what are some ethical isues surroundng sterlilization? course hero

by Marianne Balistreri 3 min read

What are some of the ethical issues surrounding sterilization? Eugenic sterilization is abhorrent to many people. Many believe that it is unacceptable for the federal government to dispense contraceptive devises in public schools. Some courts suggest that habitual and violent sex offenders should be sterilized.

Full Answer

Why are Medicaid consent requirements for sterilization merit revision?

Why is sterilization important?

What are the recommendations for sterilization?

Why do women feel dissatisfied with sterilization?

What kind of counseling should a gynecologist provide?

Why can't a physician sterilize a patient?

What is reproductive justice framework?

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Sterilization for Women and Men | ACOG

Benefits: It is effective right away. You do not need to use a backup method of birth control. Risks: As with any type of surgery, there is a risk of bleeding, problems with wound healing, infection, and complications from the anesthesia used.Other organs in the pelvis can be injured during the surgery. Your risk of these complications is increased if you also have a serious health condition.

Ethical Issues in Sterilization of Women | MDedge ObGyn

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Committee on Ethics has issued a committee opinion that reviews ethical issues related to the sterilization of women and outlines an approach to providing permanent sterilization without a reproductive justice framework that recognizes that all women have a right to pursue and to prevent pregnancy.

Committee Opinion No. 695: Sterilization of Women: Ethical I ... - LWW

erforms, it is enormously complex when considered from a historical, sociological, or ethical perspective. Sterilization practices have embodied a problematic tension, in which some women who desired fertility were sterilized without their knowledge or consent, and other women who wanted sterilization to limit their family size lacked access to it. An ethical approach to the provision of ...

Risks and side effects or female sterilization - SterilizationAunty

Since tubal ligation and other female sterilization methods are abdominal surgeries, they come with a few rare risks and side effects.

Ethical issues relating to reproduction control and women's health

There are many ethical aspects which derive from the application of reproduction control in women's health. Women's health can be enhanced if women are given the opportunity to make their own reproduction choices about sex, contraception, abortion and application of reproductive technologies. The ma …

Practical, Moral, and Spiritual Implications of Sterilization

There are no direct and easy answers to the questions you’ve raised. Though it’s possible to find equally committed Christians with strong opinions on both sides of the issue, the fact remains that the Bible does not directly address all of the moral and spiritual implications of many modern medical procedures such as vasectomy and tubal ligation.

Why are Medicaid consent requirements for sterilization merit revision?

Many clinicians and policy researchers have suggested that Medicaid consent requirements for sterilization merit revision because they present a barrier to desired sterilization for some women 10 11 12.

Why is sterilization important?

Permanent sterilization permits heterosexually active women to enjoy their sexual lives without fear of pregnancy. Thus, sterilization is a route to reproductive autonomy for women. At the same time, sterilization also can result in reproductive injustice, as it did historically in the United States when many low-income women and women of color were involuntarily sterilized as part of state and federally funded programs 1. An ethical approach to the provision of sterilization must, therefore, promote access for women who wish to use sterilization as a method of contraception, but at the same time safeguard against coercive or otherwise unjust uses.

What are the recommendations for sterilization?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (the College) makes the following recommendations regarding the permanent sterilization of women: Respect for an individual woman’s reproductive autonomy should be the primary concern guiding sterilization provision and policy.

Why do women feel dissatisfied with sterilization?

Indeed, dissatisfaction with a sterilization decision is most likely in women whose reasons for sterilization are issues other than a desire for no further children (eg, for reasons of marital or relationship difficulties, or other stressful life circumstances) 32.

What kind of counseling should a gynecologist provide?

Obstetrician–gynecologists should provide presterilization counseling that includes a discussion of a woman’s reproductive desires and places her wishes at the center of care. Patient counseling should emphasize the permanence of sterilization and include information about reversible alternatives, especially long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) methods, which are as effective as permanent sterilization.

Why can't a physician sterilize a patient?

If individual physicians or institutions will not provide sterilization because of personal religious beliefs or institutional policy, patients must be informed as early as possible and provided with an alternative form of contraception that is acceptable to the patient or be referred elsewhere for care.

What is reproductive justice framework?

