what are the course numbers that apply towards an associate degree at saddleback?

by Kaitlyn Kunze 7 min read

In order to determine whether or not a course counts for an Associate Degree or transfer, check the course number. Courses numbered 300 and above are basic skills courses and are therefore not applicable for an Associate Degree or transfer. Courses numbered 1-299 are applicable to the Associate Degree.

Courses numbered 1-299 are applicable to the Associate Degree.

Full Answer

What is the value of associate degree?

For the average U.S. worker, there's a clear benefit to getting a 2-year associate degree. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2020 workers with an associate degree had median weekly earnings of $938, compared with $781 for people with just a high school diploma.Oct 22, 2021

How many degree applicable units are needed in order to earn an associate's degree at Santa Ana college?

60 degreeTo earn an Associate Degree from SAC you must complete 60 degree applicable semester units. The 60 units must include general education (math, science, social science, humanities, etc, courses) and your major courses.

Is an associate's degree considered a major?

Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees do not officially include a major or minor course of study; nevertheless, students do complete a 24 credit program of study option for either an A.A. or A.S. degree.

How many years of college does it take to obtain an associate's degree group of answer choices?

In the US, associate's degrees are available at various types of college, including community colleges, junior colleges and technical colleges, affiliated colleges of universities and university institutes. It typically takes two years full-time to complete an associate's degree.

How many units is full time Santa Ana College?

In order to meet the graduation requirements in four semesters, students should carry an average of 15 units each semester. Students will ordinarily not be allowed to register for more than 18 units.

Does Santa Ana College offer a bachelor's degree?

SAC is one of 12 community colleges statewide chosen to participate in a landmark pilot program allowing us to offer bachelor's degrees.

Is associate degree same as diploma?

Associate Degree Unlike certificates and diplomas, Associate Degrees comprise a breadth of general academic subjects as well as a specialization in an area of interest (similar to a major). Common examples include the Associate of Arts (Business) and Associate of Arts (Science).

Is an associate degree equivalent to A levels?

Everything you cited basically says "A-levels are treated like APs, which are not equivalent to an associates degree".Sep 19, 2017

What is an AA degree called?

Most associate degrees earned in academic programs are Associate of Arts (AA) or Science (AS) degrees. Associate degrees earned in professional, technical or terminal programs are frequently called Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees, but will sometimes carry the name of the program of study in the title.

Which associate degree is best?

What Are the Highest-Paying Associate Degrees?Electrical Engineering. ... Aeronautics. ... MRI Technology. ... Radiology Technology. ... Respiratory Therapy. ... Occupational Therapy. ... Mechanical Engineering. ... Network Engineering. Network engineers design, administer, and maintain local and wide area network systems.More items...•Aug 19, 2021

How hard is an associate degree?

A typical associate's degree only takes about two years to obtain if you are a full-time student. For some people already in the workforce, trying to get an associate's degree might take a little longer as a part-time student. Regardless, you'll need a high school diploma to apply (or the equivalent).

How fast can you finish an associate degree?

While there may be some variations depending on the field, most associate's degrees can be completed in about two years. The majority of associate's majors graduate from a junior college or trade school in 18 to 28 months.

How many units are in a bachelor's degree?

A bachelor degree or baccalaureate is a degree granted upon completion of at least 120 semester units or 180 quarter units. Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Degrees are offered by the California State Universities, the University of California and private four-year colleges and universities.

What is GE in education?

GE or General Education is a program of courses in the arts and sciences that provides a broad educational experience. Courses are usually introductory in nature provide students with fundamental skills and knowledge in English, arts, humanities, mathematics, social sciences, physical and biological sciences.

Is saddleback college accredited?

Saddleback College is an accredited institution making its courses recognized by other institutions. Depending on the individual institutions requirements, there should be no reason why an equivalent class taken at Saddleback College could not be considered for transfer.

What are the courses numbered 300 and above?

Courses numbered 300 and above are basic skills courses and are therefore not applicable for an Associate Degree or transfer. Courses numbered 1-299 are applicable to the Associate Degree. Courses numbered 1-199 are applicable for transfer to the Cal State University system. Courses numbered 1-99 are applicable for transfer to the University ...

