how do i delete users from a moodle course

by Rozella Kovacek 6 min read

How To Delete Courses On Moodle.

  • 1. Log In. It is definite that you must log into Moodle in order to have the authorization to delete the courses. It might not be possible to delete ...
  • 2. Select Action. You will then select Settings, then choose Administration, click on Courses, and then select Add/Edit Courses. This will activate ...
  • 3. Select The Category. You will then click on the category of the course to be deleted. This will split up the category tree that sections the course ...
  • 4. Perform The Action. Once you have highlighted or accurately searched, you will then need to click the Delete function. Having selected the course, ...

1 Open the course you want to remove users from. 2 Click Enrolled users from the "Users" drop-down in the "Course administration" menu. If you are using Moodle Cloud, this may be called Participants. 3 Find the user you want to unenroll, and click the trashcan icon.Oct 30, 2017

Full Answer

How to delete courses on Moodle?

Jul 15, 2021 · We have parallel software that deals with the academic life of the students, such as grades and the end of their courses. This software syncs its users with moodle, students and teachers, and this process works fine. When a student finishes his course, his moodle user is automatically "removed", having his deleted flag set to 1.

How do I remove user data from a course?

Jun 10, 2018 · Number of replies: 5. Moodle 3.2.1. Hi, User has been deleted through Moodle after course completion but in Database user info still exist in table: mdl_user as deleted=1. According to negotiation, we have to delete users and user info completely from everywhere after complete their course. How to do that?

What happens when you delete a user from Moodle-Samis?

Select all of the enrolled users that you wish to remove - hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard to select multiple users. Press the Remove button Important Notes The main cause of student enrolments persisting across multiple academic periods is generally due to the existence of manual enrolments. Manual enrolments override all other types of enrolments – if a user is …

How do I remove a participant from my course site?

Unenrolment is the process of removing users from a course. It is controlled by one or more of the following: The enrolment duration, which suspends students after the specified time has elapsed. Some plugins include the option to unenrol users after enrolment expiration. For Self enrolment, the 'Unenrol inactive after' setting in Course administration > Users > Enrolment …

How do I remove a user from a Moodle course?

Removing Participants
  1. Repeat step 1 above to display the Participants list for your course.
  2. Find the user you wish to remove, go to the Status column, and click the trashcan (Delete) icon.
  3. Click Unenroll on the confirmation page to approve the change.
Jul 31, 2020

How do I delete all users in Moodle?

Tip: hold down Ctrl on your keyboard to select more than one at once. Once all you want to move have been selected, click 'Add to selection' to add them to the selected side on the right. From the 'With selected users…' drop down list, select 'Delete' and then click the 'Go' button.

How do you bulk Unenroll users from a course in Moodle?

Bulk Unenrol
  1. Click on the Assign Roles link in the Administration menu. ...
  2. Click on Student in the list of roles.
  3. Select students you wish to unenrol from the left hand column. ...
  4. When you have selected all the required students click on the centrally located Remove button to unenrol them.

How do I delete a student from Moodle 2020?

To Remove Unwanted Courses:
  1. Log on to Moodle.
  2. Click the Unwanted link, located in the Course Preferences block at the bottom of the front page of Moodle.
  3. Click the check box to mark any courses as unwanted.
  4. Click the Save Changes button.
Sep 30, 2021

How do I delete a user from Moodle cloud?

Re: Removing a participant from Moodlecloud site

To delete a user, you go to Site Administration -> Users -> Browse list of users, from there you can click on the 'X' at the right end of the line of the user you wish to delete.
Jan 20, 2017

How do you delete a Moodle account?

Re: Instructions for Deleting Moodle Account

What they can do (but you have to manage this manually yourself) is go to their profile and in the Privacy and Policies section, click Delete my account - this sends a message to the admin (or Privacy officer if you have one) who then has to manually delete the account.
Dec 14, 2020

What does suspending a user do in Moodle?

By suspending the users instead of unenrolling them, you can preserve their data. This data can be either used for inspection in future years or even for analyzing student performance data.Mar 20, 2019

What is Unenroll?

unenroll ​Definitions and Synonyms

​verb. DEFINITIONS1. 1. if you unenroll from a course, school or other institution, you remove your name from the official list of its students or members. Next to the course you want to unenroll from, click the three dots to open the menu.

What is the difference between enrollment and Enrolment?

Enrollment is a variation of the same word, applicable in all the same contexts and carrying all of the same meanings. Enrollment is standard in American English, whereas enrolment is standard in British English. For example, Enrollment in Medicaid could exempt you from fees related to being uninsured in America.

How do I hide old courses on Moodle?

Click on the gear icon (Actions menu) in the top right corner of the course site. Choose Edit Settings. Under General, click on the Course Visibility drop-down menu and choose Hide.Aug 1, 2019

How do you delete a course on Moodle dashboard?

Customizing Moodle Dashboard - How do I delete courses on my Moodle dashboard?
  1. Log in to Moodle.
  2. From the Course Overview panel, scroll and to find the course you want to hide.
  3. Select the three dot button in the course tile.
  4. Then select "Remove from view".
Nov 10, 2021

How do I delete a module in Moodle?