In this framework “reproductive rights” are something broader than access to contraception and abortion alone; that is, a reproductive justice framework, as defined by advocates who first originated the term, recognizes that women’s reproductive rights include the right to have children, not to have children, and to parent in safe and humane conditions 13. A reproductive justice framework also necessarily acknowledges the ways in which gender, race, and socioeconomic status shape reproductive health care experiences, care provision, and reproductive health policy. Sterilization of women with cognitive disabilities raises a host of additional ethical issues and is beyond the scope of this document.

What is the purpose of the AAP and ACOG?

As a result of these abuses of the medical system, both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of OBGYN (ACOG) have published policy statements on when and how minors can undergo sterilization. The goal of these policy statements is to protect the rights of minor patients who may not be able to speak for themselves ...

Why is there so much oversight of eugenics?

The background of this subject and the main reason why there has been so much oversight provided is that in the past, eugenics and other movements to limit reproduction of certain elements of our society led to mistreatment of our most vulnerable patients . The desire to prevent patients with diagnoses such as Trisomy 21 or mental retardation from procreating and potentially bringing more children with these problems into the population resulted in young adults being sterilized, often without any oversight as to whether this was the right thing to do or not.

When did Minnesota start sterilizing minors?

Children’s Minnesota Ethics Committee first developed a policy on Permanent Sterilization of Minors In Non-life-threatening Conditions in 2005 and revised it in 2016. The process is designed to make sure that other, non-permanent options are considered first (primarily for females) and the best interests of the minor patient are protected.

How old do you have to be to be involved in court?

If the patient is less than 18 years old, court involvement is not necessary. However, if the patient is 18 years old or older, court involvement may be necessary, especially if the parents have not been granted guardianship by the courts.

Why would a male child never be able to care for a child?

For males, the main issue is a parental perception that their son would never be able to care for a child, typically due to significant mental impairment.

Is sterilization of minors uncommon?

Sterilization of minors is an uncommon procedure in pediatric practices, but an important one to understand if a family requests information about it. This article will help to understand what the ethical issues are and how to proceed if it is requested for your patient.

Can a minor consent to invasive procedures?

Because minor patients cannot legally consent to invasive procedures, their parents are given the right as surrogate decision makers to make decisions for them – as long as they are acting in the best interests of their child.

Why are Medicaid consent requirements for sterilization merit revision?

Many clinicians and policy researchers have suggested that Medicaid consent requirements for sterilization merit revision because they present a barrier to desired sterilization for some women 10 11 12.

Why is sterilization important?

Permanent sterilization permits heterosexually active women to enjoy their sexual lives without fear of pregnancy. Thus, sterilization is a route to reproductive autonomy for women. At the same time, sterilization also can result in reproductive injustice, as it did historically in the United States when many low-income women and women of color were involuntarily sterilized as part of state and federally funded programs 1. An ethical approach to the provision of sterilization must, therefore, promote access for women who wish to use sterilization as a method of contraception, but at the same time safeguard against coercive or otherwise unjust uses.

What are the recommendations for sterilization?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (the College) makes the following recommendations regarding the permanent sterilization of women: Respect for an individual woman’s reproductive autonomy should be the primary concern guiding sterilization provision and policy.

Why do women feel dissatisfied with sterilization?

Indeed, dissatisfaction with a sterilization decision is most likely in women whose reasons for sterilization are issues other than a desire for no further children (eg, for reasons of marital or relationship difficulties, or other stressful life circumstances) 32.

What kind of counseling should a gynecologist provide?

Obstetrician–gynecologists should provide presterilization counseling that includes a discussion of a woman’s reproductive desires and places her wishes at the center of care. Patient counseling should emphasize the permanence of sterilization and include information about reversible alternatives, especially long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) methods, which are as effective as permanent sterilization.

Why can't a physician sterilize a patient?

If individual physicians or institutions will not provide sterilization because of personal religious beliefs or institutional policy, patients must be informed as early as possible and provided with an alternative form of contraception that is acceptable to the patient or be referred elsewhere for care.

What is reproductive justice framework?

In this framework “reproductive rights” are something broader than access to contraception and abortion alone; that is, a reproductive justice framework, as defined by advocates who first originated the term, recognizes that women’s reproductive rights include the right to have children, not to have children, and to parent in safe and humane conditions 13. A reproductive justice framework also necessarily acknowledges the ways in which gender, race, and socioeconomic status shape reproductive health care experiences, care provision, and reproductive health policy. Sterilization of women with cognitive disabilities raises a host of additional ethical issues and is beyond the scope of this document.
