what are the rules for the 35mike reservists course for reentry

by Prof. Rey Tillman II 10 min read

Can you re-enlist in the military after 180 days?

Feb 28, 2022 · Frocked E5 and Reservists are not eligible for this type of apprenticeship. A competency-based trade apprenticeship is completed over the course of a minimum of 12 months/1 year by demonstrating a mastery of competencies (skills/tasks) broken down by …

How hard is it to get back into the military with RE-2?

Reservists (On-Call) FEMA consistently seeks talented and hard-working people who are eager to assist disaster survivors and first responders on an on-call basis as Reservist employees. They are the main FEMA workforce during an emergency or disaster. Reservists travel, receive training, build professional networks and support those in need.

Can you take correspondence courses in the Army Reserve?

Job Rights for Veterans and Reserve Component Members The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA 38 U.S.C. 4301-4335) The Department of Labor, through the Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS), provides assistance to all persons having claims under USERRA.

How many retirement points do you get for active duty training?

Reserve and Army National Guard). Applicability. This regulation applies to t h e A c t i v e A r m y , t h e A r m y N a t i o n a l Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated. It does not apply to per-sonnel of the Army National Guard or the U.S. Army Reserve who are not included

How long is the prior service refresher course?

Prior-service Soldiers with breaks of service more than three years make up about 60 percent of the Soldiers who attend the five-week course; Soldiers from sister services -- the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard -- make up 40 percent of Soldiers who attend WTC.Nov 23, 2004

Do I have to go to basic training again?

When you want to re-enlist, to get prior service, you must have a minimum of six months of post-basic-training experience. If you were still in advanced individual training (AIT) or active duty for training (ADT), you may have to go back to basic training even if you do have 180 days in the military.

What is the 1095 rule?

A member whose order to active duty specifies a period of greater than 3 years will also be counted against end strength commencing on the first day of the orders. This statutory provision is referred to as the 1095 rule.

What happens if I don't go to IRR muster?

Question: What happens if I do not complete my muster duty? Answer: If you do not complete the muster, you could be considered an unsatisfactory participant and may be discharged which could also affect your benefits at separation.

Do you have to go through boot camp again if you reenlist?

No. If you have been out for awhile, you may lose a rank, but no you do not have to go through basic training or your MOS school again. Only if you switch services or your assigned to a different career field. Occasionally people are offered a different job if they reenlist and have to go back to tech school.

Can I rejoin the military after getting out?

There are several types of discharges that can keep you from re-enlisting in the service, including a bad conduct discharge, an "other than honorable discharge" and a dishonorable discharge. On the other hand, if you received a general or honorable discharge, you may qualify for re-enlistment.Aug 30, 2021

What are RPA days?

Retention/Retirement (R/R) Year - The 12 consecutive months in which a reservist in active status is required to earn 50 points (includes membership points) through participation in an accredited training program for credit as a satisfactory year.

Is AGR Title 10 or Title 32?

Active Guard Reserve (AGR) refers to a United States Army and United States Air Force federal military program which places Army National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers and Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve airmen on federal active duty status under Title 10 U.S.C., or full-time National Guard duty under Title ...

What are Title 32 orders?

Title 32 Full-Time National Guard Duty 32 USC 502 (f): This statue allows member of the National Guard to be ordered to full-time National Guard duty to perform operational activities. It was used for the Airport Security mission after 9/11 and also for Hurricane Katrina and Rita response effort.

Are IRR musters mandatory?

Is IRR muster duty mandatory? Yes. Members of the IRR are required to perform muster duty up to one day per year, either in-person or virtually.

Can you be recalled after IRR?

The IRR remains as an adjunct to the active forces in times of emergency. The rules vary, but, generally speaking, any reservist can be recalled to active duty for the duration of a declared war or national emergency, plus an additional six months. This emergency or war declaration must be issued by Congress.

Can you be dishonorably discharged from IRR?

A “bad” discharge from the IRR may negatively impact an individual during an in-depth background check. These are done for job applicants applying for positions with the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, etc.Sep 16, 2009

How to become a reservist?

Reservists travel, receive training, build professional networks and support those in need. When you become a reservist, you should know: 1 The work is available intermittently 2 Applicants must commit to working on an on-call basis 3 Be available to travel within 24-48 hours 4 Be deployed for 30 or more days

Can Stafford Act employees apply for PFT?

Before the Disaster Reform and Recovery Act, Stafford Act employees could only apply for Permanent Full-Time (PFT) positions open to the general public. Now, Stafford Act employees can compete for PFT positions at FEMA under Merit Promotion after 3 or more years of continuous work.

What is USERRA for veterans?

USERRA protects civilian job rights and benefits for veterans and members of Reserve components. USERRA also makes major improvements in protecting service member rights and benefits by clarifying the law, improving enforcement mechanisms, and adding Federal Government employees to those employees already eligible to receive Department ...

What is the Department of Labor?

The Department of Labor, through the Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) provides assistance to all persons having claims under USERRA, including Federal and Postal Service employees. If resolution is unsuccessful following an investigation, the service member may have his or her claim referred to the Department ...

Does USERRA cover reemployment?

USERRA clearly establishes that reemployment protection does not depend on the timing, frequency, duration, or nature of an individual's service as long as the basic eligibility criteria are met. USERRA provides protection for disabled veterans, requiring employers to make reasonable efforts to accommodate the disability.