Click on Delete to remove all instances of the module in courses and any tables set up for the module. For blocks, visit the Blocks management page (Site Administration | Modules | Blocks | Manage Blocks). Click on Delete to remove all instances of the block and any tables set up for the block module.

How to delete user completely

User has been deleted through Moodle after course completion but in Database user info still exist in table: mdl_user as deleted=1.

Re: How to delete user completely

After upgrade, do I need to download GDPR/Privacy tools? I meant what to do after that?

Re: How to delete user completely

I'm trying to set a privacy rule in data registry that will delete users that haven't login to the system for a long time (let's say 1 year). I set the privacy rule, manualy ran the cron but users don't appear on deletion list.

Why do students keep enroling in multiple academic periods?

The main cause of student enrolments persisting across multiple academic periods is generally due to the existence of manual enrolments. Manual enrolments override all other types of enrolments – if a user is added manually, they will need to be removed manually.

Does self enrollment require manual removal?

Since the Self enrolment method involves a manual process, any users added in this way will also need to be removed manually.

How to suspend a user in a course?

Note: A teacher may suspend a single user or groups of users from a particular course by changing their status in Users > Enrolled users>Edit enrolment . It is also possible to suspend users from courses via csv/text file from Site administration > Users > Accounts > Upload users using the enrolstatus field, where 1 against a user means they are suspended (and leaving blank means they are still enrolled.)

How to restore unenrolled grades?

If a user is unenrolled accidentally, their grades can be restored by going to Administration > Course administration > Users > Enrolled users, clicking 'Enrol users' and making sure that the 'Recover user's old grades if possible' checkbox is ticked in the enrolment options before re-enrolling the user.

What is enrolment duration?

The enrolment duration, which suspends students after the specified time has elapsed. Some plugins include the option to unenrol users after enrolment expiration

What is an unenrolment?

Unenrolment is the process of removing users from a course. It is controlled by one or more of the following: The enrolment duration, which suspends students after the specified time has elapsed. Some plugins include the option to unenrol users after enrolment expiration. For Self enrolment, the 'Unenrol inactive after' setting in Course ...

Can an administrator suspend a student's account?

Administrators can suspend user accounts, meaning the student cannot access any courses, by editing the profile and checking the "Suspended account" box.

Can you unenrol yourself from a course?

In addition, users with the appropriate permission can unenrol themself from a course .

Can suspended users return to Moodle?

Suspended users are no longer able to access any of their courses on Moodle but their data is preserved, so it is possible for them to return to their course at a later time. This might be useful for example, for keeping safe the work of students who have left the establishment but whose data might be needed for inspection in future years. Suspended users currently still appear in the gradebook but a teacher can select in their Grader report preferences to show only active users or all users (including suspended users). See Grade settings for more details.

How to reset a course?

How to Reset - step by step 1 Log in and go to the course area you want to reset 2 Resetting a given activity is irreversible, so ensure that you have taken a Backup of your area including the user data - this is a snapshot and can be reinstated if necessary 3 In your area's Administration block, click on Reset 4 Click any Show Advanced button to show all options for that category 5 Make your selections based on the options (see below for more on these) 6 Click the Reset button 7 Return to your area and check that things are as you want them.

What happens if you set a new course start date?

NOTE: If you set a new course start date, then all course dates will be shifted by the same amount.

Can you specify a new course start date?

You can also specify a new course start date.

Is a grade recorded against a user's account?

Note that these grades are still recorded against a user's account.

How to delete a course on Moodle?

Here is how to delete courses on Moodle: 1. Log In . It is definite that you must log into Moodle in order to have the authorization to delete the courses. It might not be possible to delete the course from Moodle if you are not logged in. 2. Select Action.

Why is my course deleted in Moodle?

Some of the common reasons that would lead to a course to be deleted in Moodle include the following; • The Course is unused: If a course was preliminary created in Moodle, but it is not used anymore, the admin would be compelled to delete the course .

What is a course created for?

The courses created are usually meant for teachers to carry out the relevant topics to their students, mostly online. However, there comes a time where you might no longer need an already existing course, which was previously visible to the students.

Can administrators delete courses?

That is why only the administrators are the ones who can delete the given course. As an Admin, you must also be careful enough when performing the deletion of the courses. First off, you must ensure you know the name and code of the course to be deleted before you commence.

Can a teacher delete a course?

A normal teacher or the students cannot delete the course. This is mostly because the course created are very vital in the teaching process. For that, they need to be treated with care and avoid accidental deletion. That is why only the administrators are the ones who can delete the given course.

How to remove participants from a game?

Highlight the participant you wish to remove and the click on the black arrow between the two blocks that points to the right. When you’re done, the participant will no longer appear in the list of participants on the left.

Can you remove someone from a CCLE course?

This article explains how an instructor (or someone with a higher level of access) can remove a participant from a CCLE /Moodle course site. The participant removed will subsequently not appear in the list of participants and will no longer have access to the course site.

Does CCLE update automatically?

NOTE: On instructional CCLE /Moodle sites, enrollment is automatic for students officially registered for the course, and the CCLE system updates at regular intervals based on data from the Registrar. Therefore, if you remove a participant who still appears in the Registrar’s database as registered for the course, the CCLE system will restore this student’s access (putting his name back in the list of participants) once the automatic update has run.
