what does the term “judgment-proof” imply about a debtor? course hero

by Sedrick Mraz 10 min read

Debtors are considered judgment proof when there is nothing creditors can take from them, since all of their property is exempt under state law.

Full Answer

What does “judgment proof” mean?

Being “judgment proof" means you don’t have much in the way of income, cash reserves, or other assets that a creditor can take to pay off a money judgment. By Amy Knapp. If you don't pay your bills for a consumer debt, like for your credit card or cellphone, or fail to make payments for a personal loan or medical bills, the creditor can sue you for the debt they claim you owe.

Is bankruptcy “judgment proof”?

Oct 22, 2021 · But, what does it mean? Debtors are considered judgment proof when there is nothing creditors can take from them, since all of their property is exempt under state law. Creditors use judgments (a court’s determination that you owe a debt) to enforce past-due debts, but if you don’t own much, a judgment won’t help a creditor, since they can only come after non …

How to write a judgment proof letter to a debt collector?

Aug 21, 2018 · If you don’t have funds or property that a creditor can reach, a creditor can’t collect its debt. You’re “judgment proof.”. Taking steps like filing for bankruptcy usually isn’t necessary if your judgment-proof status is permanent. However, if you think your financial status will change for the better, wiping out debt by filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy might be a good idea.

Can a creditor collect money from a judgment proof debtor?

Oct 18, 2021 · While the debtor technically is still liable for the debt, they may not be able to pay it because they have no income or assets. This means that the debtor is “judgment proof.” People who are judgment proof typically have minimal income or are unemployed. They may receive income only from government benefits or unemployment benefits.

What Does It Mean to Be Judgment Proof?

When a creditor sues you and gets a money judgment against you, it has a variety of methods it can use to collect on that money judgment. A credito...

When Are You Judgment Proof?

Generally, you are judgment proof if you: 1. do not own any assets such money in a bank account or real estate 2. are not working or have a very lo...

Being Judgment Proof Is Not Always Permanent

If you are judgment proof, this does not necessarily mean that you should ignore your creditors and debts. Being judgment proof is, in some cases,...

What Can A Creditor Get With A Judgment?

A monetary judgment is a powerful tool. If you have assets—such as money in a savings account or an antique car that you own free and clear—and a c...

Determining Whether You’Re Judgment Proof

In some cases, it’s easy to determine whether you are judgment proof, such as when you don’t have anything of value that a creditor could take from...

Considering Bankruptcy When You’Re Temporarily Judgment Proof

It’s common to recover after a financial setback, and being judgment proof now doesn’t mean that you’ll be in the same situation six months down th...

Questions For Your Attorney

1. Do I have any assets that a creditor can take from me or am I judgment proof? 2. Could a creditor collect against me if my judgment-proof status...

What is judgment proof?

your situation is unlikely to change. The term "judgment proof" is a bit of a misnomer because the creditor can sue you and get a judgment —it just can't collect on the judgment. Example. Say you're permanently disabled and unable to work.

How much can a judgment creditor take from your paycheck?

Also, federal law limits the amount that a judgment creditor can take from your paycheck. The amount that can be garnished is limited to 25% of your disposable earnings (what's left after mandatory deductions) or the amount by which your wages exceed 30 times the federal minimum wage, whichever is less.

What happens when a creditor sues you?

When a creditor sues you and wins, the court issues a money judgment against you. Once the creditor has a money judgment, it can use various methods to collect on that judgment. It can garnish your wages, place a levy on your bank account, or place a lien against any real estate that you own.

What assets are exempt from judgment creditors?

don't own any assets such as money in a bank account or real estate, and. any other income source, like unemployment benefits, Social Security, and other public entitlement benefits, as well as personal property, is exempt from seizure by judgment creditors.

Can a creditor garnish your income?

Once the creditor gets a money judgment against you, it can garnish certain kinds of income. But even if a creditor obtains a money judgment against you, it might not be able to collect on that judgment if you're "judgment proof.". If your income is protected from garnishment and you don't have many (or any) assets like a house, personal property, ...

