what aspects of the course contributed most to your learning

by Marta Dach 8 min read

What is the most important element of your eLearning course?

focus in on class and what we were learning. Also the 'game category' that we chose in the beginning of the course was a really helpful way for me to get a better understanding of the time we were learning in. This was a very difficult class but I think I learned the most from it. 4 The prep work was very helpful because it helped

What are the best aspects of using the Internet for learning?

How has this course impacted your understanding of your relationship to disability? What aspects of the course were most supportive of your learning? What should the course continue to emphasize or emphasize further? What was not helpful in this course and should be reconsidered? Throughout this course, we have explored several key concepts and ...

What makes a good online course?

What aspects of this course contributed most to your learning? combination of CD-ROM and lab flexible time schedule I found the laboratories and the text book great. the challenge questions and uwyl questions were also good at helping me integrate the course material with my other knowledge. Class discussions, instructor discussions

How do you attract lean students to a course?

Mar 26, 2022 · Education research conducted by William Prothero ( Prothero, 2000 ) points to three basic elements that contribute to learning in an inquiry-based science course: content, social context and presence. Each of these is affected by a move out of the traditional classroom and onto the web, but each is affected differently.

How do you answer what do you expect to learn from this course?

How to answer “Why did you choose this course?”Consider your interests. Think about your interests. …Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. …Highlight your strengths. …Focus on positive reasons. …Be enthusiastic.Nov 26, 2021

What can be improved in the course you followed?

8 Ways to Improve Your Online CourseBuild a personal connection with your students. ... Motivate your students. ... Help students maintain focus. ... Create a sense of community. ... Make discussions meaningful. ... Increase student engagement. ... Address equity issues. ... Identify and support struggling students.Aug 11, 2020

What are the good things that you can say of this online course?

A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.Jun 10, 2020

How might you apply what you have learned in this course?

To make sure that students show they can apply what they learn, consider the following suggestions:Be explicit about application. ... Focus on core concepts. ... Identify sub skills. ... Provide students with practice. ... Make it social and collaborative. ... Involve students in the process.

Why did you choose this course what are the best things about your course?

Focus on positive reasons Emphasize that you were the one who made the final decision to enroll in the course. While you may discuss others advised you on the choice, your answer showcases your decision-making skills. Try to avoid mentioning that you enrolled in the course because of potential financial benefits.Apr 1, 2021

What aspects of the teaching were beneficial for your learning?

6 elements of great teachingContent knowledge. This is when teachers have a deep knowledge of the subject that they teach and can communicate content effectively to their students. ... Quality of instruction. ... Teaching climate. ... Classroom management. ... Teacher beliefs. ... Professional behaviours.Nov 8, 2017

What factors enhance your learning in the online teaching process?

How To Enhance The Learning Process In Online EducationEffective Approach. ... Courses Empowered With Videos. ... Embrace The Power Of Communication. ... Implement Virtual Reality (VR) ... Flexible Lesson Plans. ... A Team Of Competent And Skilled Teachers. ... Result-Oriented Assessments. ... Sufficient Funds To Translate Methods Into Action.Jan 11, 2019

What are the benefits of online learning for students?

Seven Benefits of Online LearningAdded Flexibility and Self-Paced Learning. ... Better Time Management. ... Demonstrated Self-Motivation. ... Improved Virtual Communication and Collaboration. ... A Broader, Global Perspective. ... Refined Critical-thinking Skills. ... New Technical Skills.Sep 25, 2019

What are the benefits of online classes for students?

What are the Benefits of Online Classes for Students?The “Home” Advantage. Digital learning has made learning interesting and fun for students. ... Escape the Traffic. ... Saves your Time and Money. ... Best Online Guidance. ... Instant Doubt Resolution. ... Increased Convenience and Flexibility. ... Enhances Self-Discipline. ... Optimises focus.More items...

Why is it important to apply what you have learned?

Applying recently learned course material to new situations is a complex and critical cognitive goal. Transfer is the cognitive process of applying previous experiences and knowledge to learning or problem solving in a new situation (6). It is one of the most important skills we can teach our students.

How can you apply what you learned about you and how others view you to improve yourself?

Explanation:6 Tips to Help You Apply What You've Learned.Recognize the payoff in doing what you usually do. ...Acknowledge what you lose by doing what you always do. ...Take every opportunity to practice, and take the pressure off. ...Change your inner monologue. ...Understand your triggers. ...More items...•Jan 14, 2021

How do you apply learning in real life?