How to get help in deciding on a major?

There are a number of ways you can get help deciding on your major. You can schedule an individual appointment with a counselor, you can enroll in a Counseling class (C 160) or you can receive assistance through one of the computerized career planning and major choice programs available through the Career Center.

How many units are in a bachelor's degree?

A bachelor degree or baccalaureate is a degree granted upon completion of at least 120 semester units or 180 quarter units. Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science Degrees are offered by the California State Universities, the University of California and private four-year colleges and universities.

What is GE in education?

GE or General Education is a program of courses in the arts and sciences that provides a broad educational experience. Courses are usually introductory in nature and provide students with fundamental skills and knowledge in English, arts, humanities, mathematics, social sciences, physical and biological sciences.

What is a community college degree?

A degree granted by community colleges upon completion of 60 units of college work, including general education, major, and elective requirements. In addition, it is also a transfer program you can participate in if you're interested in transferring to the California State University System.

What is IGETC in college?

IGETC, Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum, is a general education program which community college transfer students can use to fulfill lower-division general education requirements for either the CSU or UC systems. IGETC is not recommended for some majors at the UC campuses.

What are Counseling courses (COUN)?

Counseling is the discipline of classes taught by Saddleback College Counselors. Topics for each course vary but relate to the individual students' success. Course titles include Academic Planning; Educational & Vocational Planning; Helping Relationships; Human Relationships; Career Exploration; Study Skills & Techniques; and Leadership.

How can I determine if a course will be accepted for an Associate Degree or transfer?

In order to determine whether or not a course counts for an Associate Degree or transfer, check the course number.

How can I meet with a counselor?

In order to schedule an appointment with a counselor you can call (949) 582-4572 and you may also walk-in to speak with counselor.

Where can I get help deciding what major to choose?

Choosing a major is an important decision all students face, and it is always an advantage to decide on your major early so that you can complete the required courses for your chosen major. There are a number of ways you can get help deciding on your major.

Can I transfer to an out of state school from Saddleback College?

Yes. Saddleback College transfer students to colleges and universities all around the country.

What is an Associate Degree (AA or AS)?

A degree granted by community colleges upon completion of 60 units of college work, including general education, major, and elective requirements.

What is an Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T) or (AS-T)?

A degree granted by community colleges upon completion of 60 units of college work, including general education, major, and elective requirements. In addition, it is also a transfer program you can participate in if you're interested in transferring to the California State University System.

What is a Dual Admission nursing program?

The RN-B.S.N. dual admission program at Saddleback College and The University of Toledo is the first of its kind within our institutions. You’ll earn an associate degree in applied science in nursing from Saddleback, while working toward your bachelor of science in nursing from UToledo.

What are the advantages of dual admission?

Access to the benefits of both institutions. As you work toward your degrees, you’ll have access to the same benefits all UToledo students have, including:


To get started, contact Saddleback Advising with your intention to participate. You will need to fill out an application at UToledo once accepted into the Saddleback RN program.

Contact us

For more information about the concurrent enrollment nursing program, email [email protected] .

Educational Options in California

The high school diploma is awarded for the successful completion of high school. It is considered the minimum education required for government jobs and higher education.

Associate Degree Courses

General education courses engage students in reading and writing, critical thinking, mathematics/quantitative reasoning, physical and life sciences, social sciences, the humanities, fine arts, and lifelong health and personal development. They are meant to ensure that graduates have a well-rounded education.

Associate Degrees and Certificates

To view a full list of the associate degrees and certificates offered at Irvine Valley College, visit the IVC catalog and select Program, Degree and Certificate List in the left navigation bar.

Preparing to Transfer to a Four-Year School

After exploring your possibilities, you will eventually need to identify your top-choice universities and a major so you can determine the specific requirements you must fulfill for transfer.

How to Calculate Your Transferable GPA

Your IVC transcript provides you with an overall grade point average, or GPA. If you are planning to transfer to a CSU or UC, you need to know how to calculate your transferable GPA. IVC, like most college campuses, uses the 4.0 grade point system.

Additional Transfer Information Online

www.assist.org: ASSIST is the official statewide database of articulation and transfer information that shows how course credits earned at one public California college or university can be applied when transferred to another.