what are you expecting from this course

by Leora Orn III 6 min read

How do you answer what do you expect from this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

What are your expectations for this class?

CLASS EXPECTATIONSRespect yourself, the teacher & others. ... Put forth your best effort at all times. ... Be prepared for class each day. ... Follow directions when given. ... Pay attention, participate and ask questions. ... Preserve a positive learning environment. ... Take responsibility for your actions.

What does course expectation mean?

The Syllabus: Course Policies / Expectations Describe your expectations for student behavior (e.g., respectful consideration of one another's perspectives, open-mindedness, creative risk-taking). Let students know what they can expect from you (e.g., your availability for meetings or e-mail communication).

What are student expectations?

Understanding Basic Expectations Follow classroom rules. Be on time. Be prepared for class. Be considerate and respectful. Show respect for school property and other students.

What are expectations for learning?

Expectations for learning specify what students should know and be able to do as they strive to achieve learning goals. These statements provide guidance for what counts as progress and what students can do to demonstrate their language proficiency.

What are your expectations in online class?

What students expect from an online course?Sense of belonging to a community. We are social beings! ... Asynchronous discussions, building knowledge together. ... Virtual Interactions. ... Well organized course and clear expectations. ... Multiple modalities for different learning styles.

What should students expect from college education?

Students want to learn and explore everything in their college life. Similarly, they want to explore every subject too. The college should not limit them to choose one subject or stream. They should provide freedom to students to choose any subjects they want to study.

What are examples of expectations?

An example of expectation is a belief that you will be getting promoted. An example of expectation is a belief that you should behave as a proper lady or gentleman. (medicine, rare) The leaving of a disease principally to the efforts of nature to effect a cure.

How to communicate high level expectations?

But perhaps the most important place to communicate your high-level expectations is in the syllabus. Much like a syllabus in a traditional course, you can use your online course syllabus to: Provide basic course information (e.g., title, number, credits).

Can you state expectations in multiple places?

Your learning management system will have a number of locations where you can state or clarify your expectations. In fact, it’s wise to state expectations in multiple places . You can use module introductions, e-mails, written announcements, or descriptions of your course elements.

What happens when your expectations are aligned with your experience?

So expect to make some adjustments. When your expectations are aligned with your experience, your motivation and satisfaction increases. If they don’t align, you get frustrated, your courses seem pointless, and your motivation plummets.

Why do people choose a path?

Sometimes, people choose a path because they don’t have anything better in mind. They adopt a “why not” attitude. They drift through courses, not unhappy, but not fully engaged either. Without a set of reasonable expectations based what they want out of their education, they can’t be truly successful.

How to be more successful in school?

Own your expectations, and be aware of how they affect you. Stay engaged with your education. If something seems pointless, ask about its significance. If you are inspired by an idea or assignment, connect it to as many other experiences as you can.

What is composition class?

The composition class here at Dubuque Senior High School allows students to improve their writing skills and teaches them self-dependence. It's a great class which has improved my grammar skills but there are things that I would change about the course. First, I would change the in-class portion of the class. This class is very independent based and relies on students to do all the work themselves. Although for most students the time given during the day is a blessing and allows them to complete...

Why is education important?

Having a good education is the key to become successful in life. Education is a very important aspect in our lives and one must go through many steps and hurdles to attain higher education. There are two levels of education I find very different; high school, and college.

Welcome to Care of Magical Creatures!

Welcome to Care of Magical Creatures! This is the first year of the course. Below you can find links to an optional textbook, additional pages you may find of interest, and details about when and why the course was last updated.

What Are You Expecting? (Essay)

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When it doesn't, don't become discouraged?

You bring expectations of your instructors to class, and sometimes the reality will far exceed those expectations. When it doesn’t, don’t become discouraged. Know why you are there, what you want, and take steps to make things better.

What is an instructor in college?

Instructors tend to be the most visible representatives of a college or university, and students will often base their evaluation of their program on their opinions of their instructors. And, while instructors have a lot of expectations for their students, those same students arrive in class with expectations for the faculty.

Can an instructor be aware of expectations?

Keep in mind that your instructor can’t be aware of the expectations you bring into his/her classroom. Every student is different, and their expectations are unique to their personality and prior experience. In addition, student expectations are rarely shared with the instructor.