Can you default judgment on a lawsuit?

If you agree that you owe the amount claimed in the lawsuit, including interest and fees—and your financial situation won't change—it might make sense to let the creditor get a default judgment instead of paying attorneys' fees and court filing fees to answer the suit.

Can a judgment creditor take your income?

With garnishment, money is taken out of your paycheck to pay back the judgment. But a judgment creditor can't take income that you receive from any one or more of the following sources: Social Security benefits.

What does it mean when a debtor is considered judgment proof?

But, what does it mean? Debtors are considered judgment proof when there is nothing creditors can take from them, since all of their property is exempt under state law.

What is judgment proof?

If you don’t have any valuable property and you’re not earning any income , you may be “judgment proof.”. A judgment proof debtor is safe from a court judgment for collection. The court can only issue an order ...

What happens if you don't respond to a creditor's letter?

You’ll get plenty of phone calls and letters. If you don’t respond, your creditors may choose to take you to court. They can get a judgment against you for the amount of the debt and a court order to foreclose on or repossess your property, levy your bank accounts, garnish your wages, or seize and sell your property.

What happens if you get a judgment against you?

If that happens, you may need to turn to bankruptcy to protect your newly-acquired assets.

What happens at the end of a unsecured loan?

At the end of the plan, your remaining unsecured debts will be forgiven. You’ll still be liable for any remaining secured debt, such as a mortgage or auto loan, but you’ll be free of the burden of unsecured debt and it will be easier for you to make those payments.

How long is a judgment for collection valid?

Before you decide to ignore collection calls or a collection lawsuit, consider that a judgment for collection is valid for 10 years. Creditors also can seek renewal of the judgment, meaning you may be on the hook for a long time.

What happens when you file for bankruptcy?

When you file for bankruptcy, the automatic stay kicks in to protect you from creditors. The automatic stay forces all collection actions to a halt, including foreclosure, repossession, and collection actions. It lasts through the bankruptcy process and can give you the time and space you need to reorganize your finances and get back on track.

What does it mean to be judgment proof?

What It Means to Be Judgment Proof: Your Creditors Can't Collect From You. Creditors can't obtain money or property from a debtor who is judgment proof and a judgment-proof debtor might not need to file for bankruptcy. By Cara O'Neill, Attorney. Updated: Aug 21st, 2018. Get debt relief now.

What happens when a creditor gets a money judgment?

Once the creditor has a money judgment, it can place an involuntary lien on your property.

What happens if a creditor doesn't have a property lien?

If a creditor doesn’t have a property lien or a statutory collection right, then the creditor must file a lawsuit, prove that you owe money, and get a money judgment against you . Most major credit card companies, healthcare providers, personal loan lenders, and service providers must use this approach.

What happens when you fall behind on a mortgage payment?

By agreeing to do so, you give the lender a lien on the property that secures the payment of the debt. A secured creditor can take back the collateral if you fall behind on your payment, sell the property at auction, and use the proceeds to pay down the loan balance.

What are some examples of exempt property?

Common examples of exempt property include household furnishings; clothing; a small amount of equity in a modest car; and some, but not all, retirement accounts.

Can creditors garnish wages?

Such creditors must first go to court and win a money judgment against you. Other creditors can skip the court step and instead, start garnishing your wages, for instance. The procedure required varies depending on the type of debt you owe.

Can creditors go after you?

Creditors that aren’t required to go to court can go after your assets almost as soon as you fall behind on payments. Here’s a general overview of creditors with special collection rights. Creditors with a voluntary lien. A voluntary lien is a property right you give a lender when you make a large credit purchase.

Is a judgment void if you don't pay?

Not being able to pay a creditor at the time of a judgment does not mean that a judgment is void. Hopefully, you will be able to rebuild your finances to a point at which you have a stable source of income and have access to more than the bare necessities of life. If you get a job, for example, you will not be judgment proof any longer. The creditor will have the right to collect on the judgment that it received by garnishing your wages. For another example, you may eventually be able to purchase a home or other real estate. Any judgment that a creditor has obtained against you will attach to that real estate, even though it was purchased later.

