The Five Great Islamic Empires Brandon Matthew Wiss The Safavid dynasty was one of the most significant ruling dynasties of Iran from 1501 to 1736. The Safavid dynasty had its origin in the Safavid order of Sufism, which was established in the city of Ardabil in the Iranian Azerbaijan region. It was an Iranian dynasty of Kurdish origin,but during their rule they intermarried with …
MUSLIM GLOBAL POPULATION One of the most important elements contributing to Islam's expected fast development is simply demography, which accounts for one-third of the total. For starters, Muslims have a higher birth rate than members of other religious communities.
What was the most important factor in the ‘Islamic transformation’ in the Qazaq Steppe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries? First of all, the Islam religion came in the Qazaq steppe through different routes. Some think that it was the Silk Road and trade that brought Islam to the steppe, some think that it was the conquers made by Mongols. . These factors are indeed true, …
Islamic Colonial Islam was said to have gained significant grounding in Sulu as early as the 13 th century. Islamic Colonial The arrival of Sayyid Abubakar of Arabia in the 15 th century led to a significant turn of events. He married Princess Piramisuli When his father-in-law died, Abubakar succeeded the throne and established the Sultanate of ...
The Six Key Elements of the Islamic Religion. 1) The belief of one God only: The most fundamental teaching of Islam is to worship and believe in one God. For a Muslim to reconsider in believing Allah, is a massive sin. 2) The belief of Angels: Muslims believe that God created concealed creatures called Angels, who work vigorously to care ...
The Five Pillars. 1) Declaration of Faith: To become Muslim, the following words have to be said"La ilaha illa Allah wa Muhammad Rasul-ullah", meaning "There is no deity worthy of being worship except God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger, Prophet of God". 2) Daily prayer: Muslims have to perform 5 formal Salat’s throughout the day.
2) The belief of Angels: Muslims believe that God created concealed creatures called Angels, who work vigorously to care for his kingdom. 3) Belief in the prophets of God: Islam teaches that God sends his guidance through human prophets throughout the world. 4) Belief in revealed books of God: Muslims believe that God sends his wisdom ...
Islam believes that if an individual does not believe in God, they will be eternally punished in the fires of Hell.
4) Fast of Ramadan: Annually, Muslims are required to fast for a whole month from dawn to sunset. This is done to improve self-control and devotion to their religion.
In addition to the influence of local topography and morphological features of pre-existing towns, the Islamic city reflected the general socio-cultural, political, and economic structures of the newly created society.
By the 9th century CE, this prestigious role was replaced by political motives as various parts of the Islamic world broke their traditional link with the main Caliphate in the East. Local divisions and conflicts, in addition to continuous raids of the nomads, have created a process of urban decline.
He is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Ajman, Ajman, UAE.
Islam is seen by many scholars as an urban religion, which favours communal practice on individual worship. Although, piety is the only source of appraisal, it is widely accepted that most of Islam's teaching is best practised in an urban setting. It is not surprising that Islam made particular emphasis on the form and design ...
Both prophets and their successors must possess the following qualities: 1 Complete knowledge that is greater and superior to the knowledge of other people. 2 Infallibility, which means being sinless, faultless, free of negligence, forgetfulness, fanaticism, prejudice, and personal interest, and having complete resistance to the whims and desires of the self. 3 Moral characteristics such as integrity, courage, determination, patience and other qualities of moral perfection.
Absolute attributes: God possesses infinite attributes of perfection that are inseparable from His essence (i.e., they are not achieved through acquisition), such as knowledge, power, wisdom, justice, and more. All perfection is from Him and terminates with Him.
Infallibility, which means being sinless, faultless, free of negligence, forgetfulness, fanaticism, prejudice, and personal interest, and having complete resistance to the whims and desires of the self. Moral characteristics such as integrity, courage, determination, patience and other qualities of moral perfection.
Unfortunately, those scriptures were altered by people over time, all except for the Holy Quran, which is the complete and all-comprehensive divine book. It has never been distorted or altered to this day, since Almighty God promised to preserve it. Moreover, God challenged anyone to produce a verse like its verses.