what are the ethical issues of using unlicensed software? course hero

by Gloria Collins 10 min read

Why a student should not use unlicensed software?

A student may be an example for his/her friends or his/her community. He/she may use unlicensed software that is followed by others. This ignorance habit can damage our own personal ethical which embedded in our heart. Furthermore, we start believing that our wrong-doing is right.

What happens if you violate computer ethics laws?

The article also mentions about intellectual property and penalties for those who violate computer ethics laws. Intellectual property is including images, patents, procedures, videos, audios, and drawings. For those who violate someone’s intellectual property will be given penalties—paying hefty fines to extensive prison time.

Is software piracy an ethical issue in society?

Software Piracy is a form of ethical issue that is hard to solve in society, especially among students of Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia. Based on writer observation in campus, students are still using pirated software, including using, duplicating, and distributing it to their friends.

What is the importance of computer ethics?

Computer ethics deals with moral responsibility of what is wrong and right. Based on ? Importance of Computer Ethics and Software Piracy? article, software piracy is copying, distributing, and using software or games without paying.

What is software piracy?

Software Piracy is a form of ethical issue that is hard to solve in society, especially among students of Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia. Based on writer observation in campus, students are still using pirated software, including using, duplicating, and distributing it to their friends.

How many rules are there for software piracy?

It has seven rules which allow and avoid both developer and user to do something about the computer artifact. These rules should be well-applied as a solution for software piracy issue. In the top of those solutions, human factor is the main factor that we should pay more attention.

Where does software piracy occur?

Based on the article, software piracy occurred mostly in developing-countries; because of their low economics (from GDP per capita), they find it harder to purchase software. Indonesia is one of developing-countries, so it can be concluded roughly that Indonesian people hard to pay for software.

What is social level?

Social level is about divided in three level; low, medium, and high class. In Faculty of Computers and Society, students also varied in social level or economic level. Some students have Iphone, Windows Phone, or tablets, but some don’t. In general, there is no difference among those levels.

What is intellectual property?

Intellectual property is including images, patents, procedures, videos, audios, and drawings. For those who violate someone’s intellectual property will be given penalties—paying hefty fines to extensive prison time. But even so, it seems the penalties are still blurring for students.

Does a developer of software know his/her intellectual property?

A developer of software may not know that his/her intellectual property was just being used irresponsibly. Student of Faculty of Computer Science should have known how hard it is to make software. They should have aware how long time needed, how many resources sacrificed by the developer to develop software.

Is information technology an intellectual property?

Nowadays, information technology has widely grow and used by human. Computer technology, both hardware and software has been widely approved as an intellectual property. The fast growth of technology innovation, especially software, is open for public and can be easily accessed by public via internet. It is the same for software piracy.