Can a creditor collect on unemployment?

This becomes more difficult if the debtor does not have a job. Under federal law, a creditor cannot collect a debt from unemployment benefits, Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, or other forms of public assistance. They also cannot take money out of a child support check. People who served in the U.S. military cannot lose their veteran’s benefits, while federal employees and members of the civil service will retain access to their retirement benefits.

What does a judgment mean in court?

A judgment means the company can try to collect from you, it does not mean you have to pay them if you are unable to. If you get an order to appear in court, be sure to go. Will the creditors keep calling? It is likely that the creditors will still contact you to try and collect on the judgment.

How long does a judgment last in bankruptcy?

2) The judgment expires after 10 years and can no longer be collected. 3) You don’t have to submit your debts, assets, and income to the Bankruptcy Court.

How long can a judgment be held?

1) The judgment holder can continue to demand that you pay the judgment for up to 10 years. 2) Any property you accumulate or property you have paid off is at risk if the exemption amounts are exceeded. 3) A judgment against you could affect your credit score in a different way than just being behind on payments.

Can a creditor collect a judgment from you?

If you are judgment proof and have a money judgment entered against you, the creditor cannot collect the judgment from you. This can be a better option than bankruptcy because; 1) You will no longer have to make payments on the debt unless you get new property or ...

Can you take property from a judgment in South Carolina?

In South Carolina there are certain kinds of property that cannot be taken from you to satisfy a judgment. These are covered by “exemptions”. If the exemptions apply to you and your personal property, there is nothing the judgment creditor can legally take from you. If there is nothing they can legally take from you then you are “Judgment Proof”.

Can you garnish wages for a judgment?

This means they cannot garnish your wages to pay a judgment on a consumer debt. Real Property (your house of land) – If you have less than $59,100 in equity in your home then it is exempt from attachment, levy or sale. This means if you have a mortgage on your $100,000 house and you still owe $85,000 on your mortgage then you only have $15,000 in ...

Can you file bankruptcy if you are judgment proof?

Bankruptcy can be a long process and during it you may still have to make some payments on some debts. If you are judgment proof and do not have a lot of debts, it could be easier and better for you to allow the creditors to take you to court and obtain a judgment against you instead of filing bankruptcy. This way you no longer have ...


Judgment Proof Assets

  • In theory, seniors or people with disabilities could have assets that could be sold and the money turned over to debt collectors or creditors, but that rarely, if ever, occurs. The most common example of that would be if someone has lived in a home for a long time and has significant equ…
See more on debt.org

How to Prove You Are Judgment Proof

  • If you are judgment proof and debt collectors get overly aggressive trying to collect on debts, there is a simple resolution: either hire a lawyer or draft a “Cease Communications” letter to the third-party debt collection agency. Or both. Consumers are protected by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), a federal law that prohibits debt collectors from using unfair, deceptive o…
See more on debt.org

Exceptions to Judgment Proof Exemptions

  • Being judgment proof does not work if you are behind on child support and alimony, federal student loan payments or back taxes owed. These debts must be paid, regardless of income status. The government could garnish income from Social Security and Social Security Disability Insurance or even a tax refund until those payments are caught up. The best advice is to keep cu…
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Can I Be Judgment Proof permanently?

  • Being judgment proof may not be a permanent situation, so be careful about flaunting this status. If you’ve been out of work for a while, but expect to get another job, you probably are judgment proof on a temporary basis. However, if you don’t think your financial situation will change, which is common, especially among seniors and people with disabilities, then you likely are permanent…
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What Happens When You Are No Longer Judgment Proof?

  • Taking a good-paying job, receiving an inheritance, selling a home that has suddenly skyrocketed in value or holding the lucky ticket in a lottery are a few examples of how someone’s financial struggles can quickly reverse. If you have been able to duck creditors for years because you were judgment proof and then suddenly come into a financial windfall, expect to hear from those cred…
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