which of the following results are most likely to be observed in aurora? course hero

by Fredy Graham 10 min read

Which organs are most closely associated with an increase in CEA?

uric acid. An increase in CEA levels is most closely associated with which of the following organs: Please select the single best answer. Heart. Bone. Colon.

What is the color of the nucleus?

Pale blue cytoplasm. Nucleus may be oval or indented.

What is the most important system in the body?

Please select the single best answer. correct carbonic acid level, since it is the most important system in the body. a normal pH. normal p02 and pCo2 for normal respiration. correct bicarbonate level, since it is the most important system in the body.

What is the term for failure to mix a specimen containing an anticoagulant by inverting the sealed specimen

clots in specimen: Failure to mix a specimen containing an anticoagulant by inverting the sealed specimen container several times after collection of the specimen. hemolysis: Puncture of the cleansed site before alcohol is completely dry.

Is more than one answer correct?

More than one answer is correct. Please select all correct answers

Is the weak D test adn control positve?

the weak D test adn control would be positve

Do red cells have a positive DAT?

donor red cells have a positive DAT

What is a 5-year-old boy evaluated for?

A 5-year-old boy is evaluated for slight jaundice and a tender abdomen. The CBC and morphology

What is the result of spherocytosis?

for hereditary spherocytosis the result is increased osmotic fragility. Osmotic fragility tests demonstrate increased red blood cell fragility (or likelihood of lysing) in blood specimens in which red cells have decreased surface area-to-volume ratios (as is true of spherocytes). The test is used to measure erythrocyte resistance to hemolysis while being exposed to varying concentrations of a saline solution (aka hypotonic solution). In a hypotonic solution (less solute concentration and more water), more water will enter the cell (high to low concentration inside the cell) to dilute the intracellular contents until equilibrium is reached. As this occurs, the red cell swells. As the red cells are subjected to increasingly hypotonic solutions, even more water will enter the cell until the internal volume is too great and the cell lyses. Since spherocytes already have a decreased surface area-to-volume ratio, they lyse in less hypotonic solution than normal red cells, and thus have increased osmotic fragility

What is the Coomb's test?

This test is used to see if the cause for the hemolytic anemia is immune related. Used to determine/look for if red cells in vivo have been coated with immunoglobulin (antibody), complement, or both, which is what is making the red cells for lysis. Also known at the Coomb's test. Coomb's reagent is a combination of anti-human globulin (AHG) ...