10 Ways to Improve Transfer of Learning. ... Focus on the relevance of what you're learning. ... Take time to reflect and self-explain. ... Use a variety of learning media. ... Change things up as often as possible. ... Identify any gaps in your knowledge. ... Establish clear learning goals. ... Practise generalising.More items...•May 11, 2017

Why should an eLearning course incorporate the best practices of training and development?

Your successful eLearning course should incorporate the best practices of training and development so your learners can find and create meaning in every aspect of their jobs. After all, you hired someone because their experience and skill set was exciting to you.

How to keep your leaner's attention?

To keep your leaner’s attention, make sure your course incorporates lots of visual, interactive elements like images, graphs, charts, illustrations, or diagrams. The general aesthetic of the course is also important. It’s the first thing your learner will encounter, and we all know the weight of first impressions.

What is interactive element?

Interactive Elements With Opportunities For Practice. Interactivity is the heart of training innovation. People want to engage and interact with the material they’re given. So, make sure your course has these crucial interactive elements that challenge the learner and make them think.

What is the application of knowledge?

The Application Of Knowledge. The presentation of information is just one side of the learning coin; the other, very important side is application. The best interactive elements give learners the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in the course to potential real-life scenarios.

What is a good rule of thumb?

A good rule of thumb is to make sure each visual element serves a necessary purpose in the training. There’s a difference between a cluttered collage of graphics and a smooth, intuitive map of visual information. 2. A Positive Voice. We all have attitudes about training that we bring to a job.

Is training boring or hard?

Many of these are negative: that training is boring, or hard, or useless. So while the material should be relevant and engaging, you also want to account for the tone: fill the course with encouraging language that fosters genuine realization and helps the learner feel fulfilled, satisfied, and enlightened.


Content is the subject matter of the course. It encompasses the knowledge, facts and skills needed to do well in the class.

Social Context

There is a social aspect to any face-to-face class. Students develop relationships inside and outside of class for the purpose of discussing the content provided in the class as well as get to know each other. This type of interaction helps to cement the class into one learning community ( Prothero, 2000 ).


Non-verbal communication is very powerful in a face-to-face situation in a way that can't yet be simulated online. For instructors, a quick glance around the room can yield insights into who is paying attention, who is confused, and who is beginning to understand. This allows them to tailor their lesson to the current situation.

What makes an online course good?

A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.

Why is online learning important?

A good online course promotes student agency. It gives students autonomy to enable opportunities for relevant and meaningful learning. Such a course redistributes power - to the extent that is possible - in the classroom. Again, this may take many forms in the online classroom.

What does "online course" mean?

It means audiovisual materials that don’t stereotype, shame or degrade people. It may mean that open educational resources are prioritized over expensive textbooks. A good online course is interactive. Courses are much more than placeholders for students to access information.

What are the problems with media comparison studies?

The problems with media comparison studies — that is, those that compare outcomes between one medium, such as face-to-face, to another medium, such as online — are such that many researchers advocate against them. How can students who enrol in online courses in the fall know they are receiving a good educational ...

What is an econometrics class?

In an econometrics class, they might examine relationships between different variables, explain the meaning of their findings and then be asked to apply those methods in novel situations. A good online course is effective.

What is accounting course?

In an accounting course, students could analyze the financial statements of a company they’re interested in rather than one selected by the instructor. Such flexibility not only accommodates students’ backgrounds and interests, it provides space for students to make the course their own.

What is creative writing class?

In a creative writing class, students may write a short story, receive feedback, revise it and then write a different story. In a computer programming class, they may write a block of code, test it and then use it in a larger program that they wrote.

What is motivation to learn?

Motivation to learn. “Motivation is the starting point for learning . For a busy and often overworked teacher to devote effort to change and new learning, there has to be a good reason for the change: some sort of catalyst or urgency – a sense that ‘what I’m doing doesn’t seem to be working.'”.

Why do teachers need to be empowered?

Teachers need to be empowered with a variety of instructional designs to meet the needs of all students. They need to be honored for their expertise to create creative and engaging learning environments. We can re-frame the concept of “teaching” to truly encapsulate all that teachers can and should do!”.

What are the tools of a good teacher?

Skills. This is the “tool belt” that is the arsenal for any good teacher. The tools include different modes of engaging students such as, but not limited to, project based learning, cooperative learning, and peer review.

What is the book Mister God this is Anna about?

“The book describes the adventures of Anna, a mischievous yet wise four-year-old who Fynn finds as a runaway. Anna by nature is the inquisitor, the forever probing creature who likes to find a rhyme and reason for everything.”.
