what are the advantages to taking an advanced rider course?

by Miss Dixie Christiansen IV 10 min read

The main benefit of all advanced training is that it helps manage the practical aspects of everyday riding. That includes spotting potential hazards and dangers before they become a problem. And that allows you to minimise your risks and have more fun on your bike.

Full Answer

Why take an advanced rider training course?

Advanced rider training courses arm you with some extra knowledge that can be applied not just on the track, but in your day-to-day. You’ll finally be able to shut down your know-it-all mate when he tries to tell you about cornering.

How much does it cost to become an advanced rider?

The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM RoadSmart), has a well-established Advanced Rider Course for many years and costs £149 including a welcome pack and manual. You sign up with your nearest local group and go on a number of observed rides with trained volunteers over three to six months.

What are the benefits of Advanced Motorcycle training?

Advanced motorcycle training helps you become a safer, more confident rider. Extra motorbike riding qualifications tells any insurer you’re 100% committed to keeping out of trouble on the road. That’s a pretty powerful message. But don’t think training courses is all about ‘serious’ riders. Or exams or tests.

Why choose a safer rider?

A safer rider copes better with tougher traffic and environmental conditions. Riding with greater fluency when conditions deteriorate is a skill that should last you a lifetime. From wet leaves to handling more powerful machines to anticipating the road ahead, the focus is the same.

What is an enhanced rider?

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency ( DVSA ) enhanced rider scheme checks your motorcycle riding skills and provides training to help you improve. The scheme can help you: become a safer rider.

What is Florida basic rider course?

FRTP Sponsors offer a 15-hour MSF Basic RiderCourse® (BRC) and Basic RiderCourse updated® (BRCu), which provides an introduction to the fundamentals of safe, responsible motorcycling. This includes the knowledge and skills necessary to ride safely on the streets and highways.

How long is basic riders course USMC?

two-dayBasic Rider Course (BRC) - The BRC is a two-day course that covers basic motorcycle riding techniques such as stopping, turning, and counter-steering. This course must be taken within 60 days of purchasing a motorcycle. Without BRC training, Marines cannot register their bikes on base.

Can I riding a motorcycle in Florida without endorsement?

Before you buy a motorcycle, make sure you have the proper drivers license. You can't legally ride a motorcycle in Florida without having the state's motorcycle endorsement on your license, which means you have passed a test or taken a safety course and proved you can safely ride a bike.

Do I need a motorcycle license to register a motorcycle in Florida?

Operating a Motorcycle in Florida Meet the state's minimum age requirement. Obtain a Florida “motorcycle only” license or a motorcycle license endorsement (in some instances you may need to obtain a learner's permit) Register your motorcycle with the state of Florida (exemptions may apply)

Can you lane split on Camp Pendleton?

NOTE: Lane splitting is not authorized when riding on Camp Pendleton.

What is BRC Marines?

WHERE IT ALL BEGINS: Basic Reconnaissance Course (BRC) BRC is a 12-week course designed to train Marines in the tactics, techniques, and procedures of amphibious reconnaissance operations, and to qualify Marines for duty as a Reconnaissance Man (Military Occupational Specialty 0321).

How do you get a motorcycle license in Camp Pendleton?

To sign up for the class call the Base Safety Center at (760) 725-2897. Riders assigned to Camp Pendleton are required to attend the Experience Riders Course (ERC) within 120 days of attending the BRC. In addition a refresher course on ERC, ARC S/T, Seasoned Rider or MSRC is required every 3 years.

What does it mean to ride a motorcycle?

The little things really do matter with riding motorcycles, and mastering the small things is what ultimately builds confidence in yourself as a rider. All of the subtle improvements with your riding technique adds up, and all the little changes snowball and build your confidence. This translates into feeling better in your own skills to tackle new roads, especially ones that are more technical than what you’ve previously ridden, or even in different times of day or different weather situations.

Do motorcycle riders take advanced riding classes?

The reality is that a significant percentage of motorcycle riders never take advanced riding courses. You have the immediate feedback of an instructor, or expert rider, to guide you. You can review a topic or riding technique, then go out right away and practice repeating what you learned until you get it right.

Can you do multiple laps in a riding course?

With most (if not all) advanced riding courses taking place on a track or closed course, you’ll not only have multiple laps to perfect your skill and technique, but you will also have your instructor nearby to observe where you can improve on that particular drill. You’re able to make the tangible connection between what you’ve done incorrectly and what you will need to do, without time and distance eroding your memory if you had to wait until later; or worse, if you’re learning from YouTube, you don’t get the feedback at all.

Can you see outside of yourself riding a motorcycle?

You can’t see outside of yourself to observe what you’re doing wrong while riding a motorcycle; however, a trained professional can see it and tell you on the spot. They will watch you throughout the day, and identify where your technique needs refining, as well as what you need to do to improve. They are teachers, after all. It beats watching a dozen YouTube videos at home, and then trying to incorporate all of the different tips from what you watch, into real-life practice. Which leads to the next two points…

Can you take advanced riding courses on a track?

If you’re taking an advanced riding course on a track, don’t let the setting of a racetrack steer you away; nobody attends these courses to “race,” and what you learn about is knowledge that you can also apply while out on the road.

Expert instructors

Our Advanced Road Skills courses are taught by our expert senior team who are some of the most experienced riders and instructors in the UK. The benefits and wisdom of the millions of miles they've covered will be passed on to you during your time with us.