What is DA 1380?

The DA Form 1380 is used to record approved inactive duty training for pay and retirement points. However, do not submit DA Forms 1380 directly to AHRC for pay. When the DA Form 1380 is used for pay, retirements points are updated via an electronic data feed from DFAS to RPAS. DFAS verifies and certifies the paid duty and distributes a Leave and Earning Statement (LES) which validates retirement points. If there is no system failure, treat the situation like a manual update using the Soldier’s LES as supporting documentation.

What is EBDL in military?

Approved electronic based distributed learning (EBDL) Courses will be awarded to members of SELRES (TPU). Subject to available funding, and as pre-approved, Soldiers may earn one retirement point and be paid for one IDT for every 8 hours of distance learning completed.

How to determine AYE date?

The date to determine the AYE date is established by the date the Soldier entered into active service or into active status in a Reserve component . The date the Soldier enter the Active Reserve is their anniversary year beginning date. As long as the Soldier has no break-in-service, the Anniversary Year Ending date (AYE) will be one year later.

What is the AYE date?

AYE date determines the last day a retirement point may be updated annually for a Soldier, so it is important to understand how it is established. The AYE date can only be changed by

Does the Army have a separate personnel management system?

The Army continues to maintain separate personnel management systems for the Active and Reserve components. This situation sometimes fosters confusion because Service members of one component may not know, understand, or acknowledge the other component's personnel policies and procedures. RLAS is the system used by the Army Reserve for Soldier personnel actions. It may not be available when mobilized.

How to reenlist in the military?

If you want to re-enlist, perform a good checklist to make sure all your paperwork is what the military calls “squared away.” Talk to a recruiter, make sure you can perform the jobs they have available, and be sure that you won’t require too much paperwork or waiver bending and you should be fine.

How many days do you have to go back to basic training?

You may have to go back to basic training even if you do have 180 days in the military if you were still in AIT or ADT. The branch you’re entering can also determine whether or not you’re going to do basic training again.

Why do people want to rejoin the military?

Some miss the camaraderie and benefits of the work they did with their brothers in arms, while others may want to re-enlist because of the financial and insurance benefits. No matter the reason, it can be harder than most people think when it comes ...

What is a re-entry code?

Re-Entry, or Re-enlistment codes , play a huge part in whether you’re eligible to get back into the military. Every soldier will get a DD-214 when they are discharged from the military. For the Army, having a re-entry code of RE-1 (or any of the variants) are able to rejoin the military without any special conditions, whereas an RE-2 may be ineligible unless certain qualifications are met first. RE-3 codes generally mean they require a waiver dependent on the separation code that was given to them (we’ll get to that soon) when they were discharged.

Who is Justin Williams?

Justin Williams is a certified Microsoft Specialist and U.S. Army Veteran. Serving in 2008, he was a Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator with the 15th Signal Brigade. After an Honorable Discharge, he struggled to get access to military benefits for service-related injuries.

Do you have to go through basic training in the Navy?

The Navy requires that basic training is literally a case-by-case basis, and if someone’s joining the Air Force with prior service, most soldiers will attend a familiarization course, although some of the soldiers will have to go through basic training again anyway.

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, you'll be able to: 1. Plan ahead for military reservists’ absences. 2. Create a reentry program for veterans and reservists. 3. List ways to provide ongoing professional development for veterans.
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  • Did you know that U.S. service members are granted special rights under the law? The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) protects job rights for veterans and military reservists. For example, it establishes 5 years as the length of time that an employee can be absent for military duty and retain reemployment rights. The Family and Medical Leave A…
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Plan Ahead For Reservists’ Absences

  • There are more than 800,000 military reservists in the United States. Typically they are required to report for duty at a nearby military base for one weekend each month and complete two weeks of field training exercises each year. This time commitment keeps them current on their military skills in the event they are required to mobilize in a time of need. Some reservists -- not all -- ma…
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Characteristics of Veteran-Friendly Reentry Programs

  • Military-friendly companies make it possible for military reservists and members of the national guard to serve when called into action. They plan ahead to cover responsibilities when these service members are mobilized. And they consider how to ease the return to work for these employees once the deployment is over. Here are some important considerations for crafting a r…
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Professional Development Opportunities For Veterans

  • Corporate career exploration helps veterans discover opportunities where they fit best at a company. Skill-development programs help them prepare for those roles. Finding that perfect fit can inspire veterans to stay at your company for the long haul. It also can help develop your company’s leadership pipeline for the future. Let’s look at some examples of career-developmen…
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The Benefits of Rotational Job Programs

  • Like anyone else making a dramatic career shift, veterans can find that their individual preferences change once they’ve settled into a new job. We all have an idea of what we prefer, but we likely don’t know enough to judge an industry or role until we get to work and start solving problems with our teammates. Rotational programs allow transitioning military veterans to rapid…
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Let’s Sum It Up

  • Now that you have some strategies to successfully incorporate military veterans into your workplace, consider what resources you already have at your company: veterans on staff, allies, and maybe even an ERG focused on veterans. The job doesn’t stop with building the environment. Look for opportunities to match veterans with mentors who can guide them through career-grow…
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  1. Website: GE Junior Officer Leadership Program
  2. Website: JPMorgan Chase Military & Veteran Programs
  3. Website: Trailhead Military
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