you find that you learn best through live training, where you can see and interact with your virtual instructor in real-time, then the 48-Hour EMT Refresher offered through Distance CME might be just what you are looking for. This course is self-paced and broken down into 24 modules. Each module is only two hours long which means you can focus on the topic at hand without feeling overwhelmed and without having to plan your busy schedule around long lectures. Live modules are available 7 days a week during morning, afternoon, or evening hours. They can also be taken in any order.

How many modules are there in the NREMT refresher?

Consisting of 39 sections over 7 modules, the 24-Hour EMT Refresher Topics course is designed to help you pass the NREMT recertification test. The Online Training System (OTS) features an interactive platform that allows you to complete the modules any time of day. You also have up to 24 months to complete the entire series of modules. The 24-hour course covers all nationally required topics as well as those required by most local and state programs. However, you should check with your state to make sure.

How many hours of EMT refresher are considered distributive?

The remaining 24 hours of this EMT refresher course are considered distributive hours. Distributive training is continuing education that takes place without real-time interaction between the student and the instructor. Your distributive training hours will include topics necessary for improving your work as an EMT, learning all the newest information there is to know within the industry.

How many hours of training is required for NREMT?

This 40-hour refresher course consists of both virtual instructor-led training (VILT) and distributive hours. The sixteen VILT hours take place during the first two days of training, usually a Saturday and Sunday, lasting eight hours each day. These hours qualify for the in-person training hours required by the NREMT for all EMT recertifications. Instructor-led training is available through the archives at any time.

How often do you need to renew your EMT certification?

All EMTs, or Emergency Medical Technicians, are required to renew their certification every two years. Recertification requires at least 20 hours of training at the national level. This training includes continuing education in all the basic knowledge that an EMT must serve any population across the country in an emergency.

How many hours of continuing education is required for an EMT?

The 24-hour program is completely instructor-based and counts for 24 contact hours of continuing education. It is also self-paced. You can work your EMT recertification training around your already busy schedule. Being mobile-friendly, you can even study while away from home which makes earning your recertification even easier.