Bespoke Tuition

Starting with a discussion on what you'd like to achieve, our expert instructor will then carry out an assessment ride to gauge your current riding abilities. From there, the tuition will be fully tailored to your personal needs and objectives.

All Riders Welcome

Train using your own motorcycle, all makes or models welcome! Alternatively, each centre has a fleet of class-leading BMW motorcycles available to hire, ideal if you're coming back to riding after a break.

1 on 1 Premium Training

Fully bespoke 1:1 training with an expert instructor from our senior team here at BMW Rider Training. Includes an initial riding assessment of your riding before tailoring the tuition t...

Road Skills - Level 2

3 day course designed to improve the ability of those who ride regularly, but may not cover many miles each year, or for those who may have developed bad habits. Train on your own motorcycle or use...

Road Skills - Level 3

3 day course designed for very experienced riders who already have a basic understanding of advanced riding techniques. The course is also ideal for IAM qualified individuals who wish to take their...


Very good experience. Particularly good was that Ian took the time to discuss my previous experience, my expectations and my anxieties. Ian was a patient with me and gave an air of confidence to me after decades of not having ridden a motorbike.

FireBike Better Biking Course

You can’t get any cheaper than free, which puts this course first on our list. There is a caveat, which is that this course only takes place in Essex. The FireBike initiative is part of the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service’s Road Traffic Collision (RTC) Reduction Team.

Enhanced Rider Scheme

The DVSA Enhanced Rider Scheme checks your riding skills and helps guide you to become a better, more proficient rider. You’ll firstly have a rider assessment in different conditions with the trainer.


BikeSafe is a national Police run motorcycle initiative that aims to work with riders in a relaxed environment to raise awareness of the value of progressing on to accredited post-test training.


The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents is a charitable organisation that offers several levels of training and examination. The training is provided by a number of regional RoSPA Advanced Drivers & Riders groups (RoADAR).

Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM)

The IAM are the largest road safety charity in the UK and they have been championing the cause since 1956. Their Roadsmart initiative aims to improve the standard of riding on the roads, improve road safety and offer a nationally recognised advanced test.

What is the experience rider course?

The Experienced RiderCourse also covers protective gear, rider responsibility, motorcycle inspection and care, the effects of alcohol and other drugs on riding, and includes an optional skill evaluation and knowledge test.

What is a motorcycle safety course?

Riders must provide their own street-legal and safe motorcycle. A one-day course for riders with basic skills, this class provides more in-depth riding techniques and procedures than practiced in the BRC. The course consists of activities that emphasize personal risk management and self-assessment strategies, and on-cycle exercises ...

Why do you need advanced riding?

Not only can training save you money on your motorbike insurance premiums, but it might also save you from potential accidents by preparing you to avoid dangerous situations before they become a problem. And advanced motorbike training is often less ...

Why is advanced riding important?

The main benefit of all advanced training is that it helps manage the practical aspects of everyday riding. That includes spotting potential hazards and dangers before they become a problem. And that allows you to minimise your risks and have more fun on your bike. Many of the solutions are fairly simple.

What is the main money saving from taking further motorcycle courses and tests?

The main money saving from taking further motorcycle courses and tests is the discount on your insurance premium. Many insurers will recognise the qualifications issued by RoSPA, the IAM, the BMF and the Enhanced Rider Scheme.

What is the worst case scenario for bike insurance?

The worst case scenario is that the insurance saving covers most of the cost of your advanced bike training. And you still get the safety benefits, plus any saving on fuel, tyres and other consumables from riding more smoothly. And you can’t really complain about becoming a better, safer rider for free. Share:

How long do you have to hold your riding certification?

You’ll then hold that certification for a set period of years. The exception is the Government Enhanced Rider Scheme which has no expiry on your assessment.

Can you do a tight U turn after getting your license?

And that training would have been tailored specifically to the test requirements, not necessarily for everyday riding. It’s rare that anyone wants to perform a tight, feet-up U-turn on their bike after getting their license, unless they’re competing in a trials event, for example.

Is advanced bike training expensive?

And advanced motorbike training is often less expensive than you might imagine. That makes it a great way to improve your riding, save some money, and also meet other local riders. Dan Thornton from ResCogs gives us insight into the benefits and features of advanced rider qualifications in this in-depth guide.

What is an experienced rider?

For the purposes of this course, an experienced rider is one who has the basic skills and is a current rider with a motorcycle license. The ARC is designed to complement and build on the skills learned and practiced in other rider courses.

How long is a motorcycle class?

It is an all-day class consisting of approximately three hours of classroom activities and five hours of riding exercises. Participants use their personal motorcycle. Personal motorcycles must be street legal, must be in good operating condition and must pass a routine pre-ride check, T-CLOC, given as a part of the course.

How many questions are required to pass the Maryland Motorcycle Safety Program?

To complete the course riders must pass a 20-question knowledge test administered at the end of the classroom activities. Riders must also meet the objectives of the riding activities. Riders completing the course will receive a Maryland Motorcycle Safety Program Completion Card.

What is an ARC motorcycle?

The Advanced Rider Course (ARC) The Advanced Rider Course (ARC) is the civilian version of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation military sport bike course but it can be taken on any stock street legal motorcycle. It is a course designed for experienced riders.

How long is the ARC class?

It is an all-day class consisting of approximately three hours of classroom activities and five hours of riding exercises.

Can you ride a motorcycle if it's wet?

Ideally, motorcycle specific riding gear should be used. Because of the high level of traction required, riding activities will NOT be conducted if the riding surface is wet. The classroom activities will be conducted, and the riding portion rescheduled for another time.
