what are your expectations for this english course yahoo answers

by Martin Schinner 9 min read

What are your expectations for this English course?

What are your expectations for this English course? You should expect to read and write English effectively and fluently. You should see great improvement in your skills during your ESL study experience. The course you choose to study should expand your vocabulary, expression, and pronunciation beyond the classroom. What are course expectations?

What are the best answers on “what are you expecting to learn?

Originally Answered: What are the best answers on "what are you expecting to learn from this class"? The best answer is “what you are going to teach.” You chose the course because it’s required for your major, or it aligns with an interest of yours.

What are the expectations in the novel Great Expectations?

The expectations in the novel Great Expectations is the money received by Pip that was earned by hard labor. Pip's unknown benefactor is Able Magwitch. When was Great Expectations created?

How do I state my expectations for my course?

In fact, it’s wise to state expectations in multiple places. You can use module introductions, e-mails, written announcements, or descriptions of your course elements. But perhaps the most important place to communicate your high-level expectations is in the syllabus. Provide basic course information (e.g., title, number, credits).

What are your expectations for English course?

You should expect to read and write English effectively and fluently. You should see great improvement in your skills during your ESL study experience. The course you choose to study should expand your vocabulary, expression, and pronunciation beyond the classroom.

What do you expect from this course answer?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

What are the expectations from an English teacher?

10 Skills That A Good English Teacher NeedsExcellent English pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar skills. ... Confidence and skills to give motivating and interesting lessons to your students. ... Develop your own teaching materials. ... Assessment. ... Reflecting on your own practice and micro teaching. ... Mastery of your subject.More items...•

What do I expect to gain from my studies?

You gain knowledge, skills and experience to help you both in your career and in life in general. On top of that, by gaining additional skills in communication and problem solving and achieving your goals, you can also increase your confidence.

How do you answer what do you hope to gain from this course?

For example, you can show the hiring manager your ability to make practical goals by saying, "I am interested in the ways this job can help me grow personally and professionally. I am excited to hone my collaboration skills by working with others and to have the chance to see some glimpses into my future career path."

What are your expectations online class?

Well organized course and clear expectations Nor can they be expected to “know” how to work effectively in a group setting, engage in self-reflection learning activities or complete assignments. As an instructor, you will need to prepare students for the work they will be doing in the course.

Why do you want to learn English?

Studying English can help you get a job English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or of finding work abroad.

Why English language is important?

English language plays an essential role in our lives as it helps in communication. It is the main language for studying any subject all over the world. English is important for students as it broadens their minds, develops emotional skills, improve the quality of life by providing job opportunities.

What to expect from a second language class?

When you choose to study English as a second language you will expect to emerge from your study being able to read, speak and write English with a certain amount of confidence and ability . There are many different methods and approaches to teaching English as a second language, ...

Why is it important to study English as a second language?

Students studying English as a second language will become more and more confident speaking the language as the course progresses. You should be able to see how the English course has been structured to improve and expand you skills in a logical way.

Is ESL a second language?

There are many different methods and approaches to teaching English as a second language, and your experience of an ESL class may be quite different to your expectations of how you learn the language. Of course, there are also some constants that every ESL class offers.

Why is English a requirement for college?

Why is English a required class? Because being able to read, write and speak the native language of your where you live extremely fluently is one of–if not the most–important life skills you’ll ever learn and will continue to be so for the course of your entire life.

Why is English the most spoken language in the world?

English is the language used in business, science, and technology. Learning English will increase your chances to get a job , participate in discussions, and improve your networking skills. English helps you increase your educational opportunities.

What are the most common words in English?

The two most common words in English are I and you. 11% of the entire English language is just the letter E. The English language is said to be one of the happiest languages in the world – oh, and the word ‘happy’ is used 3 times more often than the word ‘sad’!

Do English classes teach pronunciation?

English classes will not teach you good pronunciation (which is simply necessary for communication!). Most teachers completely ignore it, sometimes because their own pronunciation is bad. Very few teachers will tell you about the sounds of English and how to use a dictionary to learn about the pronunciation of words.

How to communicate high level expectations?

But perhaps the most important place to communicate your high-level expectations is in the syllabus. Much like a syllabus in a traditional course, you can use your online course syllabus to: Provide basic course information (e.g., title, number, credits).

Can you state expectations in multiple places?

Your learning management system will have a number of locations where you can state or clarify your expectations. In fact, it’s wise to state expectations in multiple places . You can use module introductions, e-mails, written announcements, or descriptions of your course elements.